Caput 29
Et attendi, ut invenirem, utrum septiens vel octiens videris, quia bona sunt opera tua, cum tibi placuerunt, et in tua visione non inveni tempora, per quae intellegerem, quod totiens videris quae fecisti, et dixi: O domine, nonne ista scriptura tua vera est, quoniam tu verax et veritas edidisti eam? cur ergo tu mihi dicis non esse in tua visione tempora, et ita scriptura tua mihi dicit per singulos dies et quae fecisti te vidisse, quia bona sunt, et cum ea numerarem, inveni quotiens? ad haec tu dicis mihi, (quoniam tu es deus meus et dicis voce forti in aure interiore servo tuo perrumpens meam surditatem et clamans:) o homo, nempe quod scriptura mea dicit, ego dico. et tamen illa temporaliter dicit, verbo autem meo tempus non accedit, quia aequali mecum aeternitate consistit. sic ea, quae vos per spiritum meum videtis, ego video, sicut ea, quae vos per spiritum meum dicitis, ego dico. atque ita cum vos temporaliter ea videatis, non ego temporaliter video, quemadmodum, cum vos temporaliter ea dicatis, non ego temporaliter dico.
The Confessions of St. Augustin In Thirteen Books
Chapter XXIX.--Although It is Said Eight Times that "God Saw that It Was Good," Yet Time Has No Relation to God and His Word.
44. And I looked attentively to find whether seven or eight times Thou sawest that Thy works were good, when they were pleasing unto Thee; but in Thy seeing I found no times, by which I might understand that thou sawest so often what Thou madest. And I said, "O Lord,! is not this Thy Scripture true, since Thou art true, and being Truth hast set it forth? Why, then, dost Thou say unto me that in thy seeing there are no times, while this Thy Scripture telleth me that what Thou madest each day, Thou sawest to be good; and when I counted them I found how often?" Unto these things Thou repliest unto me, for Thou art my God, and with strong voice tellest unto Thy servant in his inner ear, bursting through my deafness, and crying, "O man, that which My Scripture saith, I say; and yet doth that speak in time; but time has no reference to My Word, because My Word existeth in equal eternity with Myself. Thus those things which ye see through My Spirit, I see, just as those things which ye speak through My Spirit, I speak. And so when ye see those things in time, I see them not in time; as when ye speak them in time, I speak them not in time."