Kirchengeschichte (BKV)
2. Kap. Des Origenes jugendlicher Eifer.
Wollte es jemand unternehmen, das Leben dieses Mannes in Muße zu beschreiben, dann hätte er viel zu sagen, und die Darstellung würde ein eigenes Werk erfordern. Doch wollen wir jetzt das meiste so kurz wie möglich zusammenfassen und nur einiges wenige über ihn berichten, indem wir das erzählen, was uns aus Briefen und aus Mitteilungen seiner noch jetzt lebenden Schüler bekannt geworden ist. Das Leben des Origenes scheint mir sozusagen schon von den Windeln an erwähnenswert zu sein. Als Severus im zehnten Jahre seiner Regierung stand, Latus Statthalter von Alexandrien und dem übrigen Ägypten war und Demetrius eben erst nach Julian das bischöfliche Amt über die dortigen Gemeinden übernommen hatte, erhob sich mächtig die Flamme der Verfolgung und erwarben sich Unzählige die Krone des Martyriums. Da erfaßte auch die Seele des noch jugendlichen Origenes die Begeisterung für das Martyrium, so daß er sich geradewegs in die Gefahren begeben und in den Kampf stürzen wollte. Es hätte nun nicht viel gefehlt, und er hätte sein Leben eingebüßt, wenn nicht die göttliche, himmlische Vorsehung zum Nutzen vieler durch seine Mutter seinem Vorhaben entgegengetreten wäre. Zunächst bestürmte ihn die Mutter mit Worten und bat ihn, Rücksicht auf ihre mütterliche Liebe zu nehmen. Als sie aber sah, daß er auf die Nachricht von der Gefangennahme und Einkerkerung des Vaters ganz im Verlangen nach dem Martyrium aufging und sich noch leidenschaftlicher darnach sehnte, versteckte sie alle seine Kleider und nötigte ihn so, zu Hause zu bleiben. Doch da ihn das für sein Alter ungewöhnlich große Sehnen nicht in Ruhe ließ, tat er, was er nicht lassen wollte, und schickte an den Vater einen Brief mit der dringlichen Aufforderung zum Martyrium. S. 265 Wörtlich mahnte er ihn darin: „Hab acht, daß du nicht unsertwegen deine Gesinnung änderst!“ Dieses Verhalten des Origenes möge als erste Probe seiner jugendlichen Verständigkeit und seiner aufrichtigen religiösen Gesinnung aufgezeichnet sein. Da er schon als Knabe in den göttlichen Schriften geschult wurde, hatte er bereits einen guten Grund zur Glaubenswissenschaft gelegt. In außergewöhnlicher Weise hatte er sich dem Studium der Schrift hingegeben, da der Vater zu der gewöhnlichen Schulbildung hin gerade hierauf das Hauptaugenmerk gerichtet. Dieser hielt ihn vor allem dazu an, sich vor dem Studium der heidnischen Wissenschaften in der heiligen Weisheit zu üben. Täglich verlangte er von ihm, daß er (Stellen der Schrift) auswendig lerne und hersage. Dies war dem Knaben nicht zuwider. Er verlegte sich vielmehr mit größter Freude darauf. Ja mit dem einfachen und oberflächlichen Lesen der Heiligen Schrift war er nicht zufrieden, er suchte mehr und befaßte sich bereits damals mit dem tieferen Sinn, so daß er dem Vater zu schaffen machte mit der Frage, was der hinter der inspirierten Schrift stehende Wille auszudrücken wünsche. Dem Scheine nach wies ihn der Vater zurecht und warnte ihn davor, nach etwas zu forschen, was er in seinem Alter nicht verstehen könne und was über den Wortsinn hinausgehe; im geheimen aber war er aufs höchste erfreut und dankte von ganzem Herzen Gott, dem Urheber alles Guten, daß er ihn gewürdigt hatte, Vater eines solchen Sohnes zu sein. Wie man erzählt, trat er oft an den schlafenden Knaben heran, ihm die Brust, den Tempel des Heiligen Geistes, zu entblößen, sie ehrfurchtsvoll zu küssen und sich wegen des guten Kindes glücklich zu preisen. Dieses und Ähnliches wird aus der Jugendzeit des Origenes erzählt. Als sein Vater den Märtyrertod gestorben war, blieb er, noch nicht siebzehn Jahre alt, mit seiner Mutter und seinen sechs jün- S. 266 geren Geschwistern als Waise zurück. Da das Vermögen des Vaters der kaiserlichen Schatzkammer zufiel, mußte er mit seinen Angehörigen an den lebensnotwendigen Dingen Mangel leiden. Allein Gott würdigte ihn seiner Fürsorge. Er fand Aufnahme und Unterhalt bei einer sehr reichen und vornehmen Frau. Diese nahm sich auch eines berühmten Mannes an, welcher zu den damals in Alexandrien lebenden Häretikern gehörte und aus Alexandrien stammte. Die genannte Frau hatte ihn als Adoptivsohn bei sich und sorgte aufs beste für ihn. Obwohl Origenes nun gezwungen war, mit diesem Manne zusammenzuleben, gab er von da ab deutliche Proben seiner Rechtgläubigkeit. Denn trotzdem bei Paulus — dies war der Name des Mannes — eine sehr große Menge nicht nur von Häretikern, sondern auch von den Unsrigen wegen seiner bekannten Gelehrsamkeit zusammenkam, ließ sich Origenes niemals dazu bewegen, gemeinsam mit ihm zu beten. Schon von Knabenjahren an beobachtete er die Vorschrift der Kirche und „verabscheute“ — dieses Wort hat er selbst einmal gebraucht — die häretischen Lehren. Da er von seinem Vater bereits in die Wissenschaften der Griechen eingeführt worden war und sich auch nach dessen Tode ganz und gar ihrem Studium hingab, verfügte er über ein gutes Maß von Kenntnissen. Damit erwarb er sich bald nach dem Tode des Vaters einen mit Rücksicht auf seine Jugend recht reichlichen Unterhalt.
The Church History of Eusebius
Chapter II.--The Training of Origen from Childhood. 1
1. Many things might be said in attempting to describe the life of the man while in school; but this subject alone would require a separate treatise. Nevertheless, for the present, abridging most things, we shall state a few facts concerning him as briefly as possible, gathering them from certain letters, and from the statement of persons still living who were acquainted with him.
2. What they report of Origen seems to me worthy of mention, even, so to speak, from his swathing-bands.
It was the tenth year of the reign of Severus, while Laetus 2 was governor of Alexandria and the rest of Egypt, and Demetrius 3 had lately received the episcopate of the parishes there, as successor of Julian. 4
3. As the flame of persecution had been kindled greatly, 5 and multitudes had gained the crown of martyrdom, such desire for martyrdom seized the soul of Origen, although yet a boy, that he went close to danger, springing forward and rushing to the conflict in his eagerness.
4. And truly the termination of his life had been very near had not the divine and heavenly Providence, for the benefit of many, prevented his desire through the agency of his mother.
5. For, at first, entreating him, she begged him to have compassion on her motherly feelings toward him; but finding, that when he had learned that his father had been seized and imprisoned, he was set the more resolutely, and completely carried away with his zeal for martyrdom, she hid all his clothing, and thus compelled him to remain at home.
6. But, as there was nothing else that he could do, and his zeal beyond his age would not suffer him to be quiet, he sent to his father an encouraging letter on martyrdom, 6 in which he exhorted him, saying, "Take heed not to change your mind on our account." This may be recorded as the first evidence of Origen's youthful wisdom and of his genuine love for piety.
7. For even then he had stored up no small resources in the words of the faith, having been trained in the Divine Scriptures from childhood. And he had not studied them with indifference, for his father, besides giving him the usual liberal education, 7 had made them a matter of no secondary importance.
8. First of all, before inducting him into the Greek sciences, he drilled him in sacred studies, requiring him to learn and recite every day.
9. Nor was this irksome to the boy, but he was eager and diligent in these studies. And he was not satisfied with learning what was simple and obvious in the sacred words, but sought for something more, and even at that age busied himself with deeper speculations. So that he puzzled his father with inquiries for the true meaning of the inspired Scriptures.
10. And his father rebuked him seemingly to his face, telling him not to search beyond his age, or further than the manifest meaning. But by himself he rejoiced greatly and thanked God, the author of all good, that he had deemed him worthy to be the father of such a child.
11. And they say that often, standing by the boy when asleep, he uncovered his breast as if the Divine Spirit were enshrined within it, and kissed it reverently; considering himself blessed in his goodly offspring. These and other things like them are related of Origen when a boy.
12. But when his father ended his life in martyrdom, he was left with his mother and six younger brothers when he was not quite seventeen years old. 8
13. And the property of his father being confiscated to the royal treasury, he and his family were in want of the necessaries of life. But he was deemed worthy of Divine care. And he found welcome and rest with a woman of great wealth, and distinguished in her manner of life and in other respects. She was treating with great honor a famous heretic then in Alexandria; 9 who, however, was born in Antioch. He was with her as an adopted son, and she treated him with the greatest kindness.
14. But although Origen was under the necessity of associating with him, he nevertheless gave from this time on strong evidences of his orthodoxy in the faith. For when on account of the apparent skill in argument 10 of Paul,--for this was the man's name,--a great multitude came to him, not only of heretics but also of our people, Origen could never be induced to join with him in prayer; 11 for he held, although a boy, the rule of the Church, 12 and abominated, as he somewhere expresses it, heretical teachings. 13 Having been instructed in the sciences of the Greeks by his father, he devoted him after his death more assiduously and exclusively to the study of literature, so that he obtained considerable preparation in philology 14 and was able not long after the death of his father, by devoting himself to that subject, to earn a compensation amply sufficient for his needs at his age. 15
This sixth book of Eusebius' History is our chief source for a knowledge of Origen's life. His own writings give us little information of a personal nature; but Eusebius was in a position to learn a great deal about him. He had the advantage of personal converse with surviving friends of Origen, as he tells us in this connection; he had also a large collection of Origen's epistles (he had himself made a collection of more than one hundred of them, as he tells us in chap. 36); and he had access besides to official documents, and to works of Origen's contemporaries which contained references to him (see chap. 33). As a result, he was in a position to write a full and accurate account of his life, and in fact, in connection with Pamphilus, he did write a Defense of Origen in six books, which contained both an exposition of his theology with a refutation of charges brought against him, and a full account of his life. Of this work only the first book is extant, and that in the translation of Rufinus. It deals solely with theological matters. It is greatly to be regretted that the remaining books are lost, for they must have contained much of the greatest interest in connection with Origen's life, especially that period of it about which we are most poorly informed, his residence in Caesarea after his retirement from Alexandria (see chap. 23). In the present book Eusebius gives numerous details of Origen's life, frequently referring to the Defense for fuller particulars. His account is very desultory, being interspersed with numerous notices of other men and events, introduced apparently without any method, though undoubtedly the design was to preserve in general the chronological order. There is no part of Eusebius' work which reveals more clearly the viciousness of the purely chronological method breaking up as it does the account of a single person or movement into numerous detached pieces, and thus utterly destroying all historical continuity. It may be well, therefore, to sum up in brief outline the chief events of Origen's life, most of which are scattered through the following pages. This summary will be found below, on p. 391 sq. In addition to the notices contained in this book, we have a few additional details from the Defense, which have been preserved by Jerome, Rufinus, and Photius, none of whom seems to have had much, if any, independent knowledge of Origen's life. Epiphanius (Haer. LXIII, and LXIV.) relates some anecdotes of doubtful credibility. The Panegyric of Gregory Thaumaturgus is valuable as a description of Origen's method of teaching, and of the wonderful influence which he possessed over his pupils. (For outline of Origen's life, see below, p. 391 sq.) ↩
This Laetus is to be distinguished from Q. Æmilius Laetus, praetorian prefect under Commodus, who was put to death by the Emperor Didius Julianus, in 193; and from Julius Laetus, minister of Severus, who was executed in 199 (see Dion Cassius, Bk. LXXIII. chap. 16, and LXXV. chap. 10; cf. Tillemont, Hist. des emp. III. p. 21, 55, and 58). The dates of Laetus' rule in Egypt are unknown to us. ↩
On the dates of Demetrius' episcopacy, see Bk. V. chap. 22, note 4. ↩
On Julian, see Bk. V. chap. 9, note 2. ↩
On the persecution, see more particularly chap. 1, note 1. ↩
This epistle which was apparently extant in the time of Eusebius, and may have been contained in the collection made by him (see chap. 36), is now lost, and we possess only this sentence from it. ↩
te ton enkuklion paidei& 139;. According to Liddell and Scott, enk. paideia in later Greek meant "the circle of those arts and sciences which every free-born youth in Greece was obliged to go through before applying to any professional studies; school learning, as opposed to the business of life." So Valesius says that the Greeks understood by enk. mathemata the branches in which the youth were instructed; i.e. mathematics, grammar, and rhetoric philosophy not being included (see Valesius' note in loco). ↩
On the date of Origen's birth, see note 1. ↩
Of this Antiochene heretic Paul we know only what Eusebius tells us here. His patroness seems to have been a Christian, and in good standing in the Alexandrian church, or Origen would hardly have made his home with her. ↩
dia to dokoun hikanon en logo. ↩
Redepenning (p. 189) refers to Origen's In Matt. Comment. Series, sec. 89, where it is said, melius est cum nullo orare, quam cum malis orare. ↩
phul?tton exeti paidos kanona [two mss. kanonas] ekklesias. Compare the words of the Apostolic Constitutions, VIII. 34: "Let not one of the faithful pray with a catechumen, no, not in the house; for it is not reasonable that he who is admitted should be polluted with one not admitted. Let not one of the godly pray with an heretic, no, not in the house. For what fellowship hath light with darkness?'" Compare also the Apostolic Canons, 11, 12, and 45. The last reads: "Let a bishop, or presbyter, or deacon, who only prays with heretics, be suspended; but if he also permit them to perform any part of the office of a clergyman, let him be deprived." Hefele (Conciliengesch. I. p. 815) considers this canon only a "consistent application of apostolic principles to particular cases,--an application which was made from the first century on, and therefore very old." ↩
Redepenning (p. 190) refers to the remarks of Origen upon the nature and destructiveness of heresy collected by Pamphilus (Fragm. Apol. Pamph. Opp. Origen, IV. 694 [ed. Delarue]). ↩
epi ta grammatik? ↩
See below, p. 392. ↩