The Fifteen Books of Aurelius Augustinus, Bishop of Hippo, on the Trinity
Chapter 11.--By What Rule in the Scriptures It is Understood that the Son is Now Equal and Now Less.
22. Wherefore, having mastered this rule for interpreting the Scriptures concerning the Son of God, that we are to distinguish in them what relates to the form of God, in which He is equal to the Father, and what to the form of a servant which He took, in which He is less than the Father; we shall not be disquieted by apparently contrary and mutually repugnant sayings of the sacred books. For both the Son and the Holy Spirit, according to the form of God, are equal to the Father, because neither of them is a creature, as we have already shown: but according to the form of a servant He is less than the Father, because He Himself has said, "My Father is greater than I;" 1 and He is less than Himself, because it is said of Him, He emptied Himself;" 2 and He is less than the Holy Spirit, because He Himself says, "Whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him; but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven Him." 3 And in the Spirit too He wrought miracles, saying: "But if I with the Spirit of God cast out devils, no doubt the kingdom of God is come upon you." 4 And in Isaiah He says,--in the lesson which He Himself read in the synagogue, and showed without a scruple of doubt to be fulfilled concerning Himself,--"The Spirit of the Lord God," He says, "is upon me: because He hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek He hath sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives," 5 etc.: for the doing of which things He therefore declares Himself to be "sent," because the Spirit of God is upon Him. According to the form of God, all things were made by Him; 6 according to the form of a servant, He was Himself made of a woman, made under the law. 7 According to the form of God, He and the Father are one; 8 according to the form of a servant, He came not to do His own will, but the will of Him that sent Him. 9 According to the form of God, "As the Father hath life in Himself, so hath He given to the Son to have life in Himself;" 10 according to the form of a servant, His "soul is sorrowful even unto death;" and, "O my Father," He says, "if it be possible, let this cup pass from me." 11 According to the form of God, "He is the True God, and eternal life;" 12 according to the form of a servant, "He became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross." 13 --23. According to the form of God, all things that the Father hath are His, 14 and "All mine," He says, "are Thine, and Thine are mine;" 15 according to the form of a servant, the doctrine is not His own, but His that sent Him. 16
John xiv. 28 ↩
Phil. ii. 7 ↩
Matt. xii. 32 ↩
Matt. xii. 28 ↩
Isa. lxi. 1; Luke iv. 18, 19 ↩
John i. 3 ↩
Gal. iv. 4 ↩
John x. 30 ↩
John vi. 38 ↩
John v. 26. [In communicating the Divine Essence to the Son, in eternal generation, the essence is communicated with all its attributes. Self existence is one of these attributes. In this way, the Father "gives to the Son to have life in himself," when he makes common (koinonein), between Himself and the Son, the one Divine Essence.--W.G.T.S.] ↩
Matt. xxvi. 38, 39 ↩
1 John v. 20 ↩
Phil. ii. 8 ↩
John xvii. 15 ↩
John xvii. 10 ↩
John vii. 16 ↩
De Trinitate
[XI 22] Quapropter cognita ista regula intellegendarum scripturarum de filio dei ut distinguamus quid in eis sonet secundum formam dei in qua est et aequalis est patri, et quid secundum formam servi quam accepit et minor est patre, non conturbabimur tamquam contrariis ac repugnantibus inter se sanctorum librorum sententiis. Nam secundum formam dei aequalis est patri et filius et spiritus sanctus quia neuter eorum creatura est sicut iam ostendimus; secundum formam autem servi minor est patre quia ipse dixit: Pater maior me est; minor est se ipso quia de illo dictum est: Semet ipsum exinanivit; minor est spiritu sancto quia ipse ait: Qui dixerit blasphemiam in filium hominis, remittetur ei; qui autem dixerit in spiritum sanctum, non dimittetur ei. Et in ipso virtutes operatus est dicens: Si ego in spiritu dei eicio daemonia, certe supervenit super vos regnum dei. Et apud Esaiam dicit, quam lectionem ipse in synagoga recitavit et de se completam sine scrupulo dubitationis ostendit: Spiritus, inquit, domini super me; propter quod unxit me, evangelizare pauperibus misit me, praedicare captivis remissionem, et cetera; ad quae facienda ideo se dicit missum quia spiritus domini est super eum. Secundum formam dei omnia per ispum facta sunt; secundum formam servi ipse factus est ex muliere, factus sub lege. Secundum formam dei ipse et pater unum sunt; secundum formam servi non venit facere voluntatem suam sed voluntatem eius qui misit eum. Secundum formam dei sicut habet pater vitam in semet ipso, sic dedit et filio vitam habere in semet ipso; secundum formam servi tristis est anima eius usque ad mortem, et: Pater, inquit, si fieri potest, transeat hic calix. Secundum formam dei ipse est verus deus et vita aeterna; secundum formam servi factus est oboediens usque ad mortem, mortem autem crucis. [23] Secundum formam dei, omnia quae habet pater ipsius sunt: Et omnia tua mea sunt, inquit, et mea tua; secundum formam servi non est doctrina ipsius sed illius qui eum misit.