The Confessions of St. Augustin In Thirteen Books
Chapter XXV.--He is Glad that God Dwells in His Memory.
36. But where in my memory abidest Thou, O Lord, where dost Thou there abide? What manner of chamber hast Thou there formed for Thyself? What sort of sanctuary hast Thou erected for Thyself? Thou hast granted this honour to my memory, to take up Thy abode in it; but in what quarter of it Thou abidest, I am considering. For in calling Thee to mind, 1 I soared beyond those parts of it which the beasts also possess, since I found Thee not there amongst the images of corporeal things; and I arrived at those parts where I had committed the affections of my mind, nor there did I find Thee. And I entered into the very seat of my mind, which it has in my memory, since the mind remembers itself also--nor wert Thou there. For as Thou art not a bodily image, nor the affection of a living creature, as when we rejoice, condole, desire, fear, remember, forget, or aught of the kind; so neither art Thou the mind itself, because Thou art the Lord God of the mind; and all these things are changed, but Thou remainest unchangeable over all, yet vouchsafest to dwell in my memory, from the time I learned Thee. But why do I now seek in what part of it Thou dwellest, as if truly there were places in it? Thou dost dwell in it assuredly, since I have remembered Thee from the time I learned Thee, and I find Thee in it when I call Thee to mind.
In connection with Augustin's views as to memory, Locke's Essay on the Human Understanding, ii. 10, and Stewart's Philosophy of the Human Mind, c. 6, may be profitably consulted. ↩
Caput 25
Sed ubi manes in memoria mea, domine, ubi illic manes? quale cubile fabricasti tibi? quale sanctuarium aedificasti tibi? tu dedisti hanc dignationem memoriae meae, ut maneas in ea, sed in qua eius parte maneas, hoc considero. transcendi enim partes eius, quas habent et bestiae, cum te recordarer (quia non ibi te inveniebam inter imagines rerum corporalium), et veni ad partes eius, ubi commendavi affectiones animi mei, nec illic inveni te. et intravi ad ipsius animi mei sedem (quae illi est in memoria mea, quoniam sui quoque meminit animus), nec ibi tu eras, quia sicut non es imago corporalis nec affectio viventis, qualis est, cum laetamur, contristamur, cupimus, metuimus, meminimus, obliviscimur, et quidquid huius modi est, ita nec ipse animus es, quia dominus deus animi tu es, et commutantur haec omnia, tu autem incommutabilis manes super omnia, et dignatus es habitare in memoria mea, ex quo te didici. et quid quaero, quo loco eius habites, quasi vero loca ibi sint? habitas certe in ea, quoniam tui memini, ex quo te didici, et in ea invenio, cum recordor te.