Didache - Lehre der zwölf Apostel (BKV)
13. Kap. Pflichten gegenüber den wahren Propheten.
1. Jeder wahre Prophet, der sich bei euch niederlassen will, „ist seines Brotes wert“1. 2. Ebenso ist ein wahrer Lehrer genau wie „der Arbeiter seines Brotes wert“2. 3. Du sollst daher „alle Erstlinge des Ertrags von Kelter und Tenne, von Rindern und Schafen“3 nehmen und die(se) Erstlinge den Propheten geben; denn dies sind eure Hohenpriester. 4. Wenn ihr aber keinen Propheten habt, gebet es den Armen. 5. Wenn du Brot bäckst, nimm den Anschnitt, gib es gemäß dem Gesetze. S. 15 6. Ebenso wenn du einen „Wein- oder Ölkrug“4 anbrichst, nimm das erste und gib es den Propheten. 7. Vom Geld, von Kleidungsstoffen, von jeglichem Besitz nimm nach Gutdünken die Erstlinge und gib sie gemäß dem Gesetze.
The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles
Chapter XIII. 1 --Support of Prophets.
1. But every true prophet that willeth to abide among you 2 is worthy of his support. 3 2. So also a true teacher is himself worthy, as the workman, of his support. 4 3. Every first-fruit, therefore, of the products of wine-press and threshing-floor, of oxen and of sheep, thou shalt take and give to the prophets, for they are your high priests. 5 4. But if ye have not a prophet, give it to the poor. 5. If thou makest a batch of dough, take the first-fruit and give according to the commandment. 6. So also when thou openest a jar of wine or of oil, take the first-fruit and give it to the prophets; 7. and of money (silver) and clothing and every possession, take the first-fruit, as it may seem good to thee, and give according to the commandment.
A large part of this chapter is found in Apostolic Constitutions, vii. 28, 29, but with modifications and additions indicating a later date. ↩
"Who will settle among you" (Hitchcock and Brown). The itinerant prophets might become stationary, we infer. Chaps. xi.-xv. point to a movement from an itinerant and extraordinary ministry to a more settled one. ↩
Lit., "nourishment," "food." ↩
Matt. x. 10; comp. Luke x. 7. ↩
This phrase, indicating a sacerdotal view of the ministry, seems to point to a later date than that claimed for the Teaching. Some regard it as an interpolation: others take it in a figurative sense. In Apostolic Constitutions the sacerdotal view is more marked. [1 Pet. ii. 9. If the plebs = "priests," prophets = "high priests."] Here the term is restricted to the prophets: compare Schaff in loco. ↩