Les éditions de cette œuvre
Barnabas (Lightfoot) | Comparer |
Traductions de cette œuvre
Barnabasbrief (BKV) | Comparer |
Épître de Barnabé | Comparer |
The Epistle of Barnabas |
Commentaires sur cette œuvre
Einleitung zum Barnabasbrief | |
Introductory Note to the Epistle of Barnabas |
Table des matières
- The Epistle of Barnabas
- Chapter I.--After the salutation, the writer declares that he would communicate to his brethren something of that which he had himself received.
- Chapter II.--The Jewish sacrifices are now abolished.
- Chapter III.--The fasts of the Jews are not true fasts, nor acceptable to God.
- Chapter IV.--Antichrist is at hand: let us therefore avoid Jewish errors.
- Chapter V.--The new covenant, founded on the sufferings of Christ, tends to our salvation, but to the Jews' destruction.
- Chapter VI.--The sufferings of Christ, and the new covenant, were announced by the prophets.
- Chapter VII.--Fasting, and the goat sent away, were types of Christ.
- Chapter VIII.--The red heifer a type of Christ.
- Chapter IX.--The spiritual meaning of circumcision.
- Chapter X.--Spiritual significance of the precepts of Moses respecting different kinds of food.
- Chapter XI.--Baptism and the cross prefigured in the Old Testament.
- Chapter XII.--The cross of Christ frequently announced in the Old Testament.
- Chapter XIII.--Christians, and not Jews, the heirs of the covenant.
- Chapter XIV.--The Lord hath given us the testament which Moses received and broke.
- Chapter XV.--The false and the true Sabbath.
- Chapter XVI.--The spiritual temple of God.
- Chapter XVII.--Conclusion of the first part of the epistle.
- Chapter XVIII.--Second part of the epistle. The two ways.
- Chapter XIX.--The way of light.
- Chapter XX.--The way of darkness.
- Chapter XXI.--Conclusion.