Didache - Lehre der zwölf Apostel (BKV)
15. Kap. Wahl der Bischöfe und Diakonen; brüderliche Zurechtweisung.
1. Wählet euch Bischöfe und Diakonen, würdig des Herrn, Männer voll Milde und frei von Geldgier, voll Wahrheitsliebe, erprobte; denn sie sind es, die für euch versehen den (heiligen) Dienst der Propheten und Lehrer. 2. Achtet sie deshalb nicht gering; denn sie sind eure Geehrten mit den Propheten und Lehrern. 3. Weiset einander zurecht nicht im Zorn, sondern in Frieden, wie ihr's im Evangelium habet; und mit jedem, der sich verfehlt hat gegen seinen Nächsten, soll keiner sprechen, und er soll von euch nichts hören, bis er sich bekehrt hat. 4. Eure Gebete, eure Almosen und alle eure Handlungen sollt ihr so verrichten, wie ihr's habet im Evangelium unseres Herrn.
The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles
Chapter XV. 1 --Bishops and Deacons; Christian Reproof.
1. Appoint, therefore, for yourselves, bishops and deacons worthy of the Lord, men meek, and not lovers of money, 2 and truthful and proved; for they also render to you the service 3 of prophets and teachers. 2. Despise them not therefore, for they are your honoured ones, together with the prophets and teachers. 3. And reprove one another, not in anger, but in peace, as ye have it in the Gospel; 4 but to every one that acts amiss 5 against another, let no one speak, nor let him hear aught from you until he repent. 4. But your prayers and alms and all your deeds so do, as ye have it in the Gospel of our Lord. 6
The larger part of verse 1, and a clause from verses 2, 3, respectively, are found in Apostolic Constitutions, vii. 31. Verses 1, 2, both in the use of terms and in the Church polity indicated, point to an early date: (1) There are evident marks of a transition from extraordinary to ordinary ministers. (2) The distinction between bishops and elders does not appear [1 Pet. v. 1. Vol. i. [265]p. 16, this series], and yet it is found in Ignatius. (3) The word cheirotoneo is here used in the sense of "elect" or "appoint" (by show of hands), and not in that of "ordain" (by laying on of hands). The former is the New Testament sense (Acts xiv. 23; 2 Cor. viii. 19), also in Ignatius; the latter sense is found in Apostolic Canons, i. (4) The choice by the people also indicates an early period. ↩
Comp. 1 Tim. iii. 4. ↩
Or, "ministry." This clause and the following verse indicate that the extraordinary ministers were as yet more highly regarded. ↩
Comp. Matt. xviii. 15-17. ↩
The word astocheo, occurring here, means "to miss the mark;" in New Testament, "to err" or, "swerve." See 1 Tim. i. 6, vi. 21; 2 Tim. ii. 18. ↩
The reference here is probably to the Sermon on the Mount: Matt. v.-vii., especially to chap. vi. ↩