Epistulae VII genuinae
Epistles of Ignatius
Bibliographic Reference
ANTE-NICENE FATHERS Volume 1 The Apostolic Fathers, Justin Martyr, Irenaeus Edited by Alexander Roberts, D.D. & James Donaldson, LL.D. revised and chronologically arranged, with brief prefaces and occasional notes by A. Cleveland Coxe, D.D. Second printing- June 1995 This is a reprint edition of the American Bdition of the Ante-Nicene Fathers, Volume 1, The Apostolic Fathers, Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, originally published in the United States by the Christian Literature Publishing Company, 1885. (Translation, English)
CPG 1025
2nd century
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- Epistles of Ignatius
- The Epistle of Ignatius to the Ephesians Shorter and Longer Versions
- Chapter I.--Praise of the Ephesians.
- Chapter II.--Congratulations and entreaties.
- Chapter III.--Exhortations to unity.
- Chapter IV.--The same continued.
- Chapter V.--The praise of unity.
- Chapter VI.--Have respect to the bishop as to Christ Himself.
- Chapter VII.--Beware of false teachers.
- Chapter VIII.--Renewed praise of the Ephesians.
- Chapter IX.--Ye have given no heed to false teachers.
- Chapter X.--Exhortations to prayer, humility, etc.
- Chapter XI.--An exhortation to fear God, etc.
- Chapter XII.--Praise of the Ephesians.
- Chapter XIII.--Exhortation to meet together frequently for the worship of God.
- Chapter XIV.--Exhortations to faith and love.
- Chapter XV.--Exhortation to confess Christ by silence as well as speech.
- Chapter XVI.--The fate of false teachers.
- Chapter XVII.--Beware of false doctrines.
- Chapter XVIII.--The glory of the cross.
- Chapter XIX.--Three celebrated mysteries.
- Chapter XX.--Promise of another letter.
- Chapter XXI.--Conclusion.
- The Epistle of Ignatius to the Magnesians Shorter and Longer Versions
- Chapter I.--Reason of writing the epistle.
- Chapter II.--I rejoice in your messengers.
- Chapter III.--Honour your youthful bishop.
- Chapter IV.--Some wickedly act independently of the bishop.
- Chapter V.--Death is the fate of all such.
- Chapter VI.--Preserve harmony.
- Chapter VII.--Do nothing without the bishop and presbyters.
- Chapter VIII.--Caution against false doctrines.
- Chapter IX.--Let us live with Christ.
- Chapter X.--Beware of Judaizing.
- Chapter XI.--I write these things to warn you.
- Chapter XII.--Ye are superior to me.
- Chapter XIII.--Be established in faith and unity.
- Chapter XIV.--Your prayers requested.
- Chapter XV.--Salutations.
- The Epistle of Ignatius to the Trallians Shorter and Longer Versions
- Chapter I.--Acknowledgment of their excellence.
- Chapter II.--Be subject to the bishop, etc.
- Chapter III.--Honour the deacons, etc.
- Chapter IV.--I have need of humility.
- Chapter V.--I will not teach you profound doctrines.
- Chapter VI.--Abstain from the poison of heretics.
- Chapter VII.--The same continued.
- Chapter VIII.--Be on your guard against the snares of the devil.
- Chapter IX.--Reference to the history of Christ.
- Chapter X.--The reality of Christ's passion.
- Chapter XI.--Avoid the deadly errors of the Docetae.
- Chapter XII.--Continue in unity and love.
- Chapter XIII.--Conclusion.
- The Epistle of Ignatius to the Romans Shorter and Longer Versions
- Chapter I.--As a prisoner, I hope to see you.
- Chapter II.--Do not save me from martyrdom.
- Chapter III.--Pray rather that I may attain to martyrdom.
- Chapter IV.--Allow me to fall a prey to the wild beasts.
- Chapter V.--I desire to die.
- Chapter VI.--By death I shall attain true life.
- Chapter VII.--Reason of desiring to die.
- Chapter VIII.--Be ye favourable to me.
- Chapter IX.--Pray for the church in Syria.
- Chapter X.--Conclusion.
- The Epistle of Ignatius to the Philadelphians Shorter and Longer Versions
- Chapter I.--Praise of the bishop.
- Chapter II.--Maintain union with the bishop.
- Chapter III.--Avoid schismatics.
- Chapter IV.--Have but one Eucharist, etc.
- Chapter V.--Pray for me.
- Chapter VI.--Do not accept Judaism.
- Chapter VII.--I have exhorted you to unity.
- Chapter VIII.--The same continued.
- Chapter IX.--The Old Testament is good: the New Testament is better.
- Chapter X.--Congratulate the inhabitants of Antioch on the close of the persecution.
- Chapter XI.--Thanks and salutation.
- The Epistle of Ignatius to the Smyrnaeans Shorter and Longer Versions.
- Chapter I.--Thanks to God for your faith.
- Chapter II.--Christ's true passion.
- Chapter III.--Christ was possessed of a body after His resurrection.
- Chapter IV.--Beware of these heretics.
- Chapter V.--Their dangerous errors.
- Chapter VI--Unbelievers in the blood of Christ shall be condemned.
- Chapter VII.--Let us stand aloof from such heretics.
- Chapter VIII.--Let nothing be done without the bishop.
- Chapter IX.--Honour the bishop.
- Chapter X.--Acknowledgment of their kindness.
- Chapter XI.--Request to them to send a messenger to Antioch.
- Chapter XII.--Salutations.
- Chapter XIII.--Conclusion.
- The Epistle of Ignatius to Polycarp Shorter and Longer Versions
- Chapter I.--Commendation and exhortation.
- Chapter II.--Exhortations.
- Chapter III.--Exhortations.
- Chapter IV.--Exhortations.
- Chapter V.--The duties of husbands and wives.
- Chapter VI.--The duties of the Christian flock.
- Chapter VII.--Request that Polycarp would send a messenger to Antioch.
- Chapter VIII.--Let other churches also send to Antioch.
- The Epistle of Ignatius to the Ephesians Shorter and Longer Versions