The Fifteen Books of Aurelius Augustinus, Bishop of Hippo, on the Trinity
Chapter 16.--The Remains of Death and the Evil Things of the World Turn to Good for the Elect. How Fitly the Death of Christ Was Chosen, that We Might Be Justified in His Blood. What the Anger of God is.
20. For although the death, too, of the flesh itself came originally from the sin of the first man, yet the good use of it has made most glorious martyrs. And so not only that death itself, but all the evils of this world, and the griefs and labors of men, although they come from the deserts of sins, and especially of original sin, whence life itself too became bound by the bond of death, yet have fitly remained, even when sin is forgiven; that man might have wherewith to contend for truth, and whereby the goodness of the faithful might be exercised; in order that the new man through the new covenant might be made ready among the evils of this world for a new world, by bearing wisely the misery which this condemned life deserved, and by rejoicing soberly because it will be finished, but expecting faithfully and patiently the blessedness which the future life, being set free, will have for ever. For the devil being cast forth from his dominion, and from the hearts of the faithful, in the condemnation and faithlessness of whom he, although himself also condemned, yet reigned, is only so far permitted to be an adversary according to the condition of this mortality, as God knows to be expedient for them: concerning which the sacred writings speak through the mouth of the apostle: "God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it." 1 And those evils which the faithful endure piously, are of profit either for the correction of sins, or for the exercising and proving of righteousness, or to manifest the misery of this life, that the life where will be that true and perpetual blessedness may be desired more ardently, and sought out more earnestly. But it is on their account that these evils are still kept in being, of whom the apostle says: "For we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called to be holy according to His purpose. For whom He did foreknow, He also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the first-born among many brethren. Moreover, whom He did predestinate, them He also called; and whom He called, them He also justified; and whom He justified, them He also glorified." It is of these who are predestinated, that not one shall perish with the devil; not one shall remain even to death under the power of the devil. And then follows what I have already cited above: 2 "What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us? He that spared not His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all; how has He not with Him also freely given us all things?" 3
21. Why then should the death of Christ not have come to pass? Nay, rather, why should not that death itself have been chosen above all else to be brought to pass, to the passing by of the other innumerable ways which He who is omnipotent could have employed to free us; that death, I say, wherein neither was anything diminished or changed from His divinity, and so great benefit was conferred upon men, from the humanity which He took upon Him, that a temporal death, which was not due, was rendered by the eternal Son of God, who was also the Son of man, whereby He might free them from an eternal death which was due? The devil was holding fast our sins, and through them was fixing us deservedly in death. He discharged them, who had none of His own, and who was led by him to death undeservedly. That blood was of such price, that he who even slew Christ for a time by a death which was not due, can as his due detain no one, who has put on Christ, in the eternal death which was due. Therefore "God commendeth His love towards us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Much more then, being now justified in His blood, we shall be saved from wrath through Him." Justified, he says, in His blood,--justified plainly, in that we are freed from all sin; and freed from all sin, because the Son of God, who knew no sin, was slain for us. Therefore "we shall be saved from wrath through Him;" from the wrath certainly of God, which is nothing else but just retribution. For the wrath of God is not, as is that of man, a perturbation of the mind; but it is the wrath of Him to whom Holy Scripture says in another place, "But Thou, O Lord, mastering Thy power, judgest with calmness." 4 If, therefore, the just retribution of God has received such a name, what can be the right understanding also of the reconciliation of God, unless that then such wrath comes to an end? Neither were we enemies to God, except as sins are enemies to righteousness; which being forgiven, such enmities come to an end, and they whom He Himself justifies are reconciled to the Just One. And yet certainly He loved them even while still enemies, since "He spared not His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all," when we were still enemies. And therefore the apostle has rightly added: "For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of His Son," by which that remission of sins was made, "much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved in His life." Saved in life, who were reconciled by death. For who can doubt that He will give His life for His friends, for whom, when enemies, He gave His death? "And not only so," he says, "but we also joy in God, through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have now received the atonement." "Not only," he says, "shall we be saved," but "we also joy;" and not in ourselves, but "in God;" nor through ourselves, "but through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have now received the atonement," as we have argued above. Then the apostle adds, "Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, in whom all have sinned;" 5 etc.: in which he disputes at some length concerning the two men; the one the first Adam, through whose sin and death we, his descendants, are bound by, as it were, hereditary evils; and the other the second Adam, who is not only man, but also God, by whose payment for us of what He owed not, we are freed from the debts both of our first father and of ourselves. Further, since on account of that one the devil held all who were begotten through his corrupted carnal concupiscence, it is just that on account of this one he should loose all who are regenerated through His immaculate spiritual grace.
De Trinitate
[XVI 20] Quamvis enim et ipsa mors carnis de peccato primi hominis originaliter venerit, tamen bonus eius usus gloriosissimos martyres fecit. Et ideo non solum ipsa sed omnia saeculi huius mala, dolores laboresque hominum, quamquam de peccatorum et maxime de peccati originalis meritis veniant unde facta est et ipsa vita vinculo mortis obstricta, tamen et remissis peccatis remanere debuerunt cum quibus homo pro veritate certaret et unde exerceretur virtus fidelium ut novus homo per testamentum novum inter mala huius saeculi novo saeculo praepararetur, miseriam quam meruit vita ista damnata sapienter tolerans, et quia finietur prudenter gratulans, beatitudinem vero quam liberata vita futura sine fine habitura est fideliter et patienter exspectans. Diabolus enim a dominatu et a cordibus fidelium foras missus in quorum damnatione atque infidelitate licet damnatus etiam ipse regnabat, tantum pro condicione mortalitatis huius adversari sinitur quantum eis expedire novit de quo sacrae litterae personant per os apostolicum: Fidelis deus qui non permittat vos temptari supra id quod potestis, sed faciet cum temptatione etiam exitum ut possitis sustinere. Prosunt autem ista mala quae fideles pie perferunt vel ad emendanda peccata vel ad exercendam probandamque iustitiam vel ad demonstrandam vitae huius miseriam ut illa ubi erit beatitudo vera atque perpetua et desideretur ardentius et instantius inquiratur. Sed circa eos ista servantur de quibus apostolus dicit: Scimus quoniam diligentibus deum omnia cooperatur in bonum, his qui secundum propositum vocati sunt. Quoniam quos ante praescivit, et praedestinavit conformes imaginis filii eius ut sit ipse primogenitus in multis fratribus. Quos autem praedestinavit, illos et vocavit; et quos vocavit, ipsos et iustificavit; quos autem iustificavit, ipsos et glorificavit. Horum praedestinatorum nemo cum diabolo perit; nemo usque ad mortem sub diaboli potestate remanebit. Deinde sequitur quod iam supra commemoravi: Quid ergo dicemus ad haec? Si deus pro nobis, quis contra nos? Qui filio proprio non pepercit sed pro nobis omnibus tradidit eum, quomodo non et cum illo omnia nobis donavit?
[21] Cur ergo non fieret mors Christi? Immo cur non praetermissis aliis innumerabilibus modis quibus ad nos liberandos uti posset omnipotens ipsa potissimum eligeretur ut fieret ubi nec de divinitate eius aliquid imminutum est aut mutatum, et de humanitate suscepta tantum beneficii conlatum est hominibus ut ad dei filio sempiterno eodemque hominis filio mors temporalis indebita redderetur qua eos a sempiterna morte debita liberaret? Peccata nostra diabolus tenebat et per illa nos merito figebat in morte. Dimisit ea ille qui sua non habebat, et ab illo immerito est perductus ad mortem. Tanti valuit sanguis ille ut neminem Christo indutum in aeterna morte debita detinere debuerit qui Christum morte indebita vel ad tempus occidit. Commendat ergo caritatem suam deus in nobis quoniam cum adhuc peccatores essemus, Christus pro nobis mortuus est. Multo magis iustificati nunc in sanguine ipsius salvi erimus ab ira per ipsum. Iustificati, inquit, in sanguine ipsius, iustificati plane in eo quod a peccatis omnibus liberati, liberati autem a peccatis omnibus quoniam pro nobis est dei filius qui nullum habebat occisus. Salvi ergo erimus ab ira per ipsum, ab ira utique dei quae nihil est aliud quam iusta vindicta. Non enim sicut hominis animi perturbatio est ira dei, sed illius ira est cui dicit alio loco sancta scriptura: Tu autem dominus virtutum cum tranquillitate iudicas. Si ergo iusta divina vindicta tale nomen accepit, etiam reconciliatio dei quae recte intellegitur nisi cum talis ira finitur? Nec inimici eramus deo nisi quemadmodum iustitiae sunt inimica peccata, quibus remissis tales inimicitiae finiuntur et reconciliantur iusto quos ipse iustificat. Quos tamen etiam inimicos utique dilexit quandoquidem filio proprio non pepercit sed pro nobis omnibus, cum adhuc inimici essemus, tradidit eum. Recte ergo apostolus secutus adiunxit: Si enim cum inimici essemus, reconciliati sumus deo per mortem filii eius, per quam facta est illa remissio peccatorum, multo magis reconciliati salvi erimus in vita ipsius, in vita salvi qui per mortem reconciliati. Quis enim dubitet daturum amicis vitam suam pro quibus inimicis dedit mortem suam? Non solum autem, inquit, sed et gloriamur in deo per dominum nostrum Iesum Christum per quem nunc reconciliationem accepimus. Non solum, ait, salvi erimus, sed et gloriamur; nec in nobis sed in deo; nec per nos sed per dominum nostrum Iesum Christum per quem nunc reconciliationem accepimus secundum ea quae superius disputata sunt. Deinde subiungit apostolus: Propter hoc sicut per unum hominem peccatum in hunc mundum intravit et per peccatum mors, et ita in omnes homines pertransiit in quo omnes peccaverunt, et cetera, in quibus prolixius de duobus hominibus disputat; uno eodemque primo Adam per cuius peccatum et mortem tamquam haereditariis malis posteri eius obligati sumus; altero autem secundo Adam qui non homo tantum sed etiam deus est quo pro nobis solvente quod non debebat a debitis et paternis et propriis liberati sumus. Proinde quoniam propter unum illum tenebat diabolus omnes per eius vitiatam carnalem concupiscentiam generatos, iustum est ut propter hunc unum dimittat omnes per ipsius immaculatam gratiam spiritalem regeneratos.