De baptismo
On Baptism
Bibliographische Angabe
The Writings of the Fathers Down to A.D. 325 ANTE-NICENE FATHERS: VOLUME 3. Latin Christianity: Its Founder, Tertullian I. Apologetic; II. Anti-Marcion; III. Ethical Edited by Alexander Roberts, D.D. & James Donaldson, D.D. Revised and chronologically arranged, with brief prefaces and occasional notes by A. Cleveland Coxe, D.D. originally published in the United States by the Christian Literature Publishing Company, 1885 Second printing -- June 1995 (Translation, Englisch)
3. Jh.
- On Baptism.
- Chapter I.--Introduction. Origin of the Treatise.
- Chapter II.--The Very Simplicity of God's Means of Working, a Stumbling-Block to the Carnal Mind.
- Chapter III.--Water Chosen as a Vehicle of Divine Operation and Wherefore. Its Prominence First of All in Creation.
- Chapter IV.--The Primeval Hovering of the Spirit of God Over the Waters Typical of Baptism. The Universal Element of Water Thus Made a Channel of Sanctification. Resemblance Between the Outward Sign and the Inward Grace.
- Chapter V.--Use Made of Water by the Heathen. Type of the Angel at the Pool of Bethsaida.
- Chapter VI.--The Angel the Forerunner of the Holy Spirit. Meaning Contained in the Baptismal Formula.
- Chapter VII.--Of the Unction.
- Chapter VIII.--Of the Imposition of Hands. Types of the Deluge and the Dove.
- Chapter IX.--Types of the Red Sea, and the Water from the Rock.
- Chapter X.--Of John's Baptism.
- Chapter XI.--Answer to the Objection that "The Lord Did Not Baptize."
- Chapter XII.--Of the Necessity of Baptism to Salvation.
- Chapter XIII.--Another Objection: Abraham Pleased God Without Being Baptized. Answer Thereto. Old Things Must Give Place to New, and Baptism is Now a Law.
- Chapter XIV.--Of Paul's Assertion, that He Had Not Been Sent to Baptize.
- Chapter XV.--Unity of Baptism. Remarks on Heretical And Jewish Baptism.
- Chapter XVI.--Of the Second Baptism--With Blood.
- Chapter XVII.--Of the Power of Conferring Baptism.
- Chapter XVIII.--Of the Persons to Whom, and the Time When, Baptism is to Be Administered.
- Chapter XIX.--Of the Times Most Suitable for Baptism.
- Chapter XX.--Of Preparation For, and Conduct After, the Reception of Baptism.