Didache - Lehre der zwölf Apostel (BKV)
9. Kap. Belehrung über die Feier der Eucharistie.
1. Bezüglich der Eucharistie haltet es so: 2. Zunächst in Betreff des Kelches: Wir danken Dir, unser Vater, für den heiligen Weinstock Davids, Deines Knechtes, den Du uns zu erkennen gabst durch Jesus, Deinen Knecht; Dir sei die Ehre in Ewigkeit. 3. Und in Betreff des gebrochenen Brotes: Wir danken Dir, unser Vater, für das Leben und die Erkenntnis, die Du uns zu erkennen gabst durch Jesus, Deinen Knecht; Dir sei die Ehre in Ewigkeit. 4. Wie dieses gebrochene S. 12 Brot auf den Bergen zerstreut war und zusammengebracht eins wurde, so möge Deine Gemeinde von den Enden der Erde zusammengebracht werden in Dein Reich; weil Dein ist die Ehre und die Macht durch Jesus Christus in Ewigkeit. 5. Aber keiner darf essen oder trinken von eurer Eucharistie, außer die auf den Namen des Herrn getauft sind. Denn auch hierüber hat der Herr gesagt: „ihr sollt das Heilige nicht den Hunden geben“1.
Mt 7:6 ↩
The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles
Chapter IX. 1 --The Thanksgiving (Eucharist).
1. Now concerning the Thanksgiving (Eucharist), thus give thanks. 2. First, concerning the cup: 2 We thank thee, our Father, for the holy vine of David Thy servant, 3 which Thou madest known to us through Jesus Thy Servant; to Thee be the glory for ever. 3. And concerning the broken bread: 4 We thank Thee, our Father, for the life and knowledge which Thou madest known to us through Jesus Thy Servant; to Thee be the glory for ever. 4. Even as this broken bread was scattered over the hills, 5 and was gathered together and became one, so let Thy Church be gathered together from the ends of the earth into Thy kingdom; 6 for Thine is the glory and the power through Jesus Christ for ever. 5. But let no one eat or drink of your Thanksgiving (Eucharist), but they who have been baptized into the name of the Lord; for concerning this also the Lord hath said, Give not that which is holy to the dogs. 7
The eucharistic prayers of this and the following chapter are only partially reproduced in Apostolic Constitutions, vii. 25, 26; that of verse 2 has no parallel. ↩
This is a variation from the order of the New Testament and of all liturgies: probably this led to its omission in Apostolic Constitutions. The word "for" may be substituted for "concerning" here and in verse 3. [Possibly a response for recipients.] ↩
Peculiar to this passage, but derived from a common scriptural figure and from the paschal formula. Comp. especially John xv. 1; Matt. xxvi. 29; Mark xiv. 25. ↩
The word kla'sma is found in the accounts of the feeding of the multitude (Matt. xiv. 20, xv. 37, and parallels); it was naturally applied to the broken bread of the Eucharist. ↩
This reference to "hills," or "mountains," is used as an argument against the Egyptian origin of the Teaching. ↩
This part of the verse is found in Apostolic Constitutions. Schaff properly calls attention to the distinction here made between "Thy Church" and "Thy kingdom." ↩
Matt. vii. 6. ↩