Vita Pauli
Igitur in Deum gratiarum actione celebrata super uitrei marginem fontis uterque consedit. Hic uero, quis frangeret panem, oborta contentio pene diem duxit in uesperam. Paulus more cogebat hospitii, Antonius iure refellebat aetatis. Tandem consilium fuit, ut adprehenso e regione pane, dum ad se quisque nititur, pars sua remaneret in manibus. Dehinc paululum aquae prono in fonte ore libarunt, et immolantes Deo sacrificium laudis noctem transegere uigiliis.
Cumque iam esset terrae redditus dies, beatus Paulus ad Antonium sic locutus est: 'Olim te, frater, in istis regionibus habitare sciebam, olim conseruum meum mihi promiserat Deus. Sed quia iam dormitionis meae tempus aduenit, et quod semper cupieram dissolui et esse cum Christo, peracto cursu superest mihi corona iustitiae; tu missus a Domino es, qui humo corpusculum tegas, immo terram terrae reddas.'
The Life of Paulus the First Hermit
Accordingly, having returned thanks to the Lord, they sat down together on the brink of the glassy spring. At this point a dispute arose as to who should break the bread, and nearly the whole day until eventide was spent in the discussion. Paul urged in support of his view the rites of hospitality, Antony pleaded age. At length it was arranged that each should seize the loaf on the side nearest to himself, pull towards him, and keep for his own the part left in his hands. Then on hands and knees they drank a little water from the spring, and offering to God the sacrifice of praise passed the night in vigil. At the return of day the blessed Paul thus spoke to Antony: “I knew long since, brother, that you were dwelling in those parts: long ago God promised you to me for a fellow-servant; but the time of my falling asleep now draws nigh; I have always longed to be dissolved and to be with Christ; my course is finished, and there remains for me a crown of righteousness. Therefore you have been sent by the Lord to lay my poor body in the ground, yea to return earth to earth.”