The Fifteen Books of Aurelius Augustinus, Bishop of Hippo, on the Trinity
Chapter 2.--Faith a Thing of the Heart, Not of the Body; How It is Common and One and the Same in All Believers. The Faith of Believers is One, No Otherwise than the Will of Those Who Will is One.
5. But faith, of which we are compelled, by reason of the arrangement of our subject, to dispute somewhat more at length in this book: faith I say, which they who have are called the faithful, and they who have not, unbelievers, as were those who did not receive the Son of God coming to His own; although it is wrought in us by hearing, yet does not belong to that sense of the body which is called hearing, since it is not a sound; nor to the eyes of this our flesh, since it is neither color nor bodily form; nor to that which is called touch, since it has nothing of bulk; nor to any sense of the body at all, since it is a thing of the heart, not of the body; nor is it without apart from us, but deeply seated within us; nor does any man see it in another, but each one in himself. Lastly, it is a thing that can both be feigned by pretence, and be thought to be in him in whom it is not. Therefore every one sees his own faith in himself; but does not see, but believes, that it is in another; and believes this the more firmly, the more he knows the fruits of it, which faith is wont to work by love. 1 And therefore this faith is common to all of whom the evangelist subjoins, "But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name: which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God;" common I say, not as any form of a bodily object is common, as regards sight, to the eyes of all to whom it is present, for in some way the gaze of all that behold it is informed by the same one form; but as the human countenance can be said to be common to all men; for this is so said that yet each certainly has his own. We say certainly with perfect truth, that the faith of believers is impressed from one doctrine upon the heart of each several person who believes the same thing. But that which is believed is a different thing from the faith by which it is believed. For the former is in things which are said either to be, or to have been or to be about to be; but the latter is in the mind of the believer, and is visible to him only whose it is; although not indeed itself but a faith like it, is also in others. For it is not one in number, but in kind; yet on account of the likeness, and the absence of all difference, we rather call it one than many. For when, too, we see two men exceedingly alike, we wonder, and say that both have one countenance. It is therefore more easily said that the souls were many,--a several soul, of course, for each several person--of whom we read in the Acts of the Apostles, that they were of one soul, 2 --than it is, where the apostle speaks of "one faith," 3 for any one to venture to say that there are as many faiths as there are faithful. And yet He who says, "O woman, great is thy faith;" 4 and to another, "O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?" 5 intimates that each has his own faith. But the like faith of believers is said to be one, in the same way as a like will of those who will is said to be one; since in the case also of those who have the same will, the will of each is visible to himself, but that of the other is not visible, although he wills the same thing; and if it intimate itself by any signs, it is believed rather than seen. But each being conscious of his own mind certainly does not believe, but manifestly sees outright, that this is his own will.
De Trinitate
[II 5] Fides vero de qua in hoc libro aliquanto diutius disputare certa dispositionis nostrae ratione compellimur, quam qui habent fideles vocantur, et qui non habent infideles sicut hi qui venientem in propria dei filium non receperunt, quamvis ex auditu in nobis facta sit, non tamen ad eum sensum corporis pertinet qui appellatur auditus quoniam non est sonus, nec ad oculos huius carnis quoniam non est color aut corporis forma, nec ad eum qui dicitur tactus quoniam corpulentiae nihil habet, nec ad ullum omnino sensum corporis quoniam cordis est res ista non corporis, nec foris est a nobis sed in intimis nobis, nec eam quisquam hominum videt in alio sed unusquisque in semet ipso, denique potest et simulatione confingi et putari esse in quo non est. Suam quisque igitur fidem apud se ipsum videt; in altero autem credit eam esse, non videt, et tanto firmius credit quanto fructus eius magis novit quos operari solet fides per dilectionem.
Quamobrem omnibus de quibus evangelista subiungit et dicit: Quotquot autem receperunt eum dedit eis potestatem filios dei fieri, his qui credunt in nomine eius, qui non ex sanguinibus neque ex voluntate carnis neque ex voluntate viri, sed ex deo nati sunt, fides ista communis est, non sicut aliqua corporis forma communis est ad videndum omnium oculis quibus praesto est (ex ipsa quippe una omnium cernentium quodam modo informatur aspectus), sed sicut dici potest omnibus hominibus esse facies humana communis. Nam hoc ita dicitur ut tamen singuli suas habeant. Ex una sane doctrina impressam fidem credentium cordibus singulorum qui hoc idem credunt verissime dicimus, sed aliud sunt ea quae creduntur, aliud fides qua creduntur. Illa quippe in rebus sunt quae vel esse vel fuisse vel futura esse dicuntur; haec autem in animo credentis est, ei tantum conspicua cuius est, quamvis sit et in aliis, non ipsa sed similis. Non enim numero est una sed genere; propter similitudinem tamen et nullam diversitatem magis unam dicimus esse quam multas. Nam et duos homines simillimos cum videmus, unam faciem dicimus et miramur amborum. Facilius itaque dicitur multas animas fuisse singulas utique singulorum de quibus legimus in actibus apostolorum quod eis fuerit anima una, quam ubi dixit apostolus, una fides, tot eas audet quisquam dicere quot fideles. Et tamen qui dicit: O mulier, magna est fides tua, et alteri: Modicae fidei, quare dubitasti?, suam cuique esse significat. Sed ita dicitur eadem credentium fides una quemadmodum eadem volentium voluntas una cum et in ipsis qui hoc idem volunt sua voluntas sit cuique conspicua, alterius autem lateat quamvis idem velit, et si aliquibus signis sese indicet, creditur potius quam videtur. Unusquisque autem sui animi conscius non credit utique hanc esse suam sed plane pervidet voluntatem.