The Confessions of St. Augustin In Thirteen Books
Chapter XLI.--Having Conquered His Triple Desire, He Arrives at Salvation.
66. And thus have I reflected upon the wearinesses of my sins, in that threefold "lust," 1 and have invoked Thy right hand to my aid. For with a wounded heart have I seen Thy brightness, and being beaten back I exclaimed, "Who can attain unto it?" "I am cut off from before Thine eyes." 2 Thou art the Truth, who presidest over all things, but I, through my covetousness, wished not to lose Thee, but with Thee wished to possess a lie; as no one wishes so to speak falsely as himself to be ignorant of the truth. So then I lost Thee, because Thou deignest not to be enjoyed with a lie.
Caput 41
Ideoque consideravi languores peccatorum meorum in cupiditate triplici, et dexteram tuam invocari ad salutem meam. vidi enim splendorem tuum corde saucio et repercussus dixi: quis illuc potest? proiectus sum a facie oculorum tuorum. tu es veritas super omnia praesidens. at ego per avaritiam meam non amittere te volui, sed volui tecum possidere mendacium, sicut nemo vult ita falsum dicere, ut nesciat ipse, quid verum sit. itaque amisi te, quia non dignaris cum mendacio possideri.