Against the Valentinians
Chapter XVIII.--Blasphemous Opinion Concerning the Origin of the Demiurge, Supposed to Be the Creator of the Universe.
Having become a better proficient 1 in practical conduct by the authority which, we may well suppose, 2 accrued to her from her three children, she determined to impart form to each of the natures. The spiritual one however, she was unable to touch, inasmuch as she was herself spiritual. For a participation in the same nature has, to a very great extent, 3 disqualified like and consubstantial beings from having superior power over one another. Therefore 4 she applies herself solely to the animal nature, adducing the instructions of Soter 5 (for her guidance). And first of all (she does) what cannot be described and read, and heard of, without an intense horror at the blasphemy thereof: she produces this God of ours, the God of all except of the heretics, the Father and Creator 6 and King of all things, which are inferior to him. For from him do they proceed. If, however, they proceed from him, and not rather from Achamoth, or if only secretly from her, without his perceiving her, he was impelled to all that he did, even like a puppet 7 which is moved from the outside. In fact, it was owing to this very ambiguity about the personal agency in the works which were done, that they coined for him the mixed name of (Motherly Father), 8 whilst his other appellations were distinctly assigned according to the conditions and positions of his works: so that they call him Father in relation to the animal substances to which they give the place of honour 9 on his right hand; whereas, in respect of the material substances which they banish 10 to his left hand, they name him Demiurgus; whilst his title King designates his authority over both classes, nay over the universe. 11
Adversus Valentinianos
[1] hac auctoritate — trium scilicet liberorum — agendis rebus exercitior facta, formare singula genera constituit. sed spiritale quidem non ita potuit attingere ut et ipsa spiritalis; fere enim paria et consubstantiva in alterutrum valere societas naturae negavit. [2] eo animo se unum ad animale convertit prolatis Soteris disciplinis. et primum — quod cum magno horrore blasphemiae et pronuntiandum et legendum est et audiendum — deum fingit hunc nostrum et omnium praeter haereticorum, Patrem et Demiurgem et Regem universorum quae post illum, ab illo enim — si tamen ab illo, et non ab ipsa potius Achamoth a qua occulto, nihil sentiens eius et velut sigillario extrinsecus ductu, in omnem operationem movebatur. [3] denique ex hac personarum in operibus ambiguitate nomen illi Metropatoris miscuerunt distinctis appellationibus ceteris secundum status et situs operum: ut animalium quidem substantiarum quas ad dextram commendant Patrem nuncupant, materialium vero quas ad laevam delegant Demiurgem nominent, Regem autem communiter in universitatem.