The Life of S. Hilarion
Once upon a time he was praying with his head upon the ground. As is the way with men, his attention was withdrawn from his devotions, and he was thinking of something else, when a tormentor sprang upon his back and driving his heels into his sides and beating him across the neck with a horse-whip P. 305 cried out “Come! why are you asleep?” Then with a loud laugh asked if he was tired and would like to have some barley.
Vita S. Hilarionis
Oravit [Ms. orabat] semel fixo in terram capite, et ut natura fert hominum, abducta ab oratione mens, nescio quid aliud cogitabat: insiliit [0032B] dorso eius agitator, et latera calcibus, cervicem flagello verberans: Eia, inquit, cur dormitas? cachinnansque desuper, si [al. cum] defecisset, an hordeum vellet accipere, sciscitabatur.