De testimonio animae
De Testimonio Animae
Bibliographische Angabe
Reifferscheid and Wissowa, CSEL 20, 1890 Text from the Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum 20 (1890), pp. 134-143. Edited by A. Reifferscheid and G. Wissowa. Folio numbers are of the Codex Agobardinus (A). Page numbers are from the CSEL. Lines are split as per the CSEL, but words split across a line are rejoined, usually on the starting line. Verse numbers are from Corpus Christianorum Series Latina 1 (1954), pp.172-183, edited by R. Willems, as are the quotation marks(") and initial capital letters at the start of sentences. The MS witness is the Codex Agobardinus. The other witness is the 1545 edition, with marginal variants, one or both from unknown codices other than the Agobardinus. (Edition, Lateinisch)