Defence before Constantius
29.Athanasius has heard of his own proscription.
Such were the rumours that were noised abroad; and although everything was thus turned upside down, I still did not relinquish my earnest desire of coming to your Piety, but was again setting forward on my journey. And I did so the more eagerly, being confident that these proceedings were contrary to your wishes, and that if your Grace should be informed of what was done, you would prevent it for the time to come. For I could not think that a righteous king could wish Bishops to be banished, and virgins to be stripped, or the Churches to be in any way disturbed. While I thus reasoned and hastened on my journey, behold a third report reached me, to the effect that letters had been written to the Princes of Auxumis, desiring that Frumentius 1, Bishop of Auxumis, should be brought from thence, and that search should be made for me even as far as the country of the Barbarians, that I might be handed over to the Commentaries 2(https://bkv.unifr.ch/works/241/versions/1482/scans/as they are called) of the Prefects, and that all the laity and clergy should be compelled to communicate with the Arian heresy, and that such as would not comply with this order should be put to death. To shew that these were not merely idle rumours, but that they were confirmed by facts, since your Grace has given me leave, I produce the letter. My enemies were constantly reading it, and threatening each one with death.
[Prolegg. ch. ii. §§4, 7, 8 (1).] ↩
That is, the prison. ‘The official books,’ Montfaucon (apparently) inOnomast.vid. Gothofr.Cod. Theod.ix. 3. 1. 5. However, in ix. 30. p. 243. he says, Malim pro ipsa custodia accipere. And so Du Cangein voc.,and this meaning is here followed, vid. supr.Apol. contr. Arian.§8, where commentarius is translated ‘jailor.’ ↩
Apologie de Saint Athanase à l'Empereur Constance
Malgré ces rumeurs et le bouleversement de toutes choses, je ne ralentis pas mon empressement et je me mis en route pour me rendre auprès de ta Piété; je mettais d’autant plus d’ardeur que j’étais convaincu que ces choses se faisaient contre la pensée de ta Piété. Je me disais que, si ton Humanité apprenait ce qui se passait, elle l’empêcherait de se renouveler à l’avenir car un religieux empereur ne peut vouloir que des évêques soient bannis, des vierges dépouillées et les églises jetées dans le trouble. Telles étaient mes réflexions et je m’empressais sur les chemins; mais voici que m’arrive une troisième nouvelle. On dit que des lettres ordonnent aux tyrans d’Axum de renvoyer l’évêque Frumentius,
De me rechercher jusque chez les barbares, de m’amener sous escorte conformément au formulaire des préfets, de contraindre les peuples et les clercs de communiquer avec l’hérésie arienne, et, s’ils n’obéissaient pas, de les faire périr. Et ce n’était pas une simple rumeur; les faits mêmes parlaient. Si ton Humanité le permet, voici la lettre que ces malheureux lisaient sans cesse, avec menace de mort.