Kirchengeschichte (BKV)
25. Kap. Philippus und Modestus.
Philippus, den wir aus dem Schreiben des Dionysius als Bischof der Kirche in Gortyna kennen,1 hat ebenfalls eine sehr fleißige Schrift gegen Marcion verfaßt, wie auch Irenäus und Modestus, welch letzterer mehr als alle anderen den Irrtum jenes Mannes vor allen aufgedeckt hat, und noch mehrere andere, deren Schriften bei den meisten Brüdern bis auf den heutigen Tag aufbewahrt werden.2
The Church History of Eusebius
Chapter XXV.--Philip and Modestus.
Philip who, as we learn from the words of Dionysius, 1 was bishop of the parish of Gortyna, likewise wrote a most elaborate work against Marcion, 2 as did also Irenaeus 3 and Modestus. 4 The last named has exposed the error of the man more clearly than the rest to the view of all. There are a number of others also whose works are still presented by a great many of the brethren.
See above, chap. 23, §5. ↩
Philip's work against Marcion which Eusebius mentions here is no longer extant, and, so far as the writer knows, is mentioned by no other Father except Jerome (de vir. ill. 30), who tells us only what Eusebius records here, using, however, the adjective praeclarum for Eusebius' spoudaiotaton ↩
On Irenaeus, see above, chap. 21, note 9. ↩
Modestus, also, is a writer known to us only from Eusebius (here, and in chap. 21) and from Jerome (de vir. ill. 32). According to the latter, the work against Marcion was still extant in his day, but he gives us no description of it. He adds, however, that a number of spurious works ascribed to Modestus were in circulation at that time (Feruntur sub nomine ejus et alia syntagmata, sed ab eruditis quasi pseudographa repudiantur). Neither these nor the genuine works are now extant, so far as we know. ↩