Caput 16
Quid, cum oblivionem nomino atque itidem agnosco quod nomino, unde agnosco rem, nisi meminissem? non eundem sonum nominis dico, sed rem, quam significat; quam si oblitus essem, quid ille valeret sonus, agnoscere utique non valerem. cum memoriam memini, per se ipsam sibi praesto est ipsa memoria; cum vero memini oblivionem, et memoria praesto est et oblivio, memoria, ex qua meminerim, oblivio, quam meminerim. sed quid est oblivio nisi privatio memoriae? quomodo ergo adest, ut eam meminerim, quando cum adest meminisse non possum? at si quod meminimus memoria retinemus, oblivionem autem nisi meminissemus, nequaquam possemus audito isto nomine rem, quae illo significatur, agnoscere, memoria retinetur oblivio. adest ergo, ne obliviscamur, quae cum adest, obliviscimur. an ex hoc intellegitur non se per ipsam inesse memoriae, cum eam meminimus, sed per imaginem suam, quia, si per se ipsam praesto esset oblivio, non ut meminissemus, sed ut oblivisceremur, efficeret? et hoc quis tandem indagabit? quis comprehendet, quomodo sit? Ego certe, domine, laboro hic et laboro in me ipso: factus sum mihi terra difficultatis et sudoris nimii. neque enim nunc scrutamur plagas caeli, aut siderum intervalla demetimur, vel terrae liberamenta quaerimus: ego sum, qui memini, ego animus. non ita mirum, si a me longe est quidquid ego non sum: quid autem propinquius me ipso mihi? et ecce memoriae meae vis non conprehenditur a me, cum ipsum me non dicam praeter illam. quid enim dicturus sum, quando mihi certum est meminisse me oblivionem? an dicturus sum non esse in memoria mea quod memini? an dicturus sum ad hoc inesse oblivionem in memoria mea, ut non obliviscar? utrumque absurdissimum est. quid illud tertium? quo pacto dicam imaginem oblivionis teneri memoria mea, non ipsam oblivionem, cum eam memini? quo pacto et hoc dicam, quandoquidem cum imprimitur rei cuiusque imago in memoria, prius necesse est, ut adsit res ipsa, unde illa imago possit imprimi? sic enim Carthaginis memini, sic omnium locorum, quibus interfui; sic facies hominum, quas vidi, et ceterorum sensum nuntiata; sic ipsius corporis salutem sive dolorem: cum praesto essent ista, cepit ab eis imagines memoria, quas intuerer praesentes et retractarem animo, cum illa et absentia reminiscerer. si ergo per imaginem suam, non per se ipsam in memoria tenetur oblivio, ipsa utique aderat, ut eius imago caperetur. cum autem adesset, quomodo imaginem suam in memoria conscribebat, quando id etiam, quod iam notatum invenit, praesentia sua delet oblivio? et tamen quocumque modo, licet sit modus iste incomprehensibilis et inexplicabilis, ipsam oblivionem meminisse me certus sum, qua id quod meminerimus obruitur.
The Confessions of St. Augustin In Thirteen Books
Chapter XVI.--The Privation of Memory is Forgetfulness.
24. When I name forgetfulness, and know, too, what I name, whence should I know it if I did not remember it? I do not say the sound of the name, but the thing which it signifies which, had I forgotten, I could not know what that sound signified. When, therefore, I remember memory, then is memory present with itself, through itself. But when I remember forgetfulness, there are present both memory and forgetfulness,--memory, whereby I remember, forgetfulness, which I remember. But what is forgetfulness but the privation of memory? How, then, is that present for me to remember, since, when it is so, I cannot remember? But if what we remember we retain in memory, yet, unless we remembered forgetfulness, we could never at the hearing of the name know the thing meant by it, then is forgetfulness retained by memory. Present, therefore, it is, lest we should forget it; and being so, we do forget. Is it to be inferred from this that forgetfulness, when we remember it, is not present to the memory through itself, but through its image; because, were forgetfulness present through itself, it would not lead us to remember, but to forget? Who will now investigate this? Who shall understand how it is?
25. Truly, O Lord, I labour therein, and labour in myself. I am become a troublesome soil that requires overmuch labour. For we are not now searching out the tracts of heaven, or measuring the distances of the stars, or inquiring about the weight of the earth. It is I myself--I, the mind--who remember. It is not much to be wondered at, if what I myself am not be far from me. But what is nearer to me than myself? And, behold, I am not able to comprehend the force of my own memory, though I cannot name myself without it. For what shall I say when it is plain to me that I remember forgetfulness? Shall I affirm that which I remember is not in my memory? Or shall I say that forgetfulness is in my memory with the view of my not forgetting? Both of these are most absurd. What third view is there? How can I assert that the image of forgetfulness is retained by my memory, and not forgetfulness itself, when I remember it? And how can I assert this, seeing that when the image of anything is imprinted on the memory, the thing itself must of necessity be present first by which that image may be imprinted? For thus do I remember Carthage; thus, all the places to which I have been; thus, the faces of men whom I have seen, and things reported by the other senses; thus, the health or sickness of the body. For when these objects were present, my memory received images from them, which, when they were present, I might gaze on and reconsider in my mind, as I remembered them when they were absent. If, therefore, forgetfulness is retained in the memory through its image, and not through itself, then itself was once present, that its image might be taken. But when it was present, how did it write its image on the memory, seeing that forgetfulness by its presence blots out even what it finds already noted? And yet, in whatever way, though it be incomprehensible and inexplicable, yet most certain I am that I remember also forgetfulness itself, whereby what we do remember is blotted out.