The Confessions of St. Augustin In Thirteen Books
Chapter IX.--Innocent Alypius, Being Apprehended as a Thief, is Set at Liberty by the Cleverness of an Architect.
14. But this was all being stored up in his memory for a medicine hereafter. As was that also, that when he was yet studying under me at Carthage, and was meditating at noonday in the market-place upon what he had to recite (as scholars are wont to be exercised), Thou sufferedst him to be apprehended as a thief by the officers of the market-place. For no other reason, I apprehend, didst Thou, O our God, suffer it, but that he who was in the future to prove so great a man should now begin to learn that, in judging of causes, man should not with a reckless credulity readily be condemned by man. For as he was walking up and down alone before the judgment-seat with his tablets and pen, lo, a young man, one of the scholars, the real thief, privily bringing a hatchet, got in without Alypius' seeing him as far as the leaden bars which protect the silversmiths' shops, and began to cut away the lead. But the noise of the hatchet being heard, the silversmiths below began to make a stir, and sent to take in custody whomsoever they should find. But the thief, hearing their voices, ran away, leaving his hatchet, fearing to be taken with it. Now Alypius, who had not seen him come in, caught sight of him as he went out, and noted with what speed he made off. And, being curious to know the reasons, he entered the place, where, finding the hatchet, he stood wondering and pondering, when behold, those that were sent caught him alone, hatchet in hand, the noise whereof had startled them and brought them thither. They lay hold of him and drag him away, and, gathering the tenants of the market-place about them, boast of having taken a notorious thief, and thereupon he was being led away to apppear before the judge.
15. But thus far was he to be instructed. For immediately, O Lord, Thou camest to the succour of his innocency, whereof Thou wert the sole witness. For, as he was being led either to prison or to punishment, they were met by a certain architect, who had the chief charge of the public buildings. They were specially glad to come across him, by whom they used to be suspected of stealing the goods lost out of the market-place, as though at last to convince him by whom these thefts were committed. He, however, had at divers times seen Alypius at the house of a certain senator, whom he was wont to visit to pay his respects; and, recognising him at once, he took him aside by the hand, and inquiring of him the cause of so great a misfortune, heard the whole affair, and commanded all the rabble then present (who were very uproarious and full of threatenings) to go with him. And they came to the house of the young man who had committed the deed. There, before the door, was a lad so young as not to refrain from disclosing the whole through the fear of injuring his master. For he had followed his master to the market-place. Whom, so soon as Alypius recognised, he intimated it to the architect; and he, showing the hatchet to the lad, asked him to whom it belonged. "To us," quoth he immediately; and on being further interrogated, he disclosed everything. Thus, the crime being transferred to that house, and the rabble shamed, which had begun to triumph over Alypius, he, the future dispenser of Thy word, and an examiner of numerous causes in Thy Church, 1 went away better experienced and instructed.
"Alypius became Bishop of Thagaste (Aug. De Gestis c. Emerit. secs. 1 and 5). On the necessity which bishops were under of hearing secular causes, and its use, see Bingham, ii. c. 7."--E. B. P. ↩
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Verum tamen iam hoc ad medicinam futuram in eius memoria reponebatur. nam et illud, quod, cum adhuc studeret iam me audiens apud Carthaginem, et medio die cogitarat in foro quod recitaturus erat. sicut exerceri scholastici solent, sivisti eum conprehendi ab aeditimis fori tamquam furem, non arbitror aliam ob causam te permisse, deus noster, nisi ut ille vir tantus futurus iam inciperet discere, quam non facile in noscendis causis homo ab homine damnandus esset temeraria credulitate. quippe ante tribunal deambulabat solus cum tabulis ac stilo, cum ecce adulescens quidam ex numero scholasticorum, fur verus, securim clanculo apportans, illo non sentiente, ingressus est ad cancellos plumbeos, qui vico argentario desuper praeminent, et praecidere plumbum coepit. sono autem securis audito submurmuraverunt argentarii, qui subter erant, et miserunt qui adprehenderent quem forte invenissent. quorum vocibus auditis, relicto instrumento, ille discessit timens, ne cum eo teneretur. Alypius autem, qui non vidit abeuntem, et causam scire cupiens ingressus est locum; et inventam securim stans atque admirans considerabat, cum ecce illi, qui missi erant, reperiunt eum solum ferentem ferrum, cuius sonitu exciti venerant: tenent, adtrahunt, congregatis inquilinis fori tamquam furem manifestum se conprehendisse gloriantur, et inde offerendus iudiciis ducebatur. sed hactenus docendus fuit. statim enim, domine, adfuisti innocentiae, cuius testis eras tu solus. cum enim duceretur, vel ad custodiam vel ad supplicium, fit eis obviam quidam architectus, cuius maxima erat cura publicarum fabricarum. gaudent illi eum potissimum occurrisse, cui solebant in suspicionem venire ablatarum rerum, quae perissent de foro, ut quasi tandem iam ille cognosceret, a quibus haec fierent. verum autem viderat homo saepe Alypium in domo cuiusdam senatoris, ad quem salutandum ventitabat; statimque cognitum manu adprehensa semovit a turbis, et tanti mali causam quaerens, quid gestum esset, audivit, omnesque tumultuantes, qui aderant, et minaciter frementes iussit venire secum. et venerunt ad domum illius adulescentis, qui rem conmiserat. puer vero erat ante ostium, et tam parvus erat, ut nihil exinde domino suo metuens, facile posset totum indicare; cum eo quippe in foro fuit pedisecus. quem posteaquam recoluit Alypius, architecto intimavit. at ille securim demonstravit puero quaerens ab eo, cuius esset. qui confestim nostra inquit; deinde interrogatus aperuit cetera. sic in illam domum translata causa, confusisque turbis, quae de illo triumphare iam coeperant, futurus dispensator verbi tui, et multarum in ecclesia tua causarum examinator, experientior instructiorque discessit.