Caput 24
Ecce quantum spatiatus sum in memoria mea quaerens te, domine, et non te inveni extra eam. neque enim aliquid de te invenio, quod non meminissem, ex quo didici te. nam ex quo didici te, non sum oblitus tui. ubi enim inveni veritatem, ibi inveni deum meum, ipsam veritatem, quam ex quo didici, non sum oblitus. itaque ex quo te didici, manes in memoria mea, et illic te invenio, cum reminiscor tui et delector in te. hae sunt sanctae deliciae meae, quas donasti mihi misericordia tua, respiciens paupertatem meam.
The Confessions of St. Augustin In Thirteen Books
Chapter XXIV.--He Who Finds Truth, Finds God.
35. Behold how I have enlarged in my memory seeking Thee, O Lord; and out of it have I not found Thee. Nor have I found aught concerning Thee, but what I have retained in memory from the time I learned Thee. For from the time I learned Thee have I never forgotten Thee. For where I found truth, there found I my God, who is the Truth itself, 1 which from the time I learned it have I not forgotten. And thus since the time I learned Thee, Thou abidest in my memory; and there do I find Thee whensoever I call Thee to remembrance, and delight in Thee. These are my holy delights, which Thou hast bestowed upon me in Thy mercy, having respect unto my poverty.
See iv. c. 12, and vii. c. 10, above. ↩