Histoire ecclésiastique
Les évangélistes Matthieu et Luc donnent différemment la généalogie du Christ. C'est pourquoi beaucoup ont pense qu'ils se contredisaient, et, parmi les fidèles, il est arrivé que dans l'ignorance du vrai, chacun s'est efforcé d'imaginer des raisons pour expliquer ces passages. Nous allons reproduire ici l'explication qui est venue jusqu'à nous; nous la trouvons dans une lettre écrite à Aristide, sur l'accord de la généa- 63 logie dans les évangiles, par Africain, l'auteur dont nous avons parlé un peu plus haut. Il réfute d'abord les explications différentes de la sienne, comme forcées ou erronées, et il rapporte en ces termes l'information qu'il a recueillie sur ce sujet (voy. l'Appendice) :
« [2] Les noms des générations chez les Israélites étaient comptés selon l'ordre de la nature ou l'ordre de la loi. Le premier suppose la filiation paternelle; dans le second, un frère engendrait des enfants sous le nom de son frère mort sans en avoir. L'espérance de la résurrection n'était en effet pas clairement donnée aux Juifs, la promesse n'en devant arriver que plus tard ; ils la figuraient par une sorte de résurrection mortelle où le nom du trépassé demeurait en se perpétuant. [3] Parmi ceux dont il est question dans cette généalogie, les uns succèdent par naissance à leur père ; les autres, au contraire, sont des enfants qui ont été engendrés pour d'autres et qui portent le nom d'autrui. Ces deux catégories de fils, par naissance paternelle ou par attribution, ont été mentionnées. [4] Ainsi ni l'un ni l'autre des évangiles ne dit rien de contraire à la vérité ; c'est tantôt l'ordre de la nature et tantôt celui de la loi qui est suivi. Les générations sorties de Salomon et les générations sorties de Nathan sont embrouillés les unes dans les autres : des substitutions au bénéfice de ceux qui étaient sans enfants, des secondes noces, des attributions de descendants sont les causes pour lesquelles les mêmes fils sont imputés justement soit aux pères putatifs, soit aux pères réels. De la sorte, les deux récits se trouvent entièrement vrais, et l'on arrive à Joseph d'une façon très compliquée, mais pourtant exacte.
« [5] Afin d'expliquer clairement ce que j'avance, j'exposerai l'interversion (voy. l'Appendice) des descendances. A compter les générations a partir de David par Salomon, on trouve que le troisième avant la fin est Mathan qui a engendré Jacob, père de Joseph ; selon Luc, depuis Nathan, fils de David, celui qui est semblablement le troisième avant la fin est Melchi : car Joseph est le fils d'Héli, fils de Melchi. [6] Eh bien, notre terme étant Joseph, il faut montrer comment tous les deux sont présentés comme son père, et Jacob, de la descendance de Salomon, et Héli, de celle de Nathan ; tout d'abord comment Jacob et Héli étaient frères ; auparavant comment leurs pères, Mathan et Melchi, quoique n'étant pus de même race, sont déclarés grands-pères de Joseph.
« [7] D'abord, Mathan et Melchi épousèrent successivement la même femmeet eurent des enfants; qui étaient frères utérins. La loi ne défendait pas à une femme sans mari, soit qu'elle fût répudiée, soit que le mari fût mort, de se remarier. [8] De cette femme dont on a conservé le nom, Estha, Mathan de la descendance de Salomon, eut d'abord un fils, Jacob, puis il mourut ; Melchi de la descendance de Nathan, épouse sa veuve. Il était de la même tribu, mais non de la même famille, comme je l'ai dit plus haut, et il eut d'elle Héli comme fils. [9] Ainsi donc Jacob et Héli, qui appartenaient à deux descendances différentes, étaient frères de mère. 67 Hêli mourut sans fils : alors, Jacob, son frère, épousa sa femme et troisièmement (voy. l'Appendice) eut d'elle Joseph, qui est son fils selon la nature (ainsi que le porte le texte où il est écrit : « Jacob a engendré Joseph »). Mais selon la loi, il était le fils d'Héli; car c'est à Héli que Jacob, en sa qualité de frère, avait suscité un descendant, [10] Voilà comment la généalogie, quant à lui, ne peut pas être considérée comme inexacte. Matthieu l'évangélise l'expose ainsi : « Jacob, dit-il. engendra Joseph ». Luc reprend à son tour : « lequel était fils, selon l'attribution (car il ajoute cette remarque), de Joseph, fils d'Héli, fils de Melchi ». Il n'est pas possible d'exprimer plus clairement la descendance légale. Luc s'abstient complètement, jusqu'à la fin, du mot : « engendra », dans le dénombrement de tant de générations, et il conduit son énumération jusqu'à « Adam qui fut de Dieu. »
« [11] Ceci n'est pas une affirmation dénuée de preuve et faite à la légère. Les parents du Sauveur, selon la chair, dans le désir de vanter leur origine ou simplement de nous l'apprendre, en tout cas conformément à la vérité, ont aussi ajouté ceci (voy. l'Appendice) . Des brigands Iduméens vinrent à Ascalon, ville de Palestine : d'un petit temple d'Apollon qui était bâti les remparts, ils enlevèrent, avec le reste de leur butin un enfant appelé Antipater, fils d'Hérode, un Hiérodule, et ils l'emmenèrent comme leur prisonnier. Le prêtre ne put payer la rançon de son fils et celui-ci fut élevé selon les coutumes des Iduméens. Plus tard il fui aime d'Hyrcan, grand prêtre de Judée, [12] qui renvoya comme ambassadeur auprès de Pompée. Il 69 obtint pour son maître le royaume des Juifs, dont son frère Aristobule avait usurpé une partie, tandis que lui-même, parvenu au comble de la fortune, était nommé épimélète (voy. l'Appendice) de Palestine. Le grand bonheur d'Antipater lui valut des envieux ; il fut tué par trahison. Son fils Hérode lui succéda, et, plus tard, Antoine et Auguste, par un décret du sénat, l'appelèrent au trône des Juifs. Il eut pour fils Hérode et les autres tétrarques. Ceci est en accord avec les histoires des Grecs.
« [13] On avait conservé jusqu'à cette époque, dans les archives, les généalogies des familles vraiment hébraïques et de celles qui tiraient leur origine de prosélytes comme Achior l'Ammanite et Ruth la Moabite, ainsi que les listes de ceux qui étaient sortis d'Égypte avec les Juifs et s'étaient mêlés à eux. Hérode n'avait aucun intérêt à ces traditions d'Israélites ; le souvenir de sa naissance obscure le choquait ; il fit donc brûler les registres de ces généalogies. Il lui semblait qu'il commencerait à paraître de race noble dès que nul ne pourrait plus alléguer les témoignages authentiques de sa propre descendance, qu'elle vint des patriarches ou des prosélytes ou des étrangers alliés aux Israélites et appelés géores (voy. l'Appendice).
« [14] Des gens avisés en petit nombre gardèrent dans leur mémoire les noms de leur propre généalogie ou en conservèrent des copies : ils étaient très fiers d'avoir sauvé le souvenir do leur noblesse. Parmi eux se trouvaient ceux dont j'ai parlé plus haut, qu'on nomme dominicaux à cause de leur parenté avec le Sauveur : partis des bourgs juifs de Nazareth et de 71 Cochaba, ils s'étaient dispersés dans le reste du pays et avaient recherché avec tout le soin dont ils étaient capables la suite de leur lignée dans le Livre des Jours.
« [15] En est-il ainsi ou autrement ? je ne crois pas u'il soit possible de trouver une explication plus claire et tout homme sensé est de cet avis. Qu'elle nous suffise donc, quoiqu'elle ne soit pas appuyée de preuves. Nous n'avons rien à dire de meilleur ni de plus vrai. Du reste, l'Évangile est entièrement dans la vérité. »
[16] A la fin de la même lettre, Africain ajoute ceci :
« Mathan descendant de Salomon, engendra Jacob ; Mathan mort, Melchi, de la race de Nathan, engendra de la même femme Héli : Héli et Jacob étaient donc frères utérins. Héli, mort sans enfant, Jacob lui suscita un descendant, il engendra Joseph qui était son fils selon la nature, et selon la loi était fils d'Héli. Voilà comment Joseph est le fils de tous deux. »
Telles sont les paroles d'Africain.
[17] La généalogie de Joseph ainsi établie, Marie apparaît forcément avec lui, comme appartenant à la même tribu que lui. La loi de Moïse ne permettait pas à un Israélite de contracter mariage dans d'autres tribus que la sienne : on devait se marier dans son bourg et dans la tribu où l'on était né, de façon à ce que le patrimoine ne passât pas d'une tribu à une autre. Mais en voilà assez sur ce sujet.
The Church History of Eusebius
Chapter VII.--The Alleged Discrepancy in the Gospels in regard to the Genealogy of Christ.
1. Matthew and Luke in their gospels have given us the genealogy of Christ differently, and many suppose that they are at variance with one another. Since as a consequence every believer, in ignorance of the truth, has been zealous to invent some explanation which shall harmonize the two passages, permit us to subjoin the account of the matter which has come down to us, 1 and which is given by Africanus, who was mentioned by us just above, in his epistle to Aristides, 2 where he discusses the harmony of the gospel genealogies. After refuting the opinions of others as forced and deceptive, he give the account which he had received from tradition 3 in these words:
2. "For whereas the names of the generations were reckoned in Israel either according to nature or according to law;--according to nature by the succession of legitimate offspring, and according to law whenever another raised up a child to the name of a brother dying childless; 4 for because a clear hope of resurrection was not yet given they had a representation of the future promise by a kind of mortal resurrection, in order that the name of the one deceased might be perpetuated;--
3. whereas then some of those who are inserted in this genealogical table succeeded by natural descent, the son to the father, while others, though born of one father, were ascribed by name to another, mention was made of both of those who were progenitors in fact and of those who were so only in name.
4. Thus neither of the gospels is in error, for one reckons by nature, the other by law. For the line of descent from Solomon and that from Nathan 5 were so involved, the one with the other, by the raising up of children to the childless and by second marriages, that the same persons are justly considered to belong at one time to one, at another time to another; that is, at one time to the reputed fathers, at another to the actual fathers. So that both these accounts are strictly true and come down to Joseph with considerable intricacy indeed, yet quite accurately.
5. But in order that what I have said may be made clear I shall explain the interchange of the generations. If we reckon the generations from David through Solomon, the third from the end is found to be Matthan, who begat Jacob the father of Joseph. But if, with Luke, we reckon them from Nathan the son of David, in like manner the third from the end is Melchi, 6 whose son Eli was the father of Joseph. For Joseph was the son of Eli, the son of Melchi.
6. Joseph therefore being the object proposed to us, it must be shown how it is that each is recorded to be his father, both Jacob, who derived his descent from Solomon, and Eli, who derived his from Nathan; first how it is that these two, Jacob and Eli, were brothers, and then how it is that their fathers, Matthan and Melchi, although of different families, are declared to be grandfathers of Joseph.
7. Matthan and Melchi having married in succession the same woman, begat children who were uterine brothers, for the law did not prohibit a widow, whether such by divorce or by the death of her husband, from marrying another.
8. By Estha 7 then (for this was the woman's name according to tradition) Matthan, a descendant of Solomon, first begat Jacob. And when Matthan was dead, Melchi, who traced his descent back to Nathan, being of the same tribe 8 but of another family, 9 married her as before said, and begat a son Eli.
9. Thus we shall find the two, Jacob and Eli, although belonging to different families, yet brethren by the same mother. Of these the one, Jacob, when his brother Eli had died childless, took the latter's wife and begat by her a son 10 Joseph, his own son by nature 11 and in accordance with reason. Wherefore also it is written: Jacob begat Joseph.' 12 But according to law 13 he was the son of Eli, for Jacob, being the brother of the latter, raised up seed to him.
10. Hence the genealogy traced through him will not be rendered void, which the evangelist Matthew in his enumeration gives thus: Jacob begat Joseph.' But Luke, on the other hand, says: Who was the son, as was supposed' 14 (for this he also adds), of Joseph, the son of Eli, the son of Melchi'; for he could not more clearly express the generation according to law. And the expression he begat' he has omitted in his genealogical table up to the end, tracing the genealogy back to Adam the son of God. This interpretation is neither incapable of proof nor is it an idle conjecture. 15
11. For the relatives of our Lord according to the flesh, whether with the desire of boasting or simply wishing to state the fact, in either case truly, have handed down the following account: 16 Some Idumean robbers, 17 having attacked Ascalon, a city of Palestine, carried away from a temple of Apollo which stood near the walls, in addition to other booty, Antipater, son of a certain temple slave named Herod. And since the priest 18 was not able to pay the ransom for his son, Antipater was brought up in the customs of the Idumeans, and afterward was befriended by Hyrcanus, the high priest of the Jews.
12. And having been sent by Hyrcanus on an embassy to Pompey, and having restored to him the kingdom which had been invaded by his brother Aristobulus, he had the good fortune to be named procurator of Palestine. 19 But Antipater having been slain by those who were envious of his great good fortune 20 was succeeded by his son Herod, who was afterward, by a decree of the senate, made King of the Jews 21 under Antony and Augustus. His sons were Herod and the other tetrarchs. 22 These accounts agree also with those of the Greeks. 23
13. But as there had been kept in the archives 24 up to that time the genealogies of the Hebrews as well as of those who traced their lineage back to proselytes, 25 such as Achior 26 the Ammonite and Ruth the Moabitess, and to those who were mingled with the Israelites and came out of Egypt with them, Herod, inasmuch as the lineage of the Israelites contributed nothing to his advantage, and since he was goaded with the consciousness of his own ignoble extraction, burned all the genealogical records, 27 thinking that he might appear of noble origin if no one else were able, from the public registers, to trace back his lineage to the patriarchs or proselytes and to those mingled with them, who were called Georae. 28
14. A few of the careful, however, having obtained private records of their own, either by remembering the names or by getting them in some other way from the registers, pride themselves on preserving the memory of their noble extraction. Among these are those already mentioned, called Desposyni, 29 on account of their connection with the family of the Saviour. Coming from Nazara and Cochaba, 30 villages of Judea, 31 into other parts of the world, they drew the aforesaid genealogy from memory 32 and from the book of daily records 33 as faithfully as possible.
15. Whether then the case stand thus or not no one could find a clearer explanation, according to my own opinion and that of every candid person. And let this suffice us, for, although we can urge no testimony in its support, 34 we have nothing better or truer to offer. In any case the Gospel states the truth." And at the end of the same epistle he adds these words: "Matthan, who was descended from Solomon, begat Jacob. And when Matthan was dead, Melchi, who was descended from Nathan begat Eli by the same woman. Eli and Jacob were thus uterine brothers. Eli having died childless, Jacob raised up seed to him, begetting Joseph, his own son by nature, but by law the son of Eli. Thus Joseph was the son of both."
17. Thus far Africanus. And the lineage of Joseph being thus traced, Mary also is virtually shown to be of the same tribe with him, since, according to the law of Moses, intermarriages between different tribes were not permitted. 35 For the command is to marry one of the same family 36 and lineage, 37 so that the inheritance may not pass from tribe to tribe. This may suffice here.
"Over against the various opinions of uninstructed apologists for the Gospel history, Eusebius introduces this account of Africanus with the words, ten peri touton katelthousan eis hemas historian." (Spitta.) ↩
On Africanus, see Bk. VI. chap. 31. Of this Aristides to whom the epistle is addressed we know nothing. He must not be confounded with the apologist Aristides, who lived in the reign of Trajan (see below, Bk. IV. c. 3). Photius (Bibl. 34) mentions this epistle, but tells us nothing about Aristides himself. The epistle exists in numerous fragments, from which Spitta (Der Brief des Julius Africanus an Aristides kritisch untersucht und hergestellt, Halle, 1877) attempts to reconstruct the original epistle. His work is the best and most complete upon the subject. Compare Routh, Rel. Sacrae, II. pp. 228-237 and pp. 329-356, where two fragments are given and discussed at length. The epistle (as given by Mai) is translated in the Ante-Nicene Fathers, Am. ed. VI. p. 125 ff. The attempt of Africanus is, so far as we know, the first critical attempt to harmonize the two genealogies of Christ. The question had been the subject merely of guesses and suppositions until his time. He approaches the matter in a free critical spirit (such as seems always to have characterized him), and his investigations therefore deserve attention. He holds that both genealogies are those of Joseph, and this was the unanimous opinion of antiquity, though, as he says, the discrepancies were reconciled in various ways. Africanus himself, as will be seen, explains by the law of Levirate marriages, and his view is advocated by Mill (On the Mythical Interpretation of the Gospel, p. 201 sq.); but of this interpretation Rev. John Lightfoot justly says, "There is neither reason for it, nor, indeed, any foundation at all." Upon the supposition that both genealogies relate to Joseph the best explanation is that Matthew's table represents the royal line of legal successors to the throne of David, while Luke's gives the line of actual descent. This view is ably advocated by Hervey in Smith's Bible Dictionary (article Genealogy of Jesus). Another opinion which has prevailed widely since the Reformation is that Luke gives the genealogy of Mary. The view is defended very ingeniously by Weiss (Leben Jesu, I. 205, 2d edition). For further particulars see, besides the works already mentioned, the various commentaries upon Matthew and Luke and the various lives of Christ, especially Andrews', p. 55 sq. ↩
Eusebius makes a mistake in saying that Africanus had received the explanation which follows from tradition. For Africanus himself says expressly (§15, below) that his interpretation is not supported by testimony. Eusebius' error has been repeated by most writers upon the subject, but is exposed by Spitta, ibid. p. 63. ↩
The law is stated in Deut. xxv. 5 sq. ↩
Nathan was a son of David and Bathsheba, and therefore own brother of Solomon. ↩
Melchi, who is here given as the third from the end, is in our present texts of Luke the fifth (Luke iii. 24), Matthat and Levi standing between Melchi and Eli. It is highly probable that the text which Africanus followed omitted the two names Matthat and Levi (see Westcott and Hort's Greek Testament, Appendix, p. 57). It is impossible to suppose that Africanus in such an investigation as this could have overlooked two names by mistake if they had stood in his text of the Gospels. ↩
We know nothing more of Estha. Africanus probably refers to the tradition handed down by the relatives of Christ, who had, as he says, preserved genealogies which agreed with those of the Gospels. He distinguishes here what he gives on tradition from his own interpretation of the Gospel discrepancy upon which he is engaged. ↩
phule. ↩
genos. "In this place genos is used to denote family. Matthan and Melchi were of different families, but both belonged to the same Davidic race which was divided into two families, that of Solomon and that of Nathan" (Valesius). ↩
All the mss., and editions of Eusebius read triton instead of huion here. But it is very difficult to make any sense out of the word triton in this connection. We therefore prefer to follow Spitta (see ibid. pp. 87 sqq.) in reading huion instead of triton, an emendation which he has ventured to make upon the authority of Rufinus, who translates "genuit Joseph filium suum," showing no trace of a triton. The word triton is wanting also in three late Catenae which contain the fragments of Africanus' Epistle (compare Spitta, ibid. p. 117, note 12). ↩
kata logon. These words have caused translators and commentators great difficulty, and most of them seem to have missed their significance entirely. Spitta proposes to alter by reading kat?logon, but the emendation is unnecessary. The remarks which he makes (p. 89 sqq.) upon the relation between this sentence and the next are, however, excellent. It was necessary to Africanus' theory that Joseph should be allowed to trace his lineage through Jacob, his father "by nature," as well as through Eli, his father "by law," and hence the words kata logon are added and emphasized. He was his son by nature and therefore "rightfully to be reckoned as his son." This explains the Biblical quotation which follows: "Wherefore"--because he was Jacob's son by nature and could rightfully be reckoned in his line, and not only in the line of Eli--"it is written," &c. ↩
Matt. i. 6. ↩
See Rev. John Lightfoot's remarks on Luke iii. 23, in his Hebrew and Talmudical Exercitations on St. Luke. ↩
This passage has caused much trouble. Valesius remarks, "Africanus wishes to refer the words hos enomizeto (as was supposed') not only to the words huios 'Ioseph, but also to the words tou Eli, which follow, which although it is acute is nevertheless improper and foolish; for if Luke indicates that legal generation or adoption by the words hos enomizeto, as Africanus claims, it would follow that Christ was the son of Joseph by legal adoption in the same way that Joseph was the son of Eli. And thus it would be said that Mary, after the death of Joseph, married his brother, and that Christ was begotten by him, which is impious and absurd. And besides, if these words, hos enomizeto, are extended to the words tou Eli, in the same way they can be extended to all which follow. For there is no reason why they should be supplied in the second grade and not in the others." But against Valesius, Stroth says that Africanus seeks nothing in the words hos enomizeto, but in the fact that Luke says "he was the son of," while Matthew says "he begat." Stroth's interpretation is followed by Closs, Heinichen, and others, but Routh follows Valesius. Spitta discusses the matter carefully (p. 91 sq.), agreeing with Valesius that Africanus lays the emphasis upon the words hos enomizeto, but by an emendation (introducing a second hos enomizeto, and reading "who was the son, as was supposed, of Joseph, the son of Jacob, who was himself also the son, as was supposed,--for this he also adds,--of Eli, the son of Melchi") he applies the hos enomizeto only to the first and second members, and takes it in a more general sense to cover both cases, thus escaping Valesius' conclusions expressed above. The conjecture is ingenious, but is unwarranted and unnecessary. The words which occur in the next sentence, "and the expression, he begat' he has omitted," show that Africanus, as Stroth contends, lays the emphasis upon the difference of form in the two genealogies, "Son of" and "he begat." The best explanation seems to me to be that Africanus supposes Luke to have implied the legal generation in the words "the Son of," used in distinction from the definite expression "he begat," and that the words hos enomizeto, which "he also adds," simply emphasize this difference of expression by introducing a still greater ambiguity into Luke's mode of statement. He not only uses the words, the "Son of," which have a wide latitude, admitting any kind of sonship, but "he also adds," "as was supposed," showing, in Africanus' opinion, still more clearly that the list which follows is far from being a closely defined table of descent by "natural generation." ↩
This seems the best possible rendering of the Greek, which reads ten anaphoran poies?menos he& 240;s tou 'Adam, tou theou kat' an?lusin. oude men anapodeikton k.t.l., which is very dark, punctuated thus, and it is difficult to understand what is meant by kat' an?lusin in connection with the preceding words. (Crusè translates, "having traced it back as far as Adam, who was the son of God,' he resolves the whole series by referring back to God. Neither is this incapable of proof, nor is it an idle conjecture.") The objections which Spitta brings against the sentence in this form are well founded. He contends (p. 63 sqq.), and that rightly, that Africanus could not have written the sentence thus. In restoring the original epistle of Africanus, therefore, he throws the words kat' an?lusin into the next sentence, which disposes of the difficulty, and makes good sense. We should then read, "having traced it back as far as Adam, the Son of God. This interpretation (more literally, as an interpretation,' or by way of interpretation') is neither incapable of proof, nor is it an idle conjecture." That Africanus wrote thus I am convinced. But as Spitta shows, Eusebius must have divided the sentences as they now stand, for, according to his idea, that Africanus' account was one which he had received by tradition, the other mode of reading would be incomprehensible, though he probably did not understand much better the meaning of kat' an?lusin as he placed it. In translating Africanus' epistle here, I have felt justified in rendering it as Africanus probably wrote it, instead of following Eusebius' incorrect reproduction of it. ↩
The Greek reads: paredosan kai touto, "have handed down also." The kai occurs in all the mss. and versions of Eusebius, and was undoubtedly written by him, but Spitta supposes it an addition of Eusebius, caused, like the change in the previous sentence, by his erroneous conception of the nature of Africanus' interpretation. The kai is certainly troublesome if we suppose that all that precedes is Africanus' own interpretation of the Biblical lists, and not a traditional account handed down by the "relatives of our Lord"; and this, in spite of Eusebius' belief, we must certainly insist upon. We may therefore assume with Spitta that the kai did not stand in the original epistle as Africanus wrote it. The question arises, if what precedes is not given upon the authority of the "relatives of our Lord," why then is this account introduced upon their testimony, as if confirming the preceding? We may simply refer again to Africanus' words at the end of the extract (§15 below) to prove that his interpretation did not rest upon testimony, and then we may answer with Spitta that their testimony, which is appealed to in §14 below, was to the genealogies themselves, and in this Africanus wishes it to be known that they confirmed the Gospel lists. ↩
See above, chap. VI. notes 5 and 6. ↩
We should expect the word "temple-servant" again instead of "priest"; but, as Valesius remarks, "It was possible for the same person to be both priest and servant, if for instance it was a condition of priesthood that only captives should be made priests." And this was really the case in many places. ↩
Appointed by Julius Caesar in 47 b.c. (see chap. VI. note 1, above). ↩
He was poisoned by Malichus in 42 b.c. (see Josephus, Ant. XIV. 11. 4). ↩
Appointed king in 40 b.c. (see chap. VI. note 1, above). ↩
The ethnarch Archelaus (see chap. VI. note 18) and the tetrarchs Herod Antipas and Herod Philip II. ↩
Cf. Dion Cassius, XXXVII. 15 sqq. and Strabo, XVI. 2. 46. ↩
It was the custom of the Jews, to whom tribal and family descent meant so much, to keep copies of the genealogical records of the people in the public archives. Cf. e.g. Josephus, De Vita, §1, where he draws his own lineage from the public archives; and cf. Contra Apion. I. 7. ↩
achri proseluton. Heinichen and Burton read archiproseluton, "ancient proselytes." The two readings are about equally supported by ms. authority, but the same persons are meant here as at the end of the paragraph, where proselutous, not archiproselutous, occurs (cf. Spitta, pp. 97 sq., and Routh's Reliquiae Sacrae II. p. 347 sq., 2d ed.). ↩
Achior was a general of the Ammonites in the army of Holofernes, who, according to the Book of Judith, was a general of Nebuchadnezzar, king of the Assyrians, and was slain by the Jewish heroine, Judith. Achior is reported to have become afterward a Jewish proselyte. ↩
The Greek reads enepresen auton tas anagraphas ton genon, but, with Spitta, I venture, against all the Greek mss. to insert p?sas before tas anagraphas upon the authority of Rufinus and the author of the Syriac version, both of whom reproduce the word (cf. Spitta, p. 99 sq.). Africanus certainly supposed that Herod destroyed all the genealogical records, and not simply those of the true Jews. This account of the burning of the records given by Africanus is contradicted by history, for we learn from Josephus, De Vita, §1, that he drew his own lineage from the public records, which were therefore still in existence more than half a century after the time at which Herod is said to have utterly destroyed them. It is significant that Rufinus translates omnes Hebraeorum generationes descriptae in Archivis templi secretioribus habebantur. How old this tradition was we do not know; Africanus is the sole extant witness of it. ↩
tous te kaloumenous geioras. The word geioras occurs in the LXX. of Ex. xii. 19, where it translates the Hebrew gr The A.V. reads stranger, the R.V., sojourner, and Liddell and Scott give the latter meaning for the Greek word. See Valesius' note in loco, and Routh (II. p. 349 sq.), who makes some strictures upon Valesius' note. Africanus refers here to all those that came out from Egypt with the Israelites, whether native Egyptians, or foreigners resident in Egypt. Ex. xii. 38 tells us that a "mixed multitude" went out with the children of Israel (epimiktos polus), and Africanus just above speaks of them in the same way (epimikton). ↩
desposunoi: the persons called above (§11) the relatives of the Saviour according to the flesh (hoi kata s?rka sungeneis). The Greek word signifies "belonging to a master." ↩
Cochaba, according to Epiphanius (Haer. XXX. 2 and 16), was a village in Basanitide near Decapolis. It is noticeable that this region was the seat of Ebionism. There may therefore be significance in the care with which these Desposyni preserved the genealogy of Joseph, for the Ebionites believed that Christ was the real son of Joseph, and therefore Joseph's lineage was his. ↩
"Judea" is here used in the wider sense of Palestine as a whole, including the country both east and west of the Jordan. The word is occasionally used in this sense in Josephus; and so in Matt. xix. 1, and Mark x. 1, we read of "the coasts of Judea beyond Jordan." Ptolemy, Dion Cassius, and Strabo habitually employ the word in the wide sense. ↩
ek mnemes. These words are not found in any extant mss., but I have followed Stroth and others in supplying them for the following reasons. The Greek, as we have it, runs: kai ten prokeimenen genealogian ?k te tes biblou ton hemeron k.t.l. The particle te indicates plainly that some phrase has fallen out. Rufinus translates ordinem supra dictae generationis partim memoriter partim etiam ex dierum libris in quantum erat perdocebant. The words partim memoriter find no equivalent in the Greek as we have it, but the particle te, which still remains, shows that words which Rufinus translated thus must have stood originally in the Greek. The Syriac version also confirms the conclusion that something stood in the original which has since disappeared, though the rendering which it gives rests evidently upon a corrupt text (cf. Spitta, p. 101). Valesius suggests the insertion of apo mnemes, though he does not place the phrase in his text. Heinichen supplies mnemoneusantes, and is followed by Closs in his translation. Stroth, Migne, Routh, and Spitta read ek mnemes. The sense is essentially the same in each case. ↩
It has been the custom since Valesius, to consider this "Book of daily records" (biblos ton hemeron) the same as the "private records" (idiotikas apograph?s) mentioned just above. But this opinion has been combated by Spitta, and that with perfect right. The sentence is, in fact, an exact parallel to the sentence just above, where it is said that a few of the careful, either by means of their memory or by means of copies, were able to have "private records of their own." In the present sentence it is said that "they drew the aforesaid genealogy (viz., the private records of their own') from memory, or from the Book of daily records" (which corresponds to the copies referred to above). This book of daily records is clearly, therefore, something other than the idiotikas apographas, but exactly what we are to understand by it is not so easy to say. It cannot denote the regular public records (called the archives above), for these were completed, and would not need to be supplemented by memory; and apparently, according to Africanus' opinion, these private records were made after the destruction of the regular public ones. The "Book of daily records" referred to must have been at any rate an incomplete genealogical source needing to be supplemented by the memory. Private family record books, if such existed previous to the supposed destruction of the public records, of which we have no evidence, would in all probability have been complete for each family. Spitta maintains (p. 101 sq.) that the Book of Chronicles is meant: the Hebrew dvry hymym , words or records of the days. This is a very attractive suggestion, as the book exactly corresponds to the book described: the genealogies which it gives are incomplete and require supplementing, and it is a book which was accessible to all; public, therefore, and yet not involved in the supposed destruction. The difficulty lies in the name given. It is true that Jerome calls the Books of Chronicles Verba Dierum and Hilary Sermones Dierum, &c.; but we should expect Africanus to use here the technical LXX. designation, Paraleipomenon. But whatever this "Book of daily records" was, it cannot have been the "private records" which were formed "from memory and from copies," but was one of the sources from which those "private records" were drawn. ↩
Compare note 3, above. Africanus' direct statement shows clearly enough that he does not rest his interpretation of the genealogies (an interpretation which is purely a result of Biblical study) upon the testimony of the relatives of the Saviour. Their testimony is invoked with quite a different purpose, namely, in confirmation of the genealogies themselves, and the long story (upon the supposition that their testimony is invoked in support of Africanus' interpretation, introduced absolutely without sense and reason) thus has its proper place, in showing how the "relatives of the Saviour" were in a position to be competent witnesses upon this question of fact (not interpretation), in spite of the burning of the public records by Herod. ↩
The law to which Eusebius refers is recorded in Num. xxxvi. 6, 7. But the prohibition given there was not an absolute and universal one, but a prohibition which concerned only heiresses, who were not to marry out of their own tribe upon penalty of forfeiting their inheritance (cf. Josephus, Ant. IV. 7. 5). It is an instance of the limited nature of the law that Mary and Elizabeth were relatives, although Joseph and Mary belonged to the tribe of Judah, and Zacharias, at least, was a Levite. This example lay so near at hand that Eusebius should not have overlooked it in making his assertion. His argument, therefore in proof of the fact that Mary belonged to the tribe of Judah has no force, but the fact itself is abundantly established both by the unanimous tradition of antiquity (independent of Luke's genealogy, which was universally supposed to be that of Joseph), and by such passages as Ps. cxxxii. 11, Acts ii. 30, xiii. 23, Rom. i. 3. ↩
demou. ↩
patrias ↩