Epistles of Ignatius
Chapter II.--I rejoice in your messengers.
Since, then, I have had the privilege of seeing you, through Damas your most worthy bishop, and through your worthy presbyters Bassus and Apollonius, and through my fellow-servant the deacon Sotio, whose friendship may I ever enjoy, inasmuch as he is subject to the bishop as to the grace of God, and to the presbytery as to the law of Jesus Christ, [I now write 1 to you].
Since, then, I have had the privilege of seeing you, through Damas your most worthy 2 bishop, and through your worthy 3 presbyters Bassus and Apollonius, and through my fellow-servant the deacon Sotio, whose friendship may I ever enjoy, 4 inasmuch as he, by the grace of God, is subject to the bishop and presbytery, in the law of Jesus Christ, [I now write 5 to you].
The apodosis is here wanting in the original, but must evidently be supplied in some such way as above. ↩
Literally, "worthy of God." ↩
Literally, "worthy of God." ↩
Literally, "whom may I enjoy." ↩
The apodosis is here wanting in the original, but must evidently be supplied in some such way as above. ↩
Die sieben Briefe des Ignatius von Antiochien (BKV)
2. Kap. Freude über die Abgesandten der Magnesier.
Da ich nun gewürdigt wurde, euch zu sehen in eurem Gottes würdigen Bischof Damas, in den ehrwürdigen Presbytern Bassus und Apollonius und in meinem Mitknechte, dem Diakon Zotion, an dem ich mich erfreuen möchte, weil er untertan ist dem Bischof, als einer Gnade Gottes und dem Presbyterium als einem Gesetz Jesu Christi ....