The Church History of Eusebius
Chapter XXV.--His Review of the Canonical Scriptures.
1. When expounding the first Psalm, 1 he gives a catalogue of the sacred Scriptures of the Old Testament 2 as follows:
"It should be stated that the canonical books, as the Hebrews have handed them down, are twenty-two; corresponding with the number of their letters." Farther on he says:
2. "The twenty-two books of the Hebrews are the following: That which is called by us Genesis, but by the Hebrews, from the beginning of the book, Bresith, 3 which means, In the beginning'; Exodus, Welesmoth, 4 that is, These are the names'; Leviticus, Wikra, And he called; Numbers, Ammesphekodeim; Deuteronomy, Eleaddebareim, These are the words'; Jesus, the son of Nave, Josoue ben Noun; Judges and Ruth, among them in one book, Saphateim; the First and Second of Kings, among them one, Samouel, that is, The called of God'; the Third and Fourth of Kings in one, Wammelch David, that is, The kingdom of David'; of the Chronicles, the First and Second in one, Dabreïamein, that is, Records of days'; Esdras, 5 First and Second in one, Ezra, that is, An assistant'; the book of Psalms, Spharthelleim; the Proverbs of Solomon, Meloth; Ecclesiastes, Koelth; the Song of Songs (not, as some suppose, Songs of Songs), Sir Hassirim; Isaiah, Jessia; Jeremiah, with Lamentations and the epistle in one, Jeremia; Daniel, Daniel; Ezekiel, Jezekiel; Job, Job; Esther, Esther. And besides these there are the Maccabees, which are entitled Sarbeth Sabanaiel." 6 He gives these in the above-mentioned work.
3. In his first book on Matthew's Gospel, 7 maintaining the Canon of the Church, he testifies that he knows only four Gospels, writing as follows:
4. "Among the four Gospels, 8 which are the only indisputable ones in the Church of God under heaven, I have learned by tradition that the first was written by Matthew, who was once a publican, but afterwards an apostle of Jesus Christ, and it was prepared for the converts from Judaism, and published in the Hebrew language. 9
5. The second is by Mark, who composed it according to the instructions of Peter, 10 who in his Catholic epistle acknowledges him as a son, saying, The church that is at Babylon elected together with you, saluteth you, and so doth Marcus, my son.' 11
6. And the third by Luke, the Gospel commended by Paul, 12 and composed for Gentile converts. Last of all that by John." 13
7. In the fifth book of his Expositions of John's Gospel, he speaks thus concerning the epistles of the apostles: 14 "But he who was made sufficient to be a minister of the New Testament, not of the letter, but of the Spirit,' 15 that is, Paul, who fully preached the Gospel from Jerusalem and round about even unto Illyricum,' 16 did not write to all the churches which he had instructed and to those to which he wrote he sent but few lines. 17
8. And Peter, on whom the Church of Christ is built, against which the gates of hell shall not prevail,' 18 has left one acknowledged epistle; perhaps also a second, but this is doubtful. 19
9. Why need we speak of him who reclined upon the bosom of Jesus, 20 John, who has left us one Gospel, 21 though he confessed that he might write so many that the world could not contain them? 22 And he wrote also the Apocalypse, but was commanded to keep silence and not to write the words of the seven thunders. 23
10. He has left also an epistle of very few lines; perhaps also a second and third; but not all consider them genuine, and together they do not contain hundred lines."
11. In addition he makes the following statements in regard to the Epistle to the Hebrews 24 in his Homilies upon it: "That the verbal style of the epistle entitled To the Hebrews,' is not rude like the language of the apostle, who acknowledged himself rude in speech' 25 that is, in expression; but that its diction is purer Greek, any one who has the power to discern differences of phraseology will acknowledge.
12. Moreover, that the thoughts of the epistle are admirable, and not inferior to the acknowledged apostolic writings, any one who carefully examines the apostolic text 26 will admit.'
13. Farther on he adds: "If I gave my opinion, I should say that the thoughts are those of the apostle, but the diction and phraseology are those of some one who remembered the apostolic teachings, and wrote down at his leisure what had been said by his teacher. Therefore if any church holds that this epistle is by Paul, let it be commended for this. For not without reason have the ancients handed it down as Paul's.
14. But who wrote the epistle, in truth, God knows. The statement of some who have gone before us is that Clement, bishop of the Romans, wrote the epistle, and of others that Luke, the author of the Gospel and the Acts, wrote it." But let this suffice on these matters.
On Origen's commentary on Psalms, see the previous chapter, note 3. The first fragment given here by Eusebius is found also in the Philocalia, chap. 3, where it forms part of a somewhat longer extract. The second fragment is extant only in this chapter of Eusebius' History. ↩
On the Hebrew canon of the Old Testament, see Bk. III. chap. 10, note 1. Upon Origen's omission of the twelve minor prophets and the insertion of the apocryphal epistle of Jeremiah, see the same note. ↩
I have reproduced Origen's Greek transliteration of this and the following Hebrew words letter by letter. It will be seen by a comparison of the words with the Hebrew titles of the books, as we now have them, that Origen's pronunciation of Hebrew, even after making all due allowance for a difference in the pronunciation of the Greek and for changes in the Hebrew text, must have been, in many respects, quite different from ours. ↩
Ouelesmoth. I represent the diphthong ou at the beginning of a word by "w." ↩
The first and second books of Esdras here referred to are not the apocryphal books known by that name, but Ezra and Nehemiah, which in the Hebrew canon formed but one book, as Origen says here, but which in the LXX were separated (see above, Bk. III. chap. 10, note 4). Esdras is simply the form which the word Ezra assumes in Greek. ↩
Whether this sentence closed Origen's discussion of the Hebrew canon, or whether he went on to mention the other apocryphal books, we cannot tell. The latter seems intrinsically much more probable, for it is difficult to understand the insertion of the Maccabees in this connection, and the omission of all the others; for the Maccabees, as is clear from the words ?xo de touton esti ta Makkabaik?, are not reckoned by Origen among the twenty-two books as a part of the Hebrew canon. At the same time, it is hardly conceivable that Eusebius should have broken off thus, in the midst of a passage, without any explanation; though it is, of course, not impossible that he gives only the first sentence of the new paragraph on the books of the LXX, in order to show that the discussion of the Hebrew canon closes, and a new subject is introduced at this point. But, however that may be, it must be regarded as certain that Origen did not reckon the books of the Maccabees as a part of the Hebrew canon, and on the other hand, that he did reckon those books, as well as others (if not all) of the books given in the LXX, as inspired Scripture. This latter fact is proved by his use of these books indiscriminately with those of the Hebrew canon as sources for dogmatic proof texts, and also by his express citation of at least some of them as Scripture (cf. on this subject, Redepenning, p. 235 sq.). We must conclude, therefore, that Origen did not adopt the Hebrew canon as his own, but that he states it as clearly as he does in this place, in order to bring concretely before the minds of his readers the difference between the canon of the Jews and the canon of the Christians, who looked upon the LXX as the more authoritative form of the Old Testament. Perhaps he had in view the same purpose that led him to compare the Hebrew text and the LXX in his Hexapla (see chap. 16, note 8). ↩
On Origen's Commentary on Matthew, see chap. 36, note 4. The fragment given here by Eusebius is all that is extant of the first book of the commentary. ↩
Compare Origen's Hom. I. in Lucam: Ecclesia quatuor habet evangelia, haeresea plurima; and multi conati sunt scribere, sed et multi conati sunt ordinare: quatuor tantum evangelia sunt probata, &c. Compare also Irenaeus, Adv. Haer. III. 11, 8, where the attempt is made to show that it is impossible for the Gospels to be either more or fewer in number than four; and the Muratorian Fragment where the four Gospels are named, but the number four is not represented as in itself the necessary number; also Tertullian's Adv. Marc. IV. 2, and elsewhere. ↩
See Bk. III. chap. 24, note 5. ↩
See Bk. II. chap. 15, note 4. ↩
1 Pet. v. 13. ↩
See Bk. III. chap. 4, notes 12 and 15. Origen refers here to 2 Cor. viii. 18, where, however, it is clear that the reference is not to any specific Gospel any more than in the passages referred to above, III. 4, note 15. ↩
See Bk. III. chap. 24. ↩
This fragment from the fifth book of Origen's commentary on John is extant only in this chapter. The context is not preserved. ↩
2 Cor. iii. 6. ↩
Rom. xv. 19. ↩
See Bk. III. chap. 24, note 2. ↩
Matt. xvi. 18. ↩
On the first and second Epistles of Peter, see Bk. III. chap. 3, notes 1 and 4. ↩
See John xiii. 23. ↩
On John's Gospel, see Bk. III. chap. 24, note 1; on the Apocalypse, note 20; and on the epistles, notes 18 and 19 of the same chapter. ↩
See John xxi. 25 ↩
See Rev. x. 4 ↩
Upon the Epistle to the Hebrews, and Origen's treatment of it, see Bk. III. chap. 3, note 17. The two extracts given here by Eusebius are the only fragments of Origen's Homilies on the Epistle to the Hebrews now extant. Four brief Latin fragments of his commentary upon that epistle are preserved in the first book of Pamphilus' Defense of Origen, and are printed by Lommatzsch in Vol. V. p. 297 sq. The commentaries (or "books," as they are called) are mentioned only in that Defense. The catalogue of Jerome speaks only of "eighteen homilies." We know nothing about the extent or the date of composition of these homilies and commentaries. ↩
2 Cor. xi. 6. ↩
prosechon, te anagnosei te apostolik & 135;n?gnosis meant originally the act of reading, then also that which is read. It thus came to be used (like an?gnosma) of the pericope or text or section of the Scripture read in church, and in the plural to designate the church lectionaries, or service books. In the present case it is used evidently in a wider sense of the text of Paul's writings as a whole. This use of the two words to indicate, not simply the selection read in church, but the text of a book or books as a whole, was not at all uncommon, as may be seen from the examples given by Suicer, although he does not mention this wider signification among the uses of the word. See his Thesaurus, s.v. ↩
Histoire ecclésiastique
[1] Du reste, en commentant le premier psaume, il établit le catalogue des Saintes Écritures de l'Ancien Testament et il écrit ces paroles : « On ne doit pas ignorer que les livres testamentaires sont au nombre de vingt-deux ainsi que les Juifs nous l'ont transmis ; ce nombre est chez eux celui des lettres.» [2] Ensuite il ajoute : « Les vingt-deux livres des Hébreux sont ceux-ci : Celui qui est intitulé chez nous Genèse, et chez eux Bresith, à cause du début du livre, qui est: « Au commencement ». — Exode, Ouellesmoth, c'est-à-dire « Voici les noms ». — Lévitique, Ouicra : « Et il a appelé ». — Nombres, Ammesphecodéim. - Deutèronome, Elleaddebarèim : « Voici les paroles ». - Jésus fils de Navé, Josuébennoun. - Juges, Ruth, chez eux en un seul, Sophtéim. — Le premier et second des Rois, chez eux un seul, Samuel, « élu de Dieu ». — Le troisième et quatrième des Rois, en un, Onammelch David, ce qui signifie « Règne de David ». - Le premier et second des Paralipomènes, en un, Dabreïaméin, ce qui signifie : « Paroles des jours ». - Le premier et second d'Esdras, en un, Ezra, c'est-à-dire « Auxiliaire ». — Livre des Psaumes, Spharthelléim. ~ Proverbes de Salomon, Meloth ~ Ecclésiaste, Koelth. - Cantique 225 des cantiques (et non pas, comme certains pensent, Cantiques des cantiques), Sirassiréim. - Isaïe, Iessia. — Jérémie avec Lamentations, et l'Épître en un, lêrèmia. — Daniel, Daniel. — Ézéchiel, Ièzêchiel. - Job, Job. — Esther, Esther. En outre de ceux-ci, il v encore les Machabées, qui sont intitulés Sarbethsabanaiel.1
[3] Voilà ce qu'établit Origène dans l'ouvrage désigné plus haut. D'autre part, dans le premier livre des Commentaires sur l'Évangile de Matthieu, conservant le canon ecclésiastique, il atteste qu'il ne connaît que quatre Évangiles, et écrit ce qui suit2 : [4] « J'ai appris comme étant de la tradition, en ce qui concerne les quatre Évangiles qui sont les seuls incontestés dans l'Église de Dieu qui est sous le ciel, que le premier écrit est celui selon Matthieu, publicain d'abord, puis apôtre de Jésus-Christ ; il fut destiné à ceux qui avaient passé du Judaïsme à la foi, et fut composé en langue hébraïque. [5] Le second est celui selon Marc, qui l'a fait selon les indications de Pierre; celui-ci du reste atteste dans l'épître catholique, qu'il est son fils et il parle en ces termes : « l'Église élue qui est à Babylone et Marc « mon fils vous salue ». [6] Le troisième est celui selon Luc, l'Évangile loué par Paul et composé pour les gentils. Après tous vient celui selon Jean. »
[7] Dans le septième livre de ses Commentaires exégétiques sur évangile de Jean, le même écrivain dit encore ceci des épîtres des apôtres : « Devenu digne d'être le ministre du Nouveau Testament non pas selon la lettre, mais selon l'esprit, Paul, après avoir pleinement prêché l'Évangile, depuis Jérusalem jusqu'à l'Illyricum, 227 n'a pas écrit à toutes les églises qu'il a enseignées; mais à celles auxquelles il s'est adressé, il n'a envoyé que peu de lignes.3 [8] Pierre, sur qui est bâtie l'Église du Christ, contre laquelle les portes de l'enfer ne prévaudront pas, a laissé une épître incontestée, et peut-être une seconde, car cela est mis en doute. [9] Que faut-il dire de celui qui a reposé sur la poitrine de Jésus, de Jean qui a laissé un Évangile? Il confesse pouvoir faire plus de livres que le monde ne serait capable d'en contenir; il a encore écrit l'Apocalypse, puis il a reçu l'ordre de se taire et de ne pas écrire les voix des sept tonnerres. [10] Il a laissé aussi une épître de fort peu de lignes, peut-être une seconde et une troisième; tous en effet ne disent pas que celles-ci soient authentiques ; seulement l'une et l'autre n'ont pas cent lignes.
[11] En outre, au sujet de l'Épître aux Hébreux, dans les Homélies écrites sur elle, Origène explique encore ceci: «Le caractère du style de l'Épître intitulée Aux Hébreux n'a pas la manière simple du langage de l'apôtre qui avoue qu'il est grossier dans son parler, c'est-à-dire dans sa phrase, mais l'épître est très grecque par le travail du style. Quiconque sait apprécier les différences des expressions pourra l'attester.4 [12] D'ailleurs, que les pensées de l'épître sont admirables et 229 pas inférieures aux écrits apostoliques incontestés, quiconque s'occupe de la lecture des textes apostoliques, pourra convenir que cela est la vérité. »5 [13] Plus loin, il ajoute les paroles suivantes : « Pour moi, si je donnais mon avis, je dirais que les pensées sont de l'apôtre, mais la phrase et la composition sont de quelqu'un qui rapporte les enseignements de l'apôtre et pour ainsi dire d'un écolier qui écrit les choses dites par le maître. Si donc quelque église regarde cette épître comme de Paul, qu'elle soit félicitée même pour cela ; car ce n'est pas au hasard que les anciens l'ont transmise comme étant de Paul. [14] Mais qui a rédigé la lettre? Dieu sait la vérité; un récit est venu jusqu'à nous de certaines gens qui disent que Clément, qui fut évêque de Rome, la écrite, et d'autres qui désignent Luc, celui qui a composé l'Évangile et les Actes. » Mais en voilà assez, ainsi.
Dans ce catalogue sont omis les douze petits prophètes, par un lapsus d'Eusèbe ou de son secrétaire chargé de dresser la liste (SCHWAHTZ, P. CXLV). - Ῥούθ' παρ' αὐτοῖς ἐν ἕνι : les variantes des mss. montrent que εν n'a été écrit qu'une fois dans l'archétype. Voy. SCHWARTZ, p. CXLV. ↩
Cet extrait est tout ce qui reste de ce premier livre. ↩
Même observation pour ce livre V sur saint Jean. ↩
et 13. Ces deux extraits sont tout ce 536 que nous avons de ces homélies, avec quatre fragments latins de commentaires dans le premier livre de l'Apologie par Pamphile. ↩
τῇ ἀναγνώσει τῇ ἀποστολικῇ : le terme est à rapprocher de l'expression liturgique postérieure. ↩