The Church History of Eusebius
Chapter XVII.--The Translator Symmachus. 1
As to these translators it should be stated that Symmachus was an Ebionite. But the heresy of the Ebionites, as it is called, asserts that Christ was the son of Joseph and Mary, considering him a mere man, and insists strongly on keeping the law in a Jewish manner, as we have seen already in this history. 2 Commentaries of Symmachus are still extant in which he appears to support this heresy by attacking the Gospel of Matthew. 3 Origen states that he obtained these and other commentaries of Symmachus on the Scriptures from a certain Juliana, 4 who, he says, received the books by inheritance from Symmachus himself.
On Symmachus, see the previous chapter, note 4. ↩
In Bk. III. chap. 27. For a discussion of Ebionism, see the notes on that chapter. ↩
On the attitude of the Ebionites toward the Canonical Gospel of Matthew (to which of course Eusebius here refers), see ibid. note 8. All traces of this work and of Symmachus' "other interpretations of Scripture" (allon eis tas graphas hermeneion), mentioned just below, have vanished. We must not include Symmachus' translation of the Old Testament in these other works (as has been done by Huet and others), for there is no hint either in this passage or in that of Palladius (see next note) of a reference to that version, which was, like those of Aquila and Theodotion, well known in Origen's time (see the previous chapter). ↩
This Juliana is known to us only from this passage and from Palladius, Hist. Laus. 147. Palladius reports, on the authority of an entry written by Origen himself, which he says he found in an ancient book (en palaiot?to bibli& 251; stichero), that Juliana was a virgin of Caesarea in Cappadocia, and that she gave refuge to Origen in the time of some persecution. If this account is to be relied upon, Origen's sojourn in the lady's house is doubtless to be assigned, with Huet, to the persecution of Maximinus (235-238; see below, chap. 28, note 2). It must be confessed, however, that in the face of the absolute silence of Eusebius and others, the story has a suspicious look. ↩
Histoire ecclésiastique
[1] IL faut savoir que l'un de ces traducteurs, Symmaque, était ébionite. L'hérésie appelée ébionite est celle des gens qui disent que le Christ est né de Joseph et de Marie, qui pensent qu'il est tout simplement un homme, et qui affirment avec force qu'il faut garder la loi tout à fait comme les juifs, ainsi du reste que nous le savons par ce qui a été exposé plus haut. On montre encore maintenant des commentaires de Symmaque dans lesquels il semble s'efforcer de confirmer ladite hérésie par l'Évangile de Matthieu. Origène mentionne qu'il tient ces ouvrages avec aussi d'autres gloses de Symmaque sur les Écritures, d'une certaine Julienne, et il dit qu'elle avait reçu ces livres en héritage de Symmaque lui-même.1
πρόσθεν : III, XXVII. - Ἰουλιανῆς : voy. PALLADIUS, Hist.lausiaque, CXLVII LUCOT. ↩