Histoire de l'Église
Mort de l'Empereur Gratien.
CE que je viens de raconter arriva sous le règne de Gratien, dont la valeur était redoutée par les Etrangers, et la douceur chérie par ses sujets. Après qu'il fut mort par un piège qu'on lui avait dressé, et qu'il n'eut point laissé d'autre héritier que Valentinien son frère, encore fort jeune, Maxime méprisant le bas âge de ce Prince, s'empara de l'Empire d'Occident.
The Ecclesiastical History of Theodoret (CCEL)
Chapter XXIX. Of the idol temples which were destroyed by John in Phœnicia.
On receiving information that Phœnicia was still suffering from the madness of the demons’ rites, John got together certain monks who were fired with divine zeal, armed them with imperial edicts and despatched them against the idols’ shrines. The money which was required to pay the craftsmen and their assistants who were engaged in the work of destruction was not taken by John from imperial resources, but he persuaded certain wealthy and faithful women to make liberal contributions, pointing out to them how great would be the blessing their generosity would win.
Thus the remaining shrines of the demons were utterly destroyed. 1
The imperial edict for the destruction of the Phœnician Temples was obtained in 399. ↩