Vita Pauli
Et post sanctum osculum residens Paulus cum Antonio ita exorsus est: 'En quem tanto labore quaesisti, putribus senectute membris operit inculta canities. En uides hominem, puluerem mox futurum. Verum quia caritas omnia sustinet, narra mihi, quaeso, ut se habeat humanum genus. An in antiquis urbibus noua tecta consurgant; quo mundus regatur imperio; an supersint aliqui, qui daemonum errore rapiantur.'
Inter has sermocinationes suspiciunt alitem coruum in ramo arboris consedisse, qui inde leniter subuolans integrum panem ante mirantium ora deposuit. Post cuius abscessum: 'Eia,' inquit Paulus, 'Dominus nobis prandium misit, uere pius, uere misericors. Sexaginta iam anni sunt quod dimidii semper panis fragmen accipio, uerum ad aduentum tuum militibus suis Christus duplicauit annonam.'
The Life of Paulus the First Hermit
After the sacred kiss Paul sat down and thus began to address Antony. “Behold the man whom you have sought with so much toil, his limbs decayed with age, his gray hairs unkempt. You see before you a man who ere long will be dust. But love endures all things. Tell me therefore, I pray you, how fares the human race? Are new homes springing up in the ancient cities? What government directs the world? Are there still some remaining for the demons to carry away by their delusions?” Thus conversing they noticed with wonder a raven which had settled on the bough of a tree, and was then flying gently down till it came and laid a whole loaf of bread before them. They were astonished, and when it had gone, “See,” said Paul, “the Lord truly loving, truly merciful, has sent us a meal. For the last sixty years I have always received half a loaf: but at your coming Christ has doubled his soldier’s rations.”