Barnabasbrief (BKV)
17. Kap. Schluss des ersten Teiles über das Alte Testament.
1. Soweit es möglich war, in einfacher Weise euch aufzuklären, hofft meine Seele, dass ich in meinem Bestreben nichts übergangen habe, was zum Heile dienlich ist. 2. Wenn ich euch über die gegenwärtigen und künftigen Dinge schreiben würde, (so fürchte ich,) ihr würdet es nicht verstehen, weil es in Geheimnissen verborgen liegt. Das habe ich also auf diese Weise erledigt.
The Epistle of Barnabas
Chapter XVII.--Conclusion of the first part of the epistle.
As far as was possible, and could be done with perspicuity, I cherish the hope that, according to my desire, I have omitted none 1 of those things at present [demanding consideration], which bear upon your salvation. For if I should write to you about things future, 2 ye would not understand, because such knowledge is hid in parables. These things then are so.
Cod. Sin. reads, "my soul hopes that it has not omitted anything." ↩
Cod. Sin., "about things present or future." Hilgenfeld's text of this passage is as follows: "My mind and soul hopes that, according to my desire, I have omitted none of the things that pertain to salvation. For if I should write to you about things present or future," etc. Hefele gives the text as above, and understands the meaning to be, "points bearing on the present argument." ↩