Caput 14
Et ego dico: deus meus ubi est? ecce ubi es. respiro in te paululum, cum effundo super me animam meam in voce exultationis et confessionis, soni festivitatem celebrantis. et adhuc tristis, quia relabitur et fit abyssus, vel potius sentit adhuc se esse abyssum. dicit ei fides mea, quam accendisti in nocte ante pedes meos: quare tristis es, anima, et quare conturbas me? spera in domino; lucerna pedibus tuis verbum eius. spera et perservera, donec transeat nox, mater iniquorum, donec transeat ira domini, cuius filii et nos fuimus aliquando tenebrae, quarum residua trahimus in corpore propter peccatum mortuo, donec aspiret dies et removeantur umbrae. spera in domino: mane astabo et contemplabor; semper confitebor illi. mane astabo et videbo salutare vultus mei, deum meum, qui vivificabit et mortalia corpora nostra propter spiritum, qui habitat in nobis, quia super interius nostrum tenebrosum et fluvidum misericorditer superferebatur. unde in hac peregrinatione pignus accepimus, ut iam simus lux, dum adhuc spe salvi facti sumus et filii lucis et filii diei, non filii noctis neque tenebrarum, quod tamen fuimus. inter quos et nos in isto adhuc incerto humanae notitiae tu solus dividis, qui probas corda nostra et vocas lucem diem et tenebras noctem. quis enim nos discernit nisi tu? quid autem habemus, quod non accepimus a te, ex eadem massa vasa in honorem, ex qua sunt et alia facta in contumeliam?
The Confessions of St. Augustin In Thirteen Books
Chapter XIV.--That Out of the Children of the Night and of the Darkness, Children of the Light and of the Day are Made.
15. And so say I too, O my God, where art Thou? Behold where Thou art! In Thee I breathe a little, when I pour out my soul by myself in the voice of joy and praise, the sound of him that keeps holy-day. 1 And yet it is "cast down," because it relapses and becomes a deep, or rather it feels that it is still a deep. Unto it doth my faith speak which Thou hast kindled to enlighten my feet in the night, "Why art thou cast down, O my soul? and why art thou disquieted in me? hope thou in God;" 2 His "word is a lamp unto my feet." 3 Hope and endure until the night,--the mother of the wicked,--until the anger of the Lord be overpast, 4 whereof we also were once children who were sometimes darkness, 5 the remains whereof we carry about us in our body, dead on account of sin, 6 "until the day break and the shadows flee away." 7 "Hope thou in the Lord." In the morning I shall stand in Thy presence, and contemplate Thee; 8 I shall for ever confess unto Thee. 9 In the morning I shall stand in Thy presence, and shall see "the health of my countenance," 10 my God, who also shall quicken our mortal bodies by the Spirit that dwelleth in us, 11 because in mercy He was borne over our inner darksome and floating deep. Whence we have in this pilgrimage received "an earnest" 12 that we should now be light, whilst as yet we "are saved by hope," 13 and are the children of light, and the children of the day,--not the children of the night nor of the darkness, 14 which yet we have been. 15 Betwixt whom and us, in this as yet uncertain state of human knowledge, Thou only dividest, who provest our hearts 16 and callest the light day, and the darkness night. 17 For who discerneth us but Thou? But what have we that we have not received of Thee? 18 Out of the same lump vessels unto honour, of which others also are made to dishonour. 19
Ibid. ver. 4. ↩
Ibid. ver. 5. ↩
Ps. cxix. 105. ↩
Job xiv. 13. ↩
Eph. ii. 3, and v. 8. ↩
Rom. viii. 10. ↩
Cant. ii. 17. ↩
Ps. v. 3. ↩
Ps. xxx. 12. ↩
Ps. xliii. 5. ↩
Rom. viii. 11. ↩
2 Cor. i. 22. ↩
Rom. viii. 24. ↩
Though of the light, we are not yet in the light; and though, in this grey dawn of the coming day, we have a foretaste of the vision that shall be, we cannot hope, as he says in Ps. v. 4, to "see Him as He is" until the darkness of sin be overpast. ↩
Eph. v. 8, and 1 Thess. v. 5. ↩
Ps. vii. 9. ↩
Gen. i. 5. ↩
1 Cor. iv. 7. ↩
Rom. ix. 21. ↩