Salvation of the Rich Man
Wherefore it is by all means necessary for thee, who art pompous, and powerful, and rich, to set over thyself some man of God as a trainer and governor. Reverence, though it be but one man; fear, though it be but one man. Give yourself to hearing, though it be but one speaking freely, using harshness, and at the same time healing. For it is good for the eyes not to continue always wanton, but to weep and smart sometimes, for greater health. So also nothing is more pernicious to the soul than uninterrupted pleasure. For it is blinded by melting away, if it remain unmoved by bold speech. Fear this man when angry; be pained at his groaning; and reverence him when making his anger to cease; and anticipate him when he is deprecating punishment. Let him pass many sleepless nights for thee, interceding for thee with God, influencing the Father with the magic of familiar litanies. For He does not hold out against His children when they beg His pity. And for you he will pray purely, held in high honour as an angel of God, and grieved not by you, but for you. This is sincere repentance. "God is not mocked," 1 nor does He give heed to vain words. For He alone searches the marrow and reins of the heart, and hears those that are in the fire, and listens to those who supplicate in the whale's belly; and is near to all who believe, and far from the ungodly if they repent not.
Gal. vi. 7. ↩
Quis dives salvetur
Διὸ δεῖ πάντως σε τὸν σοβαρὸν καὶ δυνατὸν καὶ πλούσιον ἐπιστήσασθαι ἑαυτῷ τινα ἄνθρωπον θεοῦ καθάπερ ἀλείπτην καὶ κυβερνήτην. αἰδοῦ κἂν ἕνα, φοβοῦ κἂν ἕνα, μελέτησον ἀκούειν κἂν ἑνὸς παρρησιαζομένου καὶ στύφοντος ἅμα καὶ θεραπεύοντος. οὐδὲ γὰρ τοῖς ὀφθαλμοῖς συμφέρει τὸν ἀεὶ χρόνον ἀκολάστοις μένειν, ἀλλὰ καὶ δακρῦσαι καὶ δηχθῆναί ποτε ὑπὲρ τῆς ὑγείας τῆς πλείονος. οὕτω καὶ ψυχῇ διηνεκοῦς ἡδονῆς οὐδὲν ὀλεθριώτερον· ἀποτυφλοῦται γὰρ ἀπὸ τῆς τήξεως, ἐὰν ἀκίνητος τῷ παρρησιαζομένῳ διαμείνῃ λόγῳ. τοῦτον καὶ ὀργισθέντα φοβήθητι, καὶ στενάξαντα † λυπήθητι, καὶ ὀργὴν παύοντα αἰδέσθητι, καὶ κόλασιν παραιτούμενον φθάσον. οὗτος ὑπὲρ σοῦ πολλὰς νύκτας ἀγρυπνησάτω, πρεσβεύων ὑπὲρ σοῦ πρὸς θεὸν καὶ λιτανείαις συνήθεσι μαγεύων τὸν πατέρα· οὐ γὰρ ἀντέχει τοῖς τέκνοις αὐτοῦ τὰ σπλάγχνα δεομένοις. δεήσεται δὲ καθαρῶς ὑπὸ σοῦ προτιμώμενος ὡς ἄγγελος τοῦ θεοῦ καὶ μηδὲν ὑπὸ σοῦ λυπούμενος, ἀλλ' ὑπὲρ σοῦ. τοῦτό ἐστι μετάνοια ἀνυπόκριτος. «θεὸς οὐ μυκτηρίζεται» οὐδὲ προσέχει κενοῖς ῥήμασι· μόνος γὰρ ἀνακρίνει μυελοὺς καὶ νεφροὺς καρδίας καὶ τῶν ἐν πυρὶ κατακούει καὶ τῶν ἐν κοιλίᾳ κήτους ἱκετευόντων ἐξακούει καὶ πᾶσιν ἐγγύς ἐστι τοῖς πιστεύουσι καὶ πόρρω τοῖς ἀθέοις, ἂν μὴ μετανοήσωσιν.