Didache - Lehre der zwölf Apostel (BKV)
10. Kap. Dankgebet nach der Feier der Eucharistie.
1. Wenn ihr aber gesättigt seid, danket also: 2. Wir danken Dir, heiliger Vater, für Deinen heiligen Namen, dessen Wohnung Du in unseren Herzen bereitet hast, und für die Erkenntnis und den Glauben und die Unsterblichkeit, die Du uns zu erkennen gabst durch Jesus Deinen Knecht; Dir sei die Ehre in Ewigkeit. 3. Du allmächtiger Herrscher, „hast alles erschaffen“1 um Deines Namens willen, hast Speise und Trank gegeben den Menschen zum Genusse, damit sie Dir danken; uns aber hast Du geschenkt eine geistige Speise, einen geistigen Trank und ein ewiges Leben durch Deinen Knecht. 4. Vor allem danken wir Dir, weil Du mächtig bist; Dir sei die Ehre in Ewigkeit. 5. Gedenke, o Herr, Deiner Gemeinde, dass Du sie erlösest von allem Übel und sie vollkommen machest in Deiner Liebe, „führe sie zusammen von den vier Winden“2, die Geheiligte, in Dein Reich, das Du ihr bereitet hast; weil Dein ist die Macht und die Ehre in Ewigkeit. 6. Es soll kommen die Gnade und vergehen diese Welt. „Hosanna dem Gotte Davids“3. Ist einer heilig, so soll er kommen; ist er's nicht, so soll er sich bekehren, maranatha4, Amen. Den Propheten gestattet, Dank zu sagen, soviel sie wollen.
The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles
Chapter X. 1 --Prayer After Communion.
1. But after ye are filled, 2 thus give thanks: 2. We thank Thee, holy Father, for Thy holy name which Thou didst cause to tabernacle in our hearts, and for the knowledge and faith and immortality, which Thou madest known to us through Jesus Thy Servant; to Thee be the glory for ever. 3. Thou, Master almighty, didst create all things for Thy name's sake; Thou gavest food and drink to men for enjoyment, that they might give thanks to Thee; but to us Thou didst freely give spiritual food and drink and life eternal through Thy Servant. 3 4. Before all things we thank Thee that Thou art mighty; to Thee be the glory for ever. 5. Remember, Lord, Thy Church, to deliver it from all evil and to make it perfect in Thy love, and gather it from the four winds, sanctified for Thy kingdom which Thou hast prepared for it; 4 for Thine is the power and the glory for ever. 6. Let grace come, and let this world pass away. 5 Hosanna to the God (Son) 6 of David! If any one is holy, let him come; if any one is not so, let him repent. 7 Maran atha. 8 Amen. 7. But permit the prophets to make Thanksgiving as much as they desire. 9
This post-communion thanksgiving is f ound in Apostolic Constitutions, vii. 26, but with many omissions, alterations, and additions. Still, the correspondence in thought and language is very remarkable. Schaff cites a similar prayer at the Passover (after the Hallel cup). ↩
"After the participation" (Apostolic Constitutions) points to a distinct Eucharistic service. Here the Lord's Supper is evidently connected with the Agape [a noteworthy suggestion]; comp. 1 Cor. xi. 20-22, 33. This is an evidence of early date; comp. Justin Martyr, Apol. i. chaps. 64-66, where the Lord's Supper is shown to be distinct (Ante-Nicene Fathers, i. pp. [263]185, 186). ↩
This last clause has no parallel in Apostolic Constitutions, and points to an earlier and more spiritual conception of the Eucharist. Verse 4 also is peculiar to this passage. ↩
The above rendering follows Bryennios; that of Harnack (formerly accepted by Hall and Napier) is: "Gather it, sanctified, from the four winds, into Thy kingdom," etc. The phrase "from the four winds" recalls Matt. xxiv. 31. ↩
This is peculiar; but comp. 1 Cor. vii. 31 for the last clause. ↩
The Codex reads to ueo, which Bryennios alters to to uio. The former is the more difficult reading, and is defended by Harnack. ↩
This exhortation indicates a mixed assembly; comp. Apostolic Constitutions. [If so, it belongs to the Agape.] ↩
Cor. xvi. 22, Revised Version, margin: "That is, our Lord cometh." Comp. Rev. xxii. 20. ↩
A limitation as compared with 1 Cor. Xiv. 29, 31, and yet indicating a combination of extemporaneous devotion with the liturgical form. The verse prepares the way for the next chapter. ↩