Caput 19
Tu itaque, regnator creaturae tuae, quis est modus, quo doces animas ea quae futura sunt? docuisti enim prophetas tuos. quisnam ille modus est, quo doces futura, cui futurum quicquam non est? vel potius de futuris doces praesentia? nam quod non est, nec doceri utique potest. nimis longe est modus iste ab acie mea; invaluit: ex me non potero ad illum; potero autem ex te, cum dederis tu, dulce lumen occultorum oculorum meorum.
The Confessions of St. Augustin In Thirteen Books
Chapter XIX.--We are Ignorant in What Manner God Teaches Future Things.
25. Thou, therefore, Ruler of Thy creatures, what is the method by which Thou teachest souls those things which are future? For Thou hast taught Thy prophets. What is that way by which Thou, to whom nothing is future, dost teach future things; or rather of future things dost teach present? For what is not, of a certainty cannot be taught. Too far is this way from my view; it is too mighty for me, I cannot attain unto it; 1 but by Thee I shall be enabled, when Thou shalt have granted it, sweet light of my hidden eyes.
Ps. cxxxix. 6. ↩