Histoire ecclésiastique
[1] C'est là aussi qu'Astyrius est mentionné pour sa religieuse indépendance de langage; il était membre du Sénat de Rome, ami des empereurs et célèbre parmi tous par sa haute naissance et sa fortune. Il était auprès du martyr quand il fut achevé ; il mit le cadavre sur son épaule, le déposa sur un vêtement brillant et très précieux, et l'emporta ; puis l'ayant enveloppé tout à fait richement, il le plaça dans le tombeau convenable. Ceux qui ont connu cet homme et qui ont vécu jusqu'à nous racontent mille autres choses ainsi que le prodige suivant.1
Rufin ajoute à propos d'Astyrius : « honorem, quem martyri detulit continuo ipse martyr adsequitur ». Eusèbe ne dit rien de semblable. ↩
The Church History of Eusebius
Chapter XVI.--Story in Regard to Astyrius.
Astyrius 1 also is commemorated on account of his pious boldness in connection with this affair. He was a Roman of senatorial rank, and in favor with the emperors, and well known to all on account of his noble birth and wealth. Being present at the martyr's death, he took his body away on his shoulder, and arraying him in a splendid and costly garment, prepared him for the grave in a magnificent manner, and gave him fitting burial. 2 The friends of this man, that remain to our day, relate many other facts concerning him.
We know nothing more about this Astyrius than is recorded here. Rufinus, in his H. E. VII. 13, tells us that he suffered martyrdom at about this time; but Eusebius says nothing of the kind, and it is therefore not at all probable that Rufinus is correct. He probably concluded, from Eusebius' account of him, that he also suffered martyrdom. ↩
Burton and Crusè close the chapter at this point, throwing the next sentence into chap. 17. Such a transposition, however, is unnecessary, and I have preferred to follow Valesius, Heinichen, Schwegler, and other editors, in dividing as above. ↩