Epistles of Ignatius
Chapter XII.--Ye are superior to me.
May I enjoy you in all respects, if indeed I be worthy! For though I am bound, I am not worthy to be compared to any of you that are at liberty. I know that ye are not puffed up, for ye have Jesus Christ in yourselves. And all the more when I commend you, I know that ye cherish modesty 1 of spirit; as it is written, "The righteous man is his own accuser." 2
May I enjoy you in all respects, if indeed I be worthy! For though I am bound, I am not worthy to be compared to one of you that are at liberty. I know that ye are not puffed up, for ye have Jesus in yourselves. And all the more when I commend you, I know that ye cherish modesty 3 of spirit; as it is written, "The righteous man is his own accuser;" 4 and again, "Declare thou first thine iniquities, that thou mayest be justified;" 5 and again, "When ye shall have done all things that are commanded you, say, We are unprofitable servants;" 6 "for that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God." 7 For says [the Scripture], "God be merciful to me a sinner." 8 Therefore those great ones, Abraham and Job, 9 styled themselves "dust and ashes" 10 before God. And David says, "Who am I before Thee, O Lord, that Thou hast glorified me hitherto?" 11 And Moses, who was "the meekest of all men," 12 saith to God, "I am of a feeble voice, and of a slow tongue." 13 Be ye therefore also of a humble spirit, that ye may be exalted; for "he that abaseth himself shall be exalted, and he that exalteth himself shall be abased." 14
Die sieben Briefe des Ignatius von Antiochien (BKV)
12. Kap. Lob der Magnesier.
An euch möchte ich immer meine Freude haben, wenn ich dessen würdig bin. Denn wenn ich auch gefesselt bin, so kann ich doch nicht aufkommen gegen einen von euch, die ihr keine Fesseln traget. Ich weiß, dass ihr nicht aufgebläht werdet; denn ihr traget Jesus Christus in euch; vielmehr weiß ich, wenn ich euch lobe, gehet ihr in euch, wie geschrieben steht: „Der Gerechte ist sein eigener Ankläger“1.
Spr 18:17. ↩