Tertullian (160-220)
De baptismo
On Baptism
On Baptism.
[Translated by the Rev. S. Thelwall.]
Du baptême
[Traduit par E.-A. de Genoude]
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De baptismo | vergleichen |
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Du baptême | |
On Baptism | |
Über die Taufe (BKV) | vergleichen |
Kommentare zu diesem Werk
- On Baptism.
- Chapter I.--Introduction. Origin of the Treatise.
- Chapter II.--The Very Simplicity of God's Means of Working, a Stumbling-Block to the Carnal Mind.
- Chapter III.--Water Chosen as a Vehicle of Divine Operation and Wherefore. Its Prominence First of All in Creation.
- Chapter IV.--The Primeval Hovering of the Spirit of God Over the Waters Typical of Baptism. The Universal Element of Water Thus Made a Channel of Sanctification. Resemblance Between the Outward Sign and the Inward Grace.
- Chapter V.--Use Made of Water by the Heathen. Type of the Angel at the Pool of Bethsaida.
- Chapter VI.--The Angel the Forerunner of the Holy Spirit. Meaning Contained in the Baptismal Formula.
- Chapter VII.--Of the Unction.
- Chapter VIII.--Of the Imposition of Hands. Types of the Deluge and the Dove.
- Chapter IX.--Types of the Red Sea, and the Water from the Rock.
- Chapter X.--Of John's Baptism.
- Chapter XI.--Answer to the Objection that "The Lord Did Not Baptize."
- Chapter XII.--Of the Necessity of Baptism to Salvation.
- Chapter XIII.--Another Objection: Abraham Pleased God Without Being Baptized. Answer Thereto. Old Things Must Give Place to New, and Baptism is Now a Law.
- Chapter XIV.--Of Paul's Assertion, that He Had Not Been Sent to Baptize.
- Chapter XV.--Unity of Baptism. Remarks on Heretical And Jewish Baptism.
- Chapter XVI.--Of the Second Baptism--With Blood.
- Chapter XVII.--Of the Power of Conferring Baptism.
- Chapter XVIII.--Of the Persons to Whom, and the Time When, Baptism is to Be Administered.
- Chapter XIX.--Of the Times Most Suitable for Baptism.
- Chapter XX.--Of Preparation For, and Conduct After, the Reception of Baptism.