Vita Pauli
Tunc egressus foras et ne modicum quidem cibi sumens per uiam qua uenerat regrediebatur, illum sitiens, illum uidere desiderans, illum oculis ac mente complectens. Timebat enim, quod et euenit, ne se absente debitum Christo spiritum redderet.
Cumque iam dies inluxisset alia et trium horarum spatio iter remaneret, uidit inter angelorum cateruas, inter prophetarum et apostolorum choros, niueo Paulum candore fulgentem in sublime conscendere. Et statim in faciem suam procidens sabulum capiti superiaciebat, plorans atque eiulans: 'Cur me, Paule, dimittis? Cur abis insalutatus? Tam tarde notus tam cito recedis?'
The Life of Paulus the First Hermit
He then went out, and without taking so much as a morsel of food returned the same way he came, longing for him alone, thirsting to see him, having eyes and thought for none but him. For he was afraid, and the event proved his anticipations correct, that in his absence his friend might yield up his spirit to Christ. And now another day had dawned and a three hours’ journey still remained, when he saw Paul in robes of snowy white ascending on high among the bands of angels, and the choirs of prophets and apostles. Immediately he fell on his face, and threw the coarse sand upon his head, weeping and wailing as he cried, “Why do you cast me from you, Paul? Why go without one farewell? Have you made yourself known so late only to depart so soon?”