Defence before Constantius
20.History of his disobeying it.
Now I ask again, whence have my accusers obtained this letter also? I would learn of them who it was that put it into their hands? Do you cause them to answer. By this you may perceive that they have forged this, as they spread abroad also the former letter, which they published against me, with reference to the ill-named Magnentius. And being convicted in this instance also, on what pretence next will they bring me to make my defence? Their only concern is, to throw everything into disorder and confusion; and for this end I perceive they exercise their zeal. Perhaps they think that by frequent repetition of their charges, they will at last exasperate you against me. But you ought to turn away from such persons, and to hate them; for such as themselves are, such also they imagine those to be who listen to them; and they think that their calumnies will prevail even before you. The accusation of Doeg 1 prevailed of old against the priests of God: but it was the unrighteous Saul, who hearkened unto him. And Jezebel was able to injure the most religious Naboth 2 by her false accusations; but then it was the wicked and apostate Ahab who hearkened unto her. But the most holy David, whose example it becomes you to follow, as all pray that you may, favours not such men, but was wont to turn away from them and avoid them, as raging dogs. He says, ‘Whoso privily slandereth his neighbour, him will I destroy 3.’ For he kept the commandment which says, ‘Thou shalt not receive a false report 4.’ And false are the reports of these men in your sight. You, like Solomon, have required of the Lord (and you ought to believe yourself to have obtained your desire), that it would seem good unto Him to remove far from you vain and lying words 5.
Apologie de Saint Athanase à l'Empereur Constance
Où donc trouvèrent-ils encore cette lettre, ceux qui m’ont accusé? Je voudrais leur entendre dire qui la leur a donnée. Fais-les interroger, et tu apprendras qu’ils l’ont imaginée comme celle dont ils faisaient tant de bruit sous l’exécrable nom de Magnence. S’ils sont encore pris en délit de mensonge, à quelle justification nous réduiront-ils désormais? Car tel est leur souci, telle est, je le vois, leur ardeur: tout agiter et tout troubler. Peut-être, à force de propos, t’irritent-ils enfin contre moi; mais de tels hommes, il est juste de les repousser et de les haïr, parce qu’ils regardent comme leur ressemblant ceux dont ils sont écoutés et pensent que leurs calomnies pourront prévaloir même sur toi. Ainsi prévalut autrefois celle de Doëg contre les prêtres de Dieu; mais celui qui l’écouta était l’injuste Saül. Ainsi Jézabel, par ses calomnies, put nuire au très religieux Naboth; mais celui qui l’écouta était Achab, le méchant et l’apostat. Quant à David, le très saint David, dont il te convient d’être l’imitateur, comme tous le désirent, non-seulement il n’admettait pas de tels hommes, mais il les écartait comme des chiens enragés:
Celui qui parlait en secret contre le prochain, je le poursuivais. Et ainsi observait-il le précepte: Tu n’accueilleras pas de vains bruits. Et vains aussi furent leurs propos auprès de toi; car, comme Salomon, tu demandas au Seigneur, qui t’a exaucé, crois-le, d’éloigner de toi toute parole vaine et mensongère.