De lapsis (PL)
PAX ecce, dilectissimi fratres, Ecclesiae reddita est et, quod difficile nuper incredulis ac perfidis impossibile videbatur, ope atque ultione divina securitas nostra reparata est. In laetitiam mentes redeunt, et, tempestate pressurae ac nube discussa, tranquillitas ac serenitas refulserunt. Dandae laudes Deo, et beneficia ejus ac munera cum gratiarum actione celebranda, [Col. 0465C]
quamvis agere gratias nostra vox nec in persecutione cessaverit. Neque enim tantum inimico [Col. 0466A]
licere potest ut non, qui Dominum toto corde et anima et virtute diligimus, benedictiones ejus et laudes semper et ubique cum gloria praedicemus. Exoptatus votis omnium dies venit, et, post longae noctis horribilem tetramque caliginem, Domini luce radiatus mundus eluxit.
On the Lapsed
Behold, beloved brethren, peace is restored to the Church; and although it lately seemed to incredulous people difficult, and to traitors impossible, our security is by divine aid and retribution re-established. Our minds return to gladness; and the season of affliction and the cloud being dispersed, tranquillity and serenity have shone forth once more. Praises must be given to God, and His benefits and gifts must be celebrated with giving of thanks, although even in the time of persecution our voice has not ceased to give thanks. For not even an enemy has so much power as to prevent us, who love the Lord with our whole heart, and life, and strength, from declaring His blessings and praises always and everywhere with glory. The day earnestly desired, by the prayers of all has come; and after the dreadful and loathsome darkness of a long night, the world has shone forth irradiated by the light of the Lord.