Caput 31
Qui autem per spiritum tuum vident ea, tu vides in eis. ergo cum vident, quia bona sunt, tu vides, quia bona sunt, et quaecumque propter te placent, tu in eis places, et quae per spiritum tuum placent nobis, tibi placent in nobis. quis enim scit hominum, quae sunt hominis, nisi spiritus hominis, qui in ipso est? sic et quae dei sunt nemo scit nisi spiritus dei. nos autem, inquit, non spiritum huius mundi accepimus, sed spiritum, qui ex deo est, ut sciamus quae a deo donata sunt nobis. et admoneor, ut dicam: certe nemo scit, quae dei, nisi spiritus dei. quomodo ergo scimus et nos, quae a deo donata sunt nobis? respondetur mihi, quoniam quae per eius spiritum scimus etiam sic nemo scit nisi spiritus dei. sicut enim recte dictum est: Non enim vos estis, qui loquimini, eis, qui in dei spiritu loquerentur, sic recte dicitur: non vos estis, qui scitis eis, qui in dei spiritu sciunt. nihilo minus igitur recte dicitur: non vos estis, qui videtis eis, qui in spiritu dei vident: ita quidquid in spiritu dei vident quia bonum est, non ipsi, sed deus videt, quia bonum est. aliud ergo est, ut putet quisque malum esse quod bonum est, quales supra dicti sunt; aliud, ut quod bonum est videat homo, quia bonum est, (sicut multis tua creatura placet, quia bona est, quibus tamen non tu places in ea; unde frui magis ipsa quam te volunt:) aliud autem, ut, cum aliquid videt homo quia bonum est, deus in illo videat, quia bonum est, ut scilicet ille ametur in eo, quod fecit, qui non amaretur nisi per spiritum, quem dedit; quoniam caritas dei diffusa est in cordibus nostris per spiritum sanctum, qui datus est nobis, per quem videmus, quia bonum est, quidquid aliquo modo est: ab illo enim est, qui non aliquo modo est, sed est, est.
The Confessions of St. Augustin In Thirteen Books
Chapter XXXI.--We Do Not See "That It Was Good" But Through the Spirit of God Which is in Us.
46. But as for those who through Thy Spirit see these things, Thou seest in them. When therefore, they see that these things are good, Thou seest that they are good; and whatsoever things for Thy sake are pleasing, Thou art pleased in them; and those things which through Thy Spirit are pleasing unto us, are pleasing unto Thee in us. "For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of a man which is in him? Even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God. Now we," saith he, "have received not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit which is of God, that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God." 1 And I am reminded to say, "Truly, the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God;' how, then, do we also know what things are given us by God'?" It is answered unto me, "Because the things which we know by His Spirit, even these knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God.' For, as it is rightly said unto those who were to speak by the Spirit of God, It is not ye that speak,' 2 so is it rightly said to them who know by the Spirit of God, It is not ye that know.' None the less, then, is it rightly said to those that see by the Spirit of God, It is not ye that see;' so whatever they see by the Spirit of God that it is good, it is not they, but God who sees that it is good.'" It is one thing, then, for a man to suppose that to be bad which is good, as the fore-named do; another, that what is good a man should see to be good (as Thy creatures are pleasing unto many, because they are good, whom, however, Thou pleasest not in them when they wish to enjoy them rather than enjoy Thee); and another, that when a man sees a thing to be good, God should in him see that it is good,--that in truth He may be loved in that which He made, 3 who cannot be loved unless by the Holy Ghost, which He hath given. "Because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us;" 4 by whom we see that whatsoever in any degree is, is good. Because it is from Him who Is not in any degree, but He Is that He Is.