The Life of S. Hilarion
His body was now all but cold, and nought was left of life but reason. Yet with eyes wide open he kept repeating, “Go forth, what do you fear? Go forth, my soul, why do you hesitate? You have served Christ nearly seventy years, and do you fear death?” Thus saying he breathed his last. He was immediately buried before the city heard of his death.
Vita S. Hilarionis
Iamque modicus calor tepebat in pectore, nec praeter sensum quidquam vivi hominis supererat, et tamen apertis oculis loquebatur: Egredere, quid times? egredere, anima mea, quid dubitas? Septuaginta [0052C] prope annis servisti Christo, et mortem times? In haec verba exhalavit spiritum. Statimque humo obrutum, ante urbi sepultum, quam mortuum nuntiaverunt.