Epistles of Ignatius
Chapter XIV.--Your prayers requested.
Knowing as I do that ye are full of God, I have but briefly exhorted you. Be mindful of me in your prayers, that I may attain to God; and of the Church which is in Syria, whence I am not worthy to derive my name: for I stand in need of your united prayer in God, and your love, that the Church which is in Syria may be deemed worthy of being refreshed 1 by your Church.
Knowing as I do that ye are full of all good, I have but briefly exhorted you in the love of Jesus Christ. Be mindful of me in your prayers, that I may attain to God; and of the Church which is in Syria, of whom I am not worthy to be called bishop. For I stand in need of your united prayer in God, and of your love, that the Church which is in Syria may be deemed worthy, by your good order, of being edified 2 in Christ.
Die sieben Briefe des Ignatius von Antiochien (BKV)
14. Kap. Ignatius bittet ums Gebet für sich und Für die Kirche in Syrien.
Überzeugt, dass ihr Gottes voll seid, habe ich euch S. 131 nur in Kürze zugeredet. Gedenket meiner in euren Gebeten, damit ich Gottes teilhaftig werde, auch der Kirche in Syrien, deren Glied genannt zu werden ich nicht würdig bin; ich bedarf nämlich eures in Gott vereinten Gebetes und eurer Liebe, damit die Kirche in Syrien gewürdigt werde, durch eure Kirche betaut (= erfrischt) zu werden.