The Church History of Eusebius
Chapter XX.--The Festal Epistles of Dionysius, in which he also gives a Paschal Canon.
Dionysius, besides his epistles already mentioned, 1 wrote at that time 2 also his extant Festal Epistles, 3 in which he uses words of panegyric respecting the passover feast. He addressed one of these to Flavius, 4 and another to Domitius and Didymus, 5 in which he sets forth a canon of eight years, 6 maintaining that it is not proper to observe the paschal feast until after the vernal equinox. Besides these he sent another epistle to his fellow-presbyters in Alexandria, as well as various others to different persons while the persecution was still prevailing. 7
§14). It was soon adopted in the Alexandrian church, and already in the time of Athanasius had become the basis of all Easter calculations, as we can gather from Athanasius' Festal Epistles. From about the time of the Nicene Council on, Alexandria was commonly looked to for the reckoning of the date of Easter, and although an older and less accurate cycle remained in use in the West for a long time, the nineteen-year cycle gradually won its way everywhere. See Ideler's great work on chronology, and cf. Hefele's Conciliengesch. 2d ed. 1. p. 332, and Lightfoot in the Dict. of Christ. Biog. II. p. 313 sq.
Upon Dionysius of Alexandria, see Bk. VI. chap. 40, note 1, and see that note for references to the various passages in which Eusebius mentions or quotes from his epistles. ↩
Eusebius supposes all of these epistles to have been written in the time of Valerian or Gallienus; but he is mistaken, at least so far as the epistle to Domitius and Didymus is concerned (see above, chap. 11, note 25), and possibly in regard to some of the others also. ↩
tas pheromenas heortastik?s. It was the custom for the bishops of Alexandria to write every year before Easter a sort of epistle, or homily, and in it to announce the time of the festival. These writings thus received the name Festal or Festival Epistles or Homilies (see Suicer's Thesaurus s.v. heortastikos, and Valesius' note ad locum). This is apparently the earliest mention of such epistles. Others are referred to by Eusebius in chaps. 21 and 22, as written by Dionysius to various persons. Undoubtedly all the Alexandrian bishops during these centuries wrote such epistles, but none are extant, so far as I am aware, except a number by Athanasius (extant only in a Syriac version, published in Syriac and English by Cureton in 1846 and 1848), a few by Theophilus (extant only in Latin), and thirty by Cyril (published in Migne's Patr. Gr. LXXVII. 391 sq.). ↩
Of this Flavius we know nothing. The epistle addressed to him is no longer extant. ↩
On Domitius and Didymus, and the epistle addressed to them, see above, chap. 11, note 25. Eusebius quotes from the epistle in that chapter. ↩
That is, an eight-year cycle for the purpose of determining the time of the full moon. Hippolytus had employed the old eight-year cycle, but had, as he thought, improved it by combining two in a single sixteen-year cycle (see above, Bk. VI. chap. 22), as was done also by the author of the so-called Cyprianic Chronicle at the middle of the third century. The more accurate nineteen-year Metonic cycle (already in use among the Greeks in the fifth century b.c.) had not come into general use in the Church until later than this time. The Nicene Council sanctioned it and gave it wide currency, but it had apparently not yet come into use in the Church. In fact, the first Christian to make use of it for the computation of Easter, so far as we know, was Anatolius of Alexandria, later bishop of Laodicea (see below, chap. 32, ↩
These various epistles are no longer extant, nor do we know the names of the persons to whom they were addressed. At least a part of them, if not all, were very likely written during the Valerian persecution, as Eusebius states, for the fact that he made a mistake in connection with the epistle to Domitius and Didymus does not prove that he was in error in regard to all the others as well. ↩
Kirchengeschichte (BKV)
20. Kap. Die Ereignisse in Alexandrien.
Außer den erwähnten Briefen verfaßte Dionysius damals auch die noch vorhandenen Festbriefe.1 In denselben hält er feierliche Ansprachen über das Osterfest. Einen davon richtete er an Flavius, einen anderen an Dometius und Didymus. Im letzteren gibt er auch einen Osterkanon für acht Jahre bekannt und verordnet, daß das Osterfest nur nach der Frühlings-Tagundnachtgleiche gefeiert werden solle. Außerdem schrieb er auch noch einen Brief an seine Mitpriester in Alexandrien und verschiedene Briefe an andere Personen, und zwar noch während der Verfolgung. S. 341
Diese Festbriefe oder Osterbriefe werden unter Athanasius und Cyrillus fester Brauch. Nach Schwartz S. 39 hat Dionysius drei Festbriefe im Jahre 251, zwei Festbriefe 260, einige Festbriefe 261 geschrieben. „Nach 262, in einer vollkommenen Friedenszeit, scheint Dionysius keine Festbriefe mehr geschrieben zu haben; 264/265 starb er.“ Allerdings nach v. Harnack, „Gesch. der altchristl. Lit.“ II 2, S. 63 kann in einem Jahr nur ein einziger Osterbrief geschrieben worden sein. ↩