Caput 13
Et tamen adhuc per fidem, nondum per speciem. spe enim salvi facti sumus. spes autem, quae videtur, non est spes. adhuc abyssum invocat, sed iam in voce cataractarum tuarum. adhuc et ille qui dicit: non potui vobis loqui quasi spiritalibus, sed quasi carnalibus, etiam ipse nondum se arbitratur conprehendisse, et quae retro oblitus, in ea, quae ante sunt, extenditur, et ingemescit gravatus, et sitit anima eius ad deum vivum, quemadmodum cervi ad fontes aquarum, et dicit: quando veniam? habitaculum suum, quod de caelo est, superindui cupiens, et vocat inferiorem abyssum dicens: nolite conformari huic saeculo, sed reformamini in novitate mentis vestrae, et: nolite pueri effici mentibus, sed malitia parvuli estote, ut mentibus perfecti sitis, et: o stulti Galatae, quis vos fascinavit? sed iam non in voce sua; in tua enim, qui misisti spiritum tuum de excelsis, per eum, qui ascendit in altum, et aperuit cataractas donorum suorum, ut fluminis impetus laetificarent civitatem tuam. illi enim suspirat sponsi amicus, habens iam spiritus primitias penes eum, sed adhuc in semet ipso ingemescens, adoptionem expectans, redemptionem corporis sui. illi suspirat -- membrum est enim sponsae -- et illi zelat -- amicus est enim sponsi -- illi zelat, non sibi, quia in voce cataractarum tuarum, non in voce sua invocat alteram abyssum, cui zelans timet, ne sicut serpens Evam decepit astutia sua, sic et eorum sensus corrumpantur a castitate, quae est in sponso nostro, unico tuo. quae est illa speciei lux, cum videbimus eum, sicuti est, et transierint lacrimae, quae mihi factae sunt panis die ac nocte, dum dicitur mihi cotidie: ubi est deus tuus?
The Confessions of St. Augustin In Thirteen Books
Chapter XIII.--That the Renewal of Man is Not Completed in This World.
14. But as yet "by faith, not by sight," 1 for "we are saved by hope; but hope that is seen is not hope." 2 As yet deep calleth unto deep 3 but in "the noise of Thy waterspouts." 4 And as yet doth he that saith, I "could not speak unto you as unto spiritual, but as unto carnal," 5 even he, as yet, doth not count himself to have apprehended, and forgetteth those things which are behind, and reacheth forth to those things which are before, 6 and groaneth being burdened; 7 and his soul thirsteth after the living God, as the hart after the water-brooks, and saith, "When shall I come?" 8 "desiring to be clothed upon with his house which is from heaven;" 9 and calleth upon this lower deep, saying, "Be not conformed to this world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind." 10 And, "Be not children in understanding, howbeit in malice be ye children," that in "understanding ye may be perfect;" 11 and "O foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you?" 12 But now not in his own voice, but in Thine who sentest Thy Spirit from above; 13 through Him who "ascended up on high," 14 and set open the flood-gates of His gifts, 15 that the force of His streams might make glad the city of God. 16 For, for Him doth "the friend of the bridegroom" 17 sigh, having now the first-fruits of the Spirit laid up with Him, yet still groaning within himself, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of his body; 18 to Him he sighs, for he is a member of the Bride; for Him is he jealous, for he is the friend of the Bridegroom; 19 for Him is he jealous, not for himself; because in the voice of Thy "waterspouts," 20 not in his own voice, doth he call on that other deep, for whom being jealous he feareth, lest that, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so their minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in our Bridegroom, Thine only Son. 21 What a light of beauty will that be when "we shall see Him as He is," 22 and those tears be passed away which "have been my meat day and night, while they continually say unto me, Where is thy God?" 23
2 Cor. v. 7. ↩
Rom. viii. 24. ↩
The "deep" Augustin interprets (as do the majority of Patristic commentators), in Ps. xli. 8, sec. 13, to be the heart of man; and the "deep" that calls unto it, is the preacher who has his own "deep" of infirmity, even as Peter had. ↩
Ps. xlii. 7. ↩
1 Cor. iii. 1. ↩
Phil. iii. 13. ↩
2 Cor. v. 2, 4. ↩
Ps. xlii. 1, 2. ↩
2 Cor. v. 2. ↩
Rom. xii. 2. ↩
1 Cor. xiv. 20 (margin). ↩
Gal. iii. 1. ↩
Acts ii. 19. ↩
Eph. iv. 8. ↩
Mal. iii. 10. ↩
Ps. xlvi. 4. ↩
John iii. 29. ↩
Rom. viii. 23. ↩
John iii. 29. ↩
Ps. xlii. 7. ↩
2 Cor. xi. 3, and 1 John iii. 3. ↩
Ibid. ver. 2. ↩
Ps. xlii. 3. ↩