The Church History of Eusebius
Chapter XXIX.--Fabianus, who was wonderfully designated Bishop of Rome by God.
1. Gordianus succeeded Maximinus as Roman emperor; 1 and Pontianus, 2 who had been bishop of the church at Rome for six years, was succeeded by Anteros. 3 After he had held the office for a month, Fabianus 4 succeeded him.
2. They say 5 that Fabianus having come, after the death of Anteros, with others from the country, was staying at Rome, and that while there he was chosen to the office through a most wonderful manifestation of divine and heavenly grace.
3. For when all the brethren had assembled to select by vote him who should succeed to the episcopate of the church, several renowned and honorable men were in the minds of many, but Fabianus, although present, was in the mind of none. But they relate that suddenly a dove flying down lighted on his head, resembling the descent of the Holy Spirit on the Saviour in the form of a dove.
4. Thereupon all the people, as if moved by one Divine Spirit, with all eagerness and unanimity cried out that he was worthy, and without delay they took him and placed him upon the episcopal seat. 6
5. About that time Zebinus, 7 bishop of Antioch died, and Babylas 8 succeeded him. And in Alexandria Heraclas, 9 having received the episcopal office after Demetrius, 10 was succeeded in the charge of the catechetical school by Dionysius, 11 who had also been one of Origen's pupils.
Gordianus the younger, grandson of Gordianus I., and nephew (or son?) of Gordianus II., became emperor after the murder of Balbinus and Pupienus, in July, 238, at the age of fifteen years, and reigned until early in the year 244, when he was murdered by the soldiers and succeeded by Philip. He is made by Eusebius (both here and in the Chron.) the direct successor of Maximinus, simply because only two or three months elapsed between the death of the latter and his own accession. ↩
On Pontianus, see chap. 23, note 3. ↩
Both here and in the Chron. the accession of Anteros is synchronized with the accession of Gordianus, but as seen in chap. 23, note 3, Pontianus was succeeded by Anteros in the first year of Maximinus, i.e. in 235,--three years earlier, therefore, than the date given by Eusebius. All the authorities agree in assigning only one month and a few days to the episcopate of Anteros, and this is to be accepted as correct. Of the life and character of Anteros we know nothing. ↩
Greek Phabianos, though some mss. read Phlabianos. The Armenian and Hieronymian Chron. call him Fabianus; the Liberian catalogue, Fabius; Eutychius and the Alex. cat., Flabianus. According to chap. 39, he suffered martyrdom in the persecution of Decius (250-251). Both versions of the Chron. assign thirteen years to his episcopate, and this agrees fairly well with the notices here and in chap. 39 (accession in 238 and death in 250 or 251). But, as already seen, Eusebius is quite wrong in the dates which he gives for the accession of these three bishops, and the statements of the Liberian catalogue are to be accepted, which put Fabian's accession in January, 236, and his death in January, 250, after an episcopate of fourteen years and ten days. The martyrdom of Fabian rests upon good authority (cf. chap. 39, and Jerome's de vir. ill. chap. 54, and especially Cyprian's Epistles, 3, al. 9, and 30). From these epistles we learn that he was a man of ability and virtue. He stands out more clearly in the light of history than most of the early Roman bishops, but tradition has handed down a great many unfounded stories in regard to him (see the article in the Dict. of Christ. Biog.). ↩
phasi. Eusebius is our only authority for the following story. Rufinus (VI. 21) tells a similar tale in connection with Zephyrinus. ↩
ton thronon tes episkopes ↩
On Zebinus, see chap. 23, note 4. ↩
Babylas occupies an illustrious place in the list of ancient martyrs (cf. Tillemont, Mem. III. 400-409). Chrysostom devoted a festal oration to his memory (In sanctum Babylam contra Julianum et contra Gentiles); while Jerome, Epiphanius, Sozomen, Theodoret, and others make honorable mention of him. There are extant the Acta Babylae (spurious), which, however, confound him with a martyr who suffered under Numerian. The legends in regard to Babylas and to the miracles performed by his bones are very numerous (see Tillemont, l.c.). He is identified by Chrysostom and others with the bishop mentioned by Eusebius in chap. 34, and there is no good reason to doubt the identification (see Harnack, Zeit des Ignatius, p. 48). The fact of his martyrdom under Decius (see chap. 39) is too well attested to admit of doubt; though upon the manner of it, not all the traditions are agreed, Eusebius reporting that he died in prison, Chrysostom that he died by violence. The account of Eusebius seems the most reliable. The date of his accession is unknown, but there is no reason to doubt that it took place during the reign of Gordian (238-244), as Eusebius here seems to imply; though it is true that he connects it closely with the death of Demetrius, which certainly took place not later than 232 (see above, Bk. V. chap. 22, note 4). There is no warrant for carrying the accession of Babylas back so far as that. ↩
On Heraclas, see chap. 3, note 2. ↩
On the episcopate of Demetrius, see Bk. V. chap. 22, note 4. ↩
On Dionysius, see chap. 40, note 1. ↩
Histoire ecclésiastique
[1] Gordien, après Maximin, succède à l'empire des Romains. Pontien ayant occupé la charge épiscopale dans l'église de Rome pendant six ans ; Antéros lui succède et, après avoir exerce un mois le pontifical, il le laisse à Fabien.1
[2] On dit que Fabien, après la mort d'Antéros, vint de la campagne avec d'autres et s'établit à Rome ; là, ce fut d'une manière 1res miraculeuse et par l'intervention de la grâce divine et céleste qu'il arriva à être choisi. [3] Tous les frères étaient assemblés pour l'élection de celui qui devait recevoir la succession de l'épiscopal ;des hommes nombreux et distingués étaient dans la pensée de beaucoup, mais le nom de Fabien qui était là ne venait à l'esprit de personne ; cependant on rapporte que tout à coup une colombe descendit du ciel et se reposa sur sa tête, faisant voir la reproduction de la descente du Saint-Esprit sur le Sauveur sous la forme d'une colombe, [4] Sur ce, tout le peuple, comme excité par un esprit divin, plein d'enthousiasme et d'une seule 235 âme, s'écria qu'il était digne, puis, sans tarder, on le saisit et on le fit asseoir sur le trône épiscopal.
Alors aussi l'évêque d'Antioche Zébennus meurt et Babylas lui succède dans son autorité. A Alexandrie, après Démétrius, Héraclas ayant recueilli la charge pontificale et Denys occupe sa place dans l'école de la catéchèse de ce pays ; celui-ci était encore un des élèves d'Origène.2
Chronologie : Gordien, 238-244 (avant le 23 juillet); Pontien, 231-28 sept. 235; Antéros, 21 nov. 235-3 janv. 230 ; Fabien, 236-20 janv. 250. De ces dates, fournies pour les papes par le chronographe de 354, il résulte qu'Eusèbe se trompe ici en faisant coïncider le court pontificat d'Antéros avec la première année de Gordien ; il se place au début du règne de Maximin. Voy. DUCHESNE, Liber pont., t. I, p. 5 et CCXLVIII. ↩
ὥσπερ AERT lat., om. BDM arm.: l'omission est une correction de tendance dogmatique; ὥσπερ a été supprimé comme impliquant un doute sur la divinité du Saint-Esprit (SCHWAHTZ, p. LXXXIX). - Un récit semblable concerne Zéphyrin dans RUFIN, VI, xxi. - La suite des évêques d'Alexandrie est : Démétrius (189-231), Héraclas (231-247), Denys (247-204). Voy. HARNACK, Chronologie, t. 1, p. 205. D'après ce passage, il semble que Héraclas garda pendant un certain temps après son élévation à l'épiscopat la dlrection de l'école catéchétique. ↩