Vita Pauli
Referebat postea beatus Antonius tanta se uelocitate quod reliquum erat uiae cucurrisse, ut ad instar auis peruolaret. Nec immerito, nam introgressus speluncam uidet genibus complicatis, erecta ceruice, extensisque in altum manibus corpus exanime. Ac primo et ipse uiuere eum credens pariter orabat. Postquam uero nulla, ut solebat, suspiria precantis audiuit, in flebile osculum ruens intellexit quod etiam cadauer sancti Deum, cui omnia uiuunt, officio gestus precaretur.
The Life of Paulus the First Hermit
The blessed Antony used afterwards to relate that he traversed the rest of the distance at such speed that he flew along like a bird; and not without reason: for on entering the cave he saw the lifeless body in a kneeling attitude, with head erect and hands uplifted. The first thing he did, supposing him to be alive, was to pray by his side. But when he did not hear the sighs which usually come from one in prayer, he fell to kisses and tears, and he then understood that even the dead body of the saint with duteous gestures was praying to God unto whom all things live.