Kirchengeschichte (BKV)
32. Kap. Das Martyrium Symeons, Bischofs von Jerusalem.
Wie überliefert wird, entstanden nach Nero und Domitian unter dem Herrscher, dessen Zeit wir gerade behandeln,1 vereinzelt in Städten infolge von Volksaufständen gegen uns Verfolgungen. In einer derselben erlitt Symeon, der Sohn des Klopas, der, wie wir berichteten,2 als zweiter Bischof der Kirche von Jerusalem eingesetzt worden war, gemäß der Überlieferung den Martertod. Zeuge hierfür ist jener Hegesippus, den wir schon oben wiederholt zitiert haben. Wie dieser in einem Bericht über verschiedene Häretiker mitteilt, wurde Symeon zu jener Zeit von seiten dieser Häretiker angeklagt, wegen seines christlichen Glaubens lange Zeit auf verschiedene Weise gepeinigt, wobei er die höchste Bewun- S. 142 derung des Richters selbst und seines Kollegiums erregte, und schließlich ähnlich dem Herrn hingerichtet. Doch ist es am besten, den Schriftsteller selber zu hören, welcher darüber also erzählt:3 „Gegen Symeon erhoben einige dieser Häretiker die Anklage, daß er von David abstamme und Christ sei, weshalb er im Alter von 120 Jahren unter Kaiser Trajan und dem Prokonsul Attikus den Martertod erlitt.“ Der gleiche Schriftsteller berichtet, daß damals nach jenen gefahndet wurde, welche vom Königsgeschlechte der Juden abstammten, und daß zufällig auch die Ankläger des Symeon als solche Nachkommen verhaftet wurden. Mit gutem Grunde läßt sich behaupten, daß auch Symeon den Herrn gesehen und gehört hat. Denn man kann sich hierfür auf sein hohes Alter berufen sowie darauf, daß das Evangelium4 Maria, die Frau des Klopas, erwähnt, dessen Sohn, wie schon früher gesagt,5 Symeon war. Wie Hegesippus mitteilt, lebten noch Nachkommen von einem anderen der sog. Brüder des Heilandes, nämlich von Judas, bis zur gleichen Regierungszeit,6 nachdem sie unter Domitian, wie schon oben erzählt,7 für ihren christlichen Glauben Zeugnis abgelegt hatten.8 Hegesippus schreibt:9 „Sie kehrten nun zurück und erhielten als Bekenner und als Verwandte des Herrn führende Stellungen in der ganzen Kirche. Nachdem tiefer Friede in der ganzen Kirche eingetreten war, lebten sie noch bis zur Regierung des Kaisers Trajan, bis zu jener Zeit, da der oben erwähnte Symeon, der Sohn des Klopas, von den Häretikern als Vetter des Herrn angegeben und unter dem Prokonsul Attikus aus eben diesem Grunde vor Gericht gestellt wurde. Trotzdem er Tage lang gemartert wurde, blieb er standhaft im Glauben, so daß alle und auch der Prokonsul sich wunderten, wie ein Mann von 120 Jahren S. 143 solches aushalten konnte. Sodann befahl man, ihn zu kreuzigen.“ In seinem Berichte über die erwähnten Zeiten fügt Hegesippus jener Erzählung noch bei, daß die Kirche bis dahin eine reine, unbefleckte Jungfrau geblieben sei; denn die, welche die gesunde Lehre der Heilspredigt zu untergraben suchten, hielten sich damals, wenn es schon solche gab, noch in Finsternis versteckt und verborgen. Als der heilige Chor der Apostel auf verschiedene Weise sein Ende gefunden hatte und jenes Geschlecht, welches das Glück hatte, mit eigenen Ohren der göttlichen Weisheit zu lauschen, abgetreten war, erhob sich zum ersten Male der gottlose Irrtum durch die Schuld lügenhafter fremder Lehrer. Diese wagten nun, da keiner der Apostel mehr am Leben war, mit frecher Stirne der Lehre der Wahrheit eine falsche sog. Gnosis entgegenzusetzen.
The Church History of Eusebius
Chapter XXXII.--Symeon, Bishop of Jerusalem, suffers Martyrdom.
1. It is reported that after the age of Nero and Domitian, under the emperor whose times we are now recording, 1 a persecution was stirred up against us in certain cities in consequence of a popular uprising. 2 In this persecution we have understood that Symeon, the son of Clopas, who, as we have shown, was the second bishop of the church of Jerusalem, 3 suffered martyrdom.
2. Hegesippus, whose words we have already quoted in various places, 4 is a witness to this fact also. Speaking of certain heretics 5 he adds that Symeon was accused by them at this time; and since it was clear that he was a Christian, he was tortured in various ways for many days, and astonished even the judge himself and his attendants in the highest degree, and finally he suffered a death similar to that of our Lord. 6
3. But there is nothing like hearing the historian himself, who writes as follows: "Certain of these heretics brought accusation against Symeon, the son of Clopas, on the ground that he was a descendant of David 7 and a Christian; and thus he suffered martyrdom, at the age of one hundred and twenty years, 8 while Trajan was emperor and Atticus governor." 9
4. And the same writer says that his accusers also, when search was made for the descendants of David, were arrested as belonging to that family. 10 And it might be reasonably assumed that Symeon was one of those that saw and heard the Lord, 11 judging from the length of his life, and from the fact that the Gospel makes mention of Mary, the wife of Clopas, 12 who was the father of Symeon, as has been already shown. 13
5. The same historian says that there were also others, descended from one of the so-called brothers of the Saviour, whose name was Judas, who, after they had borne testimony before Domitian, as has been already recorded, 14 in behalf of faith in Christ, lived until the same reign.
6. He writes as follows: "They came, therefore, and took the lead of every church 15 as witnesses 16 and as relatives of the Lord. And profound peace being established in every church, they remained until the reign of the Emperor Trajan, 17 and until the above-mentioned Symeon, son of Clopas, an uncle of the Lord, was informed against by the heretics, and was himself in like manner accused for the same cause 18 before the governor Atticus. 19 And after being tortured for many days he suffered martyrdom, and all, including even the proconsul, marveled that, at the age of one hundred and twenty years, he could endure so much. And orders were given that he should be crucified."
7. In addition to these things the same man, while recounting the events of that period, records that the Church up to that time had remained a pure and uncorrupted virgin, since, if there were any that attempted to corrupt the sound norm of the preaching of salvation, they lay until then concealed in obscure darkness.
8. But when the sacred college of apostles had suffered death in various forms, and the generation of those that had been deemed worthy to hear the inspired wisdom with their own ears had passed away, then the league of godless error took its rise as a result of the folly of heretical teachers, 20 who, because none of the apostles was still living, attempted henceforth, with a bold face, to proclaim, in opposition to the preaching of the truth, the knowledge which is falsely so-called.' 21
Trajan, who reigned from 98 to 117 a.d. ↩
Upon the state of the Christians under Trajan, see the next chapter, with the notes. ↩
See chap. 11. ↩
Quoted in Bk. II. chap. 23, and in Bk. III. chap. 20, and mentioned in Bk. III. chap. 11. Upon his life and writings, see Bk. IV. chap. 8, note 1. ↩
In the passage quoted in Bk. IV. chap. 22, §4, Hegesippus speaks of various heretics, and it looks as if the passage quoted there directly preceded the present one in the work of Hegesippus. ↩
That is, by crucifixion, as stated in §6. ↩
It is noticeable that Symeon was not sought out by the imperial authorities, but was accused to them as a descendant of David and as a Christian. The former accusation shows with what suspicion all members of the Jewish royal family were still viewed, as possible instigators of a revolution (cf. chap. 20, note 2); the latter shows that in the eyes of the State Christianity was in itself a crime (see the next chapter, note 6). In the next paragraph it is stated that search was made by the officials for members of the Jewish royal family. This was quite natural, after the attention of the government had been officially drawn to the family by the arrest of Symeon. ↩
The date of the martyrdom of Symeon is quite uncertain. It has been commonly ascribed (together with the martyrdom of Ignatius) to the year 106 or 107, upon the authority of Eusebius' Chron., which is supposed to connect these events with the ninth or tenth year of Trajan's reign. But an examination of the passage in the Chron., where Eusebius groups together these two events and the persecutions in Bithynia, shows that he did not pretend to know the exact date of any of them, and simply put them together as three similar events known to have occurred during the reign of Trajan (cf. Lightfoot's Ignatius, II. p. 447 sqq.). The year of Atticus' proconsulship we unfortunately do not know, although Wieseler, in his Christen-Verfolgungen der Caesaren, p. 126, cites Waddington as his authority for the statement that Herodes Atticus was proconsul of Palestine from 105 to 107; but all that Waddington says (Fastes des prov. Asiat., p. 720) is, that since the proconsul for the years 105 to 107 is not known, and Eusebius puts the death of Symeon in the ninth or tenth year of Trajan, we may assume that this was the date of Atticus' proconsulship. This, of course, furnishes no support for the common opinion. Lightfoot, on account of the fact that Symeon was the son of Clopas, wishes to put the martyrdom earlier in Trajan's reign, and it is probable that it occurred earlier rather than later; more cannot be said. The great age of Symeon and his martyrdom under Trajan are too well authenticated to admit of doubt; at the same time, the figure 120 may well be an exaggeration, as Lightfoot thinks. Renan (Les Evangiles, p. 466) considers it very improbable that Symeon could have had so long a life and episcopate, and therefore invents a second Symeon, a great-grandson of Clopas, as fourth bishop of Jerusalem, and makes him the martyr mentioned here. But there is nothing improbable in the survival of a contemporary of Jesus to the time of Trajan, and there is no warrant for rejecting the tradition, which is unanimous in calling Symeon the son of Clopas, and also in emphasizing his great age. ↩
epi Traianou kaisaros kai hupatikou 'Attikou. The nouns being without the article, the phrase is to be translated, "while Trajan was emperor, and Atticus governor." In §6, below, where the article is used, we must translate, "before Atticus the governor" (see Lightfoot's Ignatius, I. p. 59). The word hupatikos is an adjective signifying "consular, pertaining to a consul." It "came to be used in the second century especially of provincial governors who had held the consulship, and at a later date of such governors even though they might not have been consuls" (Lightfoot, p. 59, who refers to Marquardt, Römische Staatsverwaltung, I. 409). ↩
This is a peculiar statement. Members of the house of David would hardly have ventured to accuse Symeon on the ground that he belonged to that house. The statement is, however, quite indefinite. We are not told what happened to these accusers, nor indeed that they really were of David's line, although the hos?n with which Eusebius introduces the charge does not imply any doubt in his own mind, as Lightfoot quite rightly remarks. It is possible that some who were of the line of David may have accused Symeon, not of being a member of that family, but only of being a Christian, and that the report of the occurrence may have become afterward confused. ↩
This is certainly a reasonable supposition, and the unanimous election of Symeon as successor of James at a time when there must have been many living who had seen the Lord, confirms the conclusion. ↩
Mary, the wife of Clopas, is mentioned in John xix. 25. ↩
See above, chap. 11. ↩
See above, chap. 20. ↩
See p. 389, note. ↩
m?rtures. The word is evidently used here in its earlier sense of "witnesses," referring to those who testified to Christ even if they did not seal their testimony with death. This was the original use of the word, and continued very common during the first two centuries, after which it became the technical term for persons actually martyred and was confined to them, while homologetes, "confessor," gradually came into use as the technical term for those who had borne testimony in the midst of persecution, but had not suffered death. As early as the first century (cf. Acts xxii. 20 and Rev. ii. 13) m?rtus was used of martyrs, but not as distinguishing them from other witnesses to the truth. See the remarks of Lightfoot, in his edition of Clement of Rome, p. 46. ↩
This part of the quotation has already been given in Eusebius' own words in chap. 20, §8. See note 5 on that chapter. ↩
epi to auto logo, that is, was accused for the same reason that the grandsons of Judas (whom Hegesippus had mentioned just before) were; namely, because he belonged to the line of David. See chap. 20; but compare also the remarks made in note 10, above. ↩
epi 'Attikou tou hupatikou. See above, note 9. ↩
On the heretics mentioned by Hegesippus, see Bk. IV. chap. 22. ↩
ten pseudonumon gnosin; 1 Tim. vi. 20. A few mss., followed by Stephanus, Valesius (in his text), Closs, and Crusè, add the words (in substance): "Such is the statement of Hegesippus. But let us proceed with the course of our history." The majority of the mss., however, endorsed by Valesius in his notes, and followed by Burton, Heinichen, and most of the editors, omit the words, which are clearly an interpolation. ↩