The Confessions of St. Augustin In Thirteen Books
Chapter XIII.--Being Urged by His Mother to Take a Wife, He Sought a Maiden that Was Pleasing Unto Him.
23. Active efforts were made to get me a wife. I wooed, I was engaged, my mother taking the greatest pains in the matter, that when I was once married, the health-giving baptism might cleanse me; for which she rejoiced that I was being daily fitted, remarking that her desires and Thy promises were being fulfilled in my faith. At which time, verily, both at my request and her own desire, with strong heartfelt cries did we daily beg of Thee that Thou wouldest by a vision disclose unto her something concerning my future marriage; but Thou wouldest not. She saw indeed certain vain and fantastic things, such as the earnestness of a human spirit, bent thereon, conjured up; and these she told me of, not with her usual confidence when Thou hadst shown her anything, but slighting them. For she could, she declared, through some feeling which she could not express in words, discern the difference betwixt Thy revelations and the dreams of her own spirit. Yet the affair was pressed on, and a maiden sued who wanted two years of the marriageable age; and, as she was pleasing, she was waited for.
Caput 13
Et instabatur inpigre, ut ducerem uxorem. iam petebam, iam promittebatur, maxime matre dante operam, quo me iam coniugatum baptismus salutaris ablueret, quo me in dies gaudebat aptari, et vota sua ac promissa tua in mea fide conpleri animadvertebat. cum sane et rogatu meo et desiderio suo forti clamore cordis abs te deprecaretur cotidie, ut ei per visum ostenderes aliquid de futuro matrimonio meo, numquam voluisti. et videbat quaedam vana et phantastica, quo cogebat inpetus de hac re satagentis humani spiritus, et narrabat mihi non cum fiducia, qua solebat, cum tu demonstrabas ei, sed contemnens ea. dicebat enim descernere se nescio quo sapore, quem verbis explicare non poterat, quid interesset inter revelantem te et animam suam somniantem. instabatur tamen, et puella petebatur, cuius aetas ferme biennio minus quam nubilis erat, et quia ea placebat, exspectabatur.