Defence before Constantius
15.Want of room the cause, precedent the justification.
Believe me, Sire, and let Truth be my witness in this also, when I declare that in the congregations held during the season of Lent, in consequence of the narrow limits of the places, and the vast multitude of people assembled, a great number of children, not a few of the younger and very many of the older women, besides several young men, suffered so much from the pressure of the crowd, that they were obliged to be carried home; though by the Providence of God, no one is dead. All however murmured, and demanded the use of the great Church. And if the pressure was so great during the days which preceded the feast, what would have been the case during the feast itself? Of course matters would have been far worse. It did not therefore become me to change the people’s joy into grief, their cheerfulness into sorrow, and to make the festival a season of lamentation.
And that the more, because I had a precedent in the conduct of our Fathers. For the blessed Alexander, when the other places were too small, and he was engaged in the erection of what was then considered a very large one, the Church of Theonas 1, held P. 244 his congregations there on account of the number of the people, while at the same time he proceeded with the building. I have seen the same thing done at Treveri and at Aquileia, in both which places, while the building was proceeding, they assembled there during the feasts, on account of the number of the people and they never found any one to accuse them in this manner. Nay, your brother of blessed memory was present, when a communion was held under these circumstances at Aquileia. I also followed this course. There was no dedication, but only a service of prayer. You, at least I am sure, as a lover of God will approve of the people’s zeal, and will pardon me for being unwilling to hinder the prayers of so great a multitude.
S. Epiphanius mentions nine Churches in Alexandria.Hær. 69. 2. Athan. mentions in addition that of Quirinus.Hist. Arian.§10. [See the plan of Larsow, appended to hisFest-briefe.] The Church mentioned in the text was built at the Emperor’s expense; and apparently upon the Emperor’s ground, as on the site was or had been a Basilica, which bore first the name of Hadrian, then of Licinius, Epiph.ibid.Hadrian had built in many cities temples without idols, which were popularly considered as intended by him for Christian worship, and went after his name. Lamprid.Vit. Alex. Sev.43. The Church in question was built in the Cæsareum.Hist. Arian.74. There was a magnificent Temple, dedicated to Augustus, as ἐπιβατήριος , on the harbour of Alexandria, Philon.Legat. ad Caium, pp. 1013, 4. ed. 1691, and called the Cæsareum. It was near the Emperor’s palace, vid.Acad. des. Inscript.vol. 9. p. 416. [Vid.supr.note 5 b , and cf.Apol. de Fuga24.] ↩
Des hl. Athanasius Schutzschrift an Kaiser Constantius (BKV)
Denn sei überzeugt, o Kaiser, und nimm auch hiefür wieder die Wahrheit zum Zeugen, daß in den Versammlungen der Fastenzeit wegen des engen Raumes und der großen Menschenmenge sehr viele Kinder, nicht wenige jüngere Frauen, sehr viele alte Matronen und nicht wenige Jünglinge in Folge erlittener Quetschungen in die Häuser fortgetragen werden mußten. Und mit Gottes Hilfe starb zwar Niemand, Alle aber murrten und verlangten nach der größeren Kirche. Denn wenn schon in den Tagen vor dem Feste ein solches Gedränge entstanden war, was würde erst am Festtage selbst geschehen sein? Gewiß wäre Alles noch viel schlimmer abgelaufen. Aber es geziemte sich nicht, daß Trauer statt Freude, Schmerz statt Heiterkeit, Thränen statt der Festfeier vom Volke geerntet wurden. Zudem wußte ich, daß ich das Beispiel der Väter vor mir hatte. Denn der selige Alexander hielt, als die übrigen Räume zu eng waren und er an der Kirche, welche die des Theonas heißt und damals für die größte galt, bauen ließ, wegen der Menschenmenge in dieser die Versammlung, ohne wegen der Versammlung den Bau zu vernachlässigen. Ich habe das S. 190 auch in Trier und Aquileja gesehen; denn auch dort versammelte man sich an den Festtagen wegen der Menschenmenge in den noch im Bau begriffenen Gebäuden, und es fand sich kein solcher Ankläger. Ja sogar Dein seliger Bruder fand sich in Aquileja bei einer solchen Versammlung ein. So habe auch ich es gehalten, und es fand keine Einweihung, sondern eine Versammlung zum Gebete statt. Von Dir weiß ich nun wohl, daß Du als gottesfürchtiger Mann den Eifer des Volkes gerne siehst und es mir zu gute hältst, daß ich dem Flehen so vieler Menschen nicht widerstand.