Vita S. Hilarionis
Fugit Cyprum. – Mirabatur omnis civitas, et magnitudo signi Salonis quoque percrebuerat. Quod intelligens senex, in brevi lembo clam nocte fugit, et inventa post biduum oneraria navi, perrexit Cyprum. Cumque inter Maleam et Cytheram piratae derelicta classe in littore, quae non antemna, sed conto regitur, duobus haud parvis myoparonibus occurrissent, et denuo hinc inde fluctus occurrerent, [0050B] remiges omnes qui in navi erant trepidare, flere, discurrere, praeparare contos, et quasi non sufficeret unus nuntius, certatim seni piratas adesse dicebant. Quos ille procul intuens subrisit. Et conversus ad discipulos dixit: Modicae, inquit fidei, quare trepidatis (Matth. XIV, 32)? Numquid plures sunt hi quam Pharaonis exercitus? tamen omnes Deo volente submersi sunt. Loquebatur his, et nihilominus spumantibus rostris hostiles carinae [al. turbae] imminebant, iactu tantum lapidis medio. Stetit ergo in prora [al. ora] navis, et porrecta contra venientes manu: hucusque, ait, venisse sufficiat. O mira rerum fides! statim resiluere naviculae, et impellentibus contra remis, ad puppim impetus redit. Mirabantur piratae post tergum se redire nolentes: totoque corporis [0050C] nisu, ut ad navigium pervenirent, laborantes, velocius multo quam venerant, ad littus ferebantur.
The Life of S. Hilarion
The whole country marvelled and the fame of the great miracle was in everyone’s mouth, even at Salonæ. 1 When the old man knew this was the case he escaped secretly by night in a small cutter, and finding a merchant ship after two days came to Cyprus. Between 2 Malea and 3 Cythera, the pirates, who had left on the shore that part of their fleet which is worked by poles instead of sails, bore down on them with two light vessels of considerable size; and besides this they were buffeted by the waves on every side. All the rowers began to be alarmed, to weep, to leave their places, to get out their poles, and, as though one message was not enough, again and again told the old man that pirates were at hand. Looking at them in the distance he gently smiled, then turned to his disciples and said, 4“O ye of little faith, wherefore do ye doubt? Are these more than the army of Pharaoh? Yet they were all drowned by the will of God.” Thus he spake, but none the less the enemy with foaming prows kept drawing nearer and were now only a stone’s throw distant. He stood upon the prow of the vessel facing them with out-stretched hand, and said, “Thus far and no farther.” Marvellous to relate, the boats at once bounded back, and though urged forward by the oars fell farther and farther astern. The pirates were astonished to find themselves going back, and laboured with all their strength to reach the vessel, but were carried to the shore faster by far than they came.